Comments on: Drugs, steel, and MKULTRA: engineering the super-soldier Thu, 05 Jan 2017 07:23:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Leonard Wass Thu, 05 Jan 2017 07:23:22 +0000 Actually, drugs open portals to the extradimensional and supernatural world.

By: Jon Rappoport ~ Drugs, Steel, And MKULTRA: Engineering The Super-Soldier | Shift Frequency Sat, 24 Aug 2013 14:44:55 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport  August 22 2013 […]

By: Howard Lewis Sat, 24 Aug 2013 04:15:19 +0000 Drugs do the darndest things. ‘Super soldiers’ is the nom de geurre these days for satanic destruction against innocence. I suggest we halt this destructive satanic wankerism and conquer space and nutrition problems instead of cultivating pain and hate.

By: AdamXYZ Sat, 24 Aug 2013 01:48:34 +0000 The military is a war machine. If you even field a military, as in owning one, you mean war. I was in the military, U.S. Army, Intel Spec.: a complete transformation from civilian to military. I didn’t even like the military all that much, but I acknowledge that it knows how to do things. The military is awesome. It was one of my richer learning experiences. But it is a deadly Cobra ever coiled in the striking position. And it is a Brotherhood par excellence, so long as a “brother” never violates the most important Code, the chain of command. Violate that command and one is a soldier no longer; the military bosom dries up fast. Violate that command and the war machine will be pointed at one and one will be squashed like a bug and tossed under the wheels later. It’s nothing personal, just military. What would one suppose the military mind thinks of mere civilians?
