Comments on: Why people fear art Sat, 14 Jun 2014 00:22:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Interview 728 – Jon Rappoport on Art, Consciousness and Reality : The Corbett Report Sat, 14 Jun 2014 00:22:45 +0000 […] conversation we discuss Jon’s own artwork, his philosophy of art and reality, “Why People Fear Art,” how art impacts consciousness, the potential for art as propaganda, and many other topics. […]

By: OzzieThinker Sun, 11 Aug 2013 10:59:48 +0000 As a concert standard pianist, I know too well the preoccupation with noise and speed. It does not require genius to play fast and loud. Music is beyond taste. It is finesse. The arts have been “processed” by a system more confident in the issuance of credentials than the ability to deliver. The system is rotten to the core and any proliferating talent is unsupported and purely accidental.

By: Hilary Kyro Sun, 11 Aug 2013 10:29:04 +0000 “The end of grinding boredom. Art.” -That’s a nifty definition I intend to quote with due credit to a profound and funny human being. All your writings are worth ingesting, but I know this one will be soul food for the rest of my pattern-altering artistic life. I appreciate your intelligence, your great ideas and your courage. Thank you for this.

By: Adam Sun, 11 Aug 2013 02:52:05 +0000 If it can’t be categorized, how can it be marketed? Art needs to be sold twice; once for the money and a second time for the message. Kurt Cobain and Jim Morrison conveyed more to me by the feelings and images their words evoked than any attempt at explaining their lyrics could achieve.

Jon, your words do the same for me. I read them and then get lost in the wilderness of my mind. You give a rare gift to your readers and I thank you for it.

By: cucumberlodge Sat, 10 Aug 2013 20:06:30 +0000 Tremendous!

By: joanie Sat, 10 Aug 2013 19:44:22 +0000 Art defined = to be

“Wherefore art thou?”
“To be, or not to be: that is the question”

The right “to be” living outside of the confines of the comfortable box is what a few thrive upon, whereas the rest, expect the system created comforts (heh) zone to exist. This matrix, carries them, however ugly, to their demise because of a false trust, laziness, fear or whatever, nevertheless, it is a choice.

Art, to be or not to be, that is a choice.

By: Jerry "Peacemaker" Sat, 10 Aug 2013 19:06:03 +0000 Jon,
Perhaps we are all artists but just unaware of it.
Thank you,

By: Finch Sat, 10 Aug 2013 18:50:24 +0000 This is absolutely true! My first experience with this was in an advanced placement English lit course, in high school. Given the assignment to write an extensive essay on the theme of alienation which a poet MEANT to express in his works, I had to first explore the poet’s life history (as a means of attempting to understand ways that he experienced alienation), to understand what he MAY have intended by his work. And yet, my straight-A mind could not grasp why or how my paper earned … a D! So for the first and only time in my academic life, I challenged the professor’s grade (his only comment on my paper was “This is more suited for a psychology course”). Why, I asked my professor, is my essay “wrong?” I did not know the poet personally, couldn’t know for a fact what his work was intended to mean, so all I could do was speculate, and nobody could do more than that, since the poet himself was long dead. The teacher literally did NOT respond (or maybe he did, but I could not process it at the time?). After a few moments of silence, I remember leaving the room in tears. My report card grade was A, and because this paper was the bulk of the quarter’s point value, I can only assume he reassessed the grade of my paper. I remained confused until I read this article, many decades after the fact. I think he was looking for some sort of cookie-cutter interpretation of what an author meant, but without having first explained to us the “correct” cookie-cutter framework, it was entirely illogical to assume one could identify it out of thin air. Thus, even those who are supposed to “teach” are victims of this desire to identify only agreed-upon patterns, and are terrified not only of art, but of any interdisciplinary approach to interpretation that somehow conflicts with their singular, linear mindset.

By: Adam Sat, 10 Aug 2013 18:39:36 +0000 I was an English major with 30 English credits but ended up switching to Accounting because I just couldn’t take the deconstruction of poetry and literature any longer. Finding patterns in Accounting is to be expected; finding patterns in Coleridge poems is not. Besides, English was far too simple.

I wrote a paper in a few hours “showing” Hamlet & Horatio were gay lovers and got a 96… Any tongue in cheek theory I proposed off the top of my head was either eagerly accepted or had “serious” scholarly works devoted to the truly ridiculous ideas I would throw out in class for a laugh. I even submitted a paper about AAVE in ebonics and received an A+… It WAS a brilliant paper and I still remember the opening line, “Izza pimp tight thang George Orwell iz dead.”

By: hybridrogue1 Sat, 10 Aug 2013 17:06:36 +0000 Shrunken punken dildo darts and fearsome woolly mammoth farts sleeping dreaming fits and starts breaking meager brittle hearts to wonder as the red sea parts that led us to the somber lizard tale wall marts

