Comments on: Do you mind if we store your DNA data and share it with everybody? Tue, 06 Aug 2013 13:11:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jon Rappoport ~ Do You Mind If We Store Your DNA Data And Share It With Everybody? | Shift Frequency Tue, 06 Aug 2013 13:11:34 +0000 […] Jon RappoportĀ  August 5 2013 […]

By: adam Tue, 06 Aug 2013 04:25:49 +0000 I think they are already sending DNA collected here (ie USA) to a data base offshore, it is my understanding that they are saving the dna of every baby born through the old foot prick to take blood and test for their supposed vita K deficiency. As well as of course multiple states are taking dna from “suspected” drunk drivers including Florida and California. People should be really careful when they have their baby that they make sure their birth plan includes someone being at the hospital with the mom and baby to follow the baby around after its born and momma is resting. Also you need to read all the info on all sides of the forms that the DMV requires you to sign to get or renew a license, as the back of most of the state DMV contracts state that by signing the contract you agree to a blood test if the officer, “thinks” you have been drinking. It also now says on the same DMV contract in many states that they want you to decide to donate your organs, if you do not write NO on the form in your handwriting, then you are considered a donor and your family cannot stop them from taking your organs if that was not your wish. If there is no place to say NO, (as in California it only says check here for yes, then write NO in big letters), then share your wishes with your family. There have been incidences of people waking up on the table as their organs are being harvested! Remember a DMV license contract is a contract like any other no contracts should be signed ever without reading them. You can put a line though and initial what you do not agree with before you sign any contract. Also make sure you make copy for yourself and keep it in an actual safe or a safe place. Further it is my understanding that the HIPP contract the hospital and some dentist offices give you to sign actually give the hospital, doctor, dentist the right to share your info. Yes we have been lied to, even the nurses and doctors tell you it is so your info is not shared, they are wrong!! Get educated for your own and your families safety. We have been lied to on almost every front, be wise, check everything out, we are our only defense against the lies and injuries that are being heaped on us and our kids! These people “in power,” who are trying to destroy our lives
do not have the authority to do so! It is up to us to stop them!

By: Jon, onehumanbeing Tue, 06 Aug 2013 03:10:33 +0000 Thanks for that post Jon – proudly re-posted on The All-Seeing Eyebama.


By: Adam Tue, 06 Aug 2013 01:28:50 +0000 No doubt it’s La-La Land. Watching it all is virtually entertaining, but I do wonder how long my own various realities will hold sway? I have all the knowledge of history I need in order to realize the crazy, insane things that can happen to entire peoples, such as the whole WWI and WWII things. I sit here watching the world seemingly on the edge of WWIII and I’m not sure whether I want it to happen because the world I know deserves it so damned much, but then I think of the innocent…
One thing for sure: what will be will be and what is, is.

By: Frank Tue, 06 Aug 2013 01:27:35 +0000 Mmmm’Yesssss, I say, I’m a right cocky Brit. I don’t like to rock the boat, though, so I’ll just go down with the ship and take it up the arse. Meanwhile, the global shadow government will take my dna and create a clone with which they can replace me with.

I say! I don’t vote UKIP, cuz I LIKE TAKING IT UP THE ARSE.

By: Victor Mon, 05 Aug 2013 18:23:12 +0000 I Enjoy your theoretical journeys some of which I believe are mere steps away from reality. Now this article is interesting indeed. You may not have wished to go any further in implications but I find it fascinating that the British are considering taking the lead in what Josef Rudolf Mengele was doing. Yes he took it to the extreme(or was decades ahead of the rest of the world ?) but the irony is still lurking in the shadows. Makes you wonder if in a twisted way the US and United Kingdom were jealous of Germany’s progress and wanted in on the spoils ?
