Comments on: Matrix, Orwellian freedom, surveillance, corrupting language Wed, 14 Aug 2013 13:46:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeffrey A, Friedberg, Nee Free Wed, 14 Aug 2013 13:46:47 +0000 i awoke thinking…again…upon a nighmarish pillow of doubt. I don’t think there is a single thing to be done to change America back. America there were-wolf…”even a man who is pure and says his prayers by night…” Maria Ospenskaya— look it up, if you don;t know it, those of you in the Fog. The wolf-man could never, ever turn back. Neither can America, maybe, I fear. It would be foolish to trust in the “vote,” since politicians don’t really care what you think after you elect them, and politics is a failed SYSTEM. Also, it would be foolish to resist in any perceivable manner, else you will be blowtorched or otherwise neutralized. Video of the Boston Copathon running residents ripped from their homes, through the streets with their hands raised above their heads BROUGHT VIVIDLY TO MIND 16MM NEWSREALS OF JEWS BEING RUN INTO DEATH PITS WITHTHEIR HANDS RAISED ABOVE THEIR HEADS by smiling, black-clad, armed, hot-gunned Nazis—the Socialst Party. Such power cannot be resisted.

Except, except, except, as Jon always avers, in the freedom of one’s imagination. Imagination is freedom and freedom flows from imagination. Personal creativity and creation, and anyone who can find the day, or light, or air, or food, or love, or hate, or Anything—-they are perceiving a world through their imagination, not some SYSTEM or some damned SLOGAN or some PRAYER to some demagogue dear leader. Thank you Jon for opening the portal daily—lest it sbhut, even for me, or others who may lack your single-mindedness and spinal chord.

By: Jennie Terblanche Wed, 14 Aug 2013 08:54:42 +0000 Wherever or whenever man tries to do by man’s methods and knowledge what God does by His Spirit, it becomes part of an Orwellian/Matrix type evil: man as God = antichrist. In fact, all man’s systems have evil ingrained in it’s mindset and the escape is to slip into God’s Kingdom and Christ’s mindset. Then you truly are “seated in heavenly places in Christ”, joined in spirit.

By: Jeffrey A Friedberg Wed, 14 Aug 2013 07:49:25 +0000 Systems, systems; every despot has a damned System they want to stuff in your ears and eyes and every other orifice. Worse, Each system is better than the other, which is impossible, of course, because they can’t all be better than each other. Yet you must accept the system and worship there, or be excommunicated or incinerated by their blowtorches, which they turn from one target to another like flapping, drooling lips of a Chris Mathews.

Jon clarifies and scrutinizes the mythic roots of System: it is the longing for Order. The sameness of Death—where you were before you were born. Nothingness. Sleep. The Fog of animal existence. In a travail of tortured imagination, Jon’s nightmare scene crystallizes our confused but intuitive fear of that sameness, and the death of reality by the death of its perceiver, imagination, the genitor of freedom. Imagination; freddom, freedom, freedom—you can be suppressed or killed but never burned away, because you are the soul of the universe encoded in the air, stars, and…everything. Thank you Jon; you always open the door to imagination and freedom. There is nothing better than perception.

By: MachtNichts Wed, 14 Aug 2013 04:09:07 +0000 K.I.S.S (keep it simple stupid) has its merits in some cases. No need to complicate anything because the experts told you so.

But wallowing in our ignorance and liking it means catering to the ‘system’.

I think, the so-called experts may be super-educated. Or is super-compartmentalized more like it? Just consider allopathic medicine to the exclusion of all else. Doesn’t seem like an outstanding education to me.

Try to think for yourselves, for fucks sakes, and get out of the mind lock imposed by church, govt and society!

By: Jon, onehumanbeing Tue, 13 Aug 2013 23:10:15 +0000 Thanks Jon – re-posted on The All-Seeing Eyebama…


By: roberta4949 Tue, 13 Aug 2013 21:08:40 +0000 to be honest that was totally weird.

By: Jerry "Peacemaker" Tue, 13 Aug 2013 20:13:23 +0000 Jon,
“I’ve got a problem.” Understatement of the year. Looking forward to your elaborating on the problem
