Comments on: You can have consciousness made out of poetry or brain surgery Wed, 14 Jul 2021 14:15:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: William Andrew Wed, 21 Aug 2013 09:02:38 +0000 What heroic purpose calls this spirit’s soul to birth?

Regard the culture humans make to nurture sapient Earth

and guide the paths their children walk with wisdom, love, and mirth.

Is this the world your soul would make, the gift you longed to birth,

or have we lost our value’s way to squander will and worth?

Horse carts bloom to rocket ships within a lifetime’s years

while inner treasures lie unsought in hearts of frozen tears.

Bright young minds cling terrified to manufactured fears

and lust for stylish trademarked li(v)es and meaningless careers.

What drives this pace of cunning race designed by lords of hell

to snare each one and bind it blind, never knowing whence it fell?

Why trade the light of gnostic sight for group-think’s face to seem,

among webs wove of ciphered clones spinning empty sticky memes?

Each trust and bond they split by trick, twists hope to callous slave of hate;

Yet in this soil of conflict’s waste lie buried seeds sown long to wait

for those who trek space-time’s mind-sea to break this spell of fate.

From realms afar surrendered here within this dream we wake

to pierce benumbing mindlessness, endarkenment’s grasp to shake.

Guardians of love not lost this round nor tranced by the demon’s dance,

embrace instead our inward friends who guide with wisdom’s glance.

Remember our craft of heaven realms that balance the worlds they bring

to flourish the depths of life’s mystery from which true meaning springs.

Host of selves whose courage and sight gives sacred purpose wings,

now fly that mean which beauty knows and the wholly passioned sings.

Brilliant flock let us soar above time, steering paths of intangible grace

through sky of mind with wing spread hearts sailing ships of inner space.

Free we fly through gates of stars to our soul’s home gathering place

where in radiant forests of symphonic light we rejoin our angelic race.

© William Andrew

By: AdamXYZ Tue, 20 Aug 2013 23:25:27 +0000 Wow, Jon, you spoke directly to me here. I feel exactly as you do about poetry, not only the poetry of words, but of life and physical movement itself. The universe is a poem within a poem within a poem…written by a hand so much greater than the primordial consciousness here on earth that none can conceive or perceive IT except to muse, “God Almighty.” But I must tell you, even that is too small to stand beside the The Poetry of “IT” THAT CREATED THIS UNIVERSE.

When I write and move around in my daily life, I demand that all things, even my junk, and if possible, the dirt under my fingernails, conform to poetic flow. Of course, I don’t know if I have reached the point in my writing where 100% of onlookers are able to feel and move with the poetry of my words. But I do defy ALL to be hung up on any itsy-bitsy “hooks” that they may preordain will snag their mental skin like sandpaper as they read my words so that they may yell, “OUCH!–There’s no poetry here!”

I love it. I am as slick as greased owl shit in every conceivable manner. Nothing can snag on me. That’s poetry, son. That’s POETRY.

If my life experiences here are any indication, and of course they are, you and I are so alike regarding poetry that worlds would collide if we got within shouting distance of one another in physical proximity. This is because the present is a positive/negative universe wherein like does not attract like. If we are just so-so alike, we will repel one another when we get just so-so close. Conversely, dissimilarity is attractive. Of course, we (or you or I) could change that whole arrangement if we desired. That’s how it all happens: one simply thinks and does something repeatedly enough until one day one awakes into the day that one has made. Thus, what kind of world is one making for oneself?

By: bigfoottmm Tue, 20 Aug 2013 20:45:51 +0000 I wrote this to a friend today:

This is the second time JR has quoted from Dylan Thomas’s “Fern Hill.” My favorite poem of all. I first read it and discussed it in junior college in 1960 and then memorized it back in the early 80’s and recited it to myself every day on walks in Discovery Park.

These last two pieces by JR are brilliant. Poets reach right into your mind and alter it without effort. The words enter unfiltered, because the words and meanings are not really communicated instantly and while the mind is trying to figure out what is being communicated, communication is already happening and what is felt is more like remembering something than learning something and it’s emotional not intellectual.

By: Jon, onehumanbeing Tue, 20 Aug 2013 20:37:11 +0000 Jon – I can’t express what a great post this is – it’s like you gave a massive kick to a can I stuffed a part of myself and busted it open! Thank you!

Proudly re-posted on The All-Seeing Eyebama:

By: Finn O' Connor Tue, 20 Aug 2013 20:01:19 +0000 That was a stirring journey you took me on there Jon! Edgily evocative of where we’re at – collectively disowning the individual greatness we can never truly get rid of. Tis the choice of the individual – to be an individual or dissolve into the m(or)ass!
This urges me to peruse Whitman a little closer.
Warm regards from the island of Saints and Scholars (no more immune to the systematic herding than anywhere else!)
I’ve still got my guitar…look out now!
– Archaic Revival
