Comments on: The individual against the syndicate in 2044: a short story Fri, 23 Aug 2013 14:11:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeffrey A Friedberg Fri, 23 Aug 2013 14:11:15 +0000 The game was lost, and Reality totally re-created because of:

1. Lyndon F^&*%$#)G Baines Johnson’s (failed) “War on Poverty.”

2. The destruction of Women as the Keepers and Enforcers of Morality, by the birth control pill

3. The injection of all sorts of drugs into the monumentally self-centered and selfish pop culture by the god-stinking Beatles, IN CONJUNCTION WITH the Viet Nam War, creating the Perfect Typhoon. These mind-rotted hippies of the 60s now run the world, or their infested protégés do.

And I never cared for the Beatles music either, another distortion of reality mixed wioth drugs. You NEVER hear it on the alterntive radio stations anymore, because it was never that good.

My point here is going to be this: “Reality” was turned inside out by these catalysts (above), in a perfect typhoon of the destruction of America, which is reaching toward peak velocity as we watch.

It’s not there yet, but EVERYthing that was forbidden or evil or totally unthinkable and absurd in the 60s has now been raised to a new, holy, unasailable “reality” in nearly-Mythic perfection in the Newest Religion of the Left (Marxist B@#$*&^S).

HOW this was worked out to happen, maybe Jon knows; I don’t. It’s been done so well it seems almost alien to this planet in its brilliance, or as if some super group from some advanced technology engineered it. Of course, that’s not it, but it’s just so wild and improbable and totally brilliantly accomplished that it seems that way to me….


By: Luther Blissett Fri, 23 Aug 2013 05:22:29 +0000 Thanks for sharing that. It seemed eerily surreal yet familiar. Like reality through a funhouse mirror.

By: Jon, onehumanbeing Fri, 23 Aug 2013 02:42:15 +0000 Thanks Jon, re-posted on The All-Seeing Eyebama –
