Comments on: Insanity: new Google Glass app will read other people’s emotions Wed, 28 Aug 2013 04:50:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Luther Blissett Wed, 28 Aug 2013 04:50:16 +0000 Reality does seem to be getting more like sci-fi everyday. Just today this article came out about a new mind-to-mind interface technology developed at the University of Washington:

By: MachtNichts Wed, 28 Aug 2013 03:56:15 +0000 Give me Asimov’s ‘Three Laws of Robotics’ including the robots and leave the humans alone.

By: Anonymous Wed, 28 Aug 2013 02:21:11 +0000 Well, the other day was waiting for a client whose house is not visible from the road and has no # sign or mailbox. Waiting on two subcontractors as they had no way to find the property. Was on owner’s property doing a xword puzzle minding my own biz. Next thing I know, a Sheriff’s Deputy pulls up behind me and starts quizzing me about where I spent the night, give me your ID, what are you doing nauseum. Thought he had a real collar as a neighbor said I was “suspicious”. Oh yeah, a 60 year old white male in a semi rural area in a white Jetta wagon. Texted the owner and told him I was being harrassed and on the verge of being taken downtown. Owner owns part of the only stable S&L in the state that has been in biz for 100+ years. Sh*thead cop before leaving sez, “I wuz not gonna arrest you.” Yeah, BS. He pealed off the gravel driveway shooting rocks everywhere, followed with flooring his cruiser and squealing rubber. A**hole 28 yr old, period.

By: William Andrew Tue, 27 Aug 2013 23:09:11 +0000 Your article’s wry humor accurately predicts Earth’s future, but doesn’t knowing all this ask something more of us than prescience? Thomas Paine, George Washington and friends put their lives on the line to live free. These are still “the times that try men’s souls,” but as you so well demonstrate we are no longer living in the days of horses and muskets trying to protect our family farms.

Everyone we know who has glimpsed “The Matrix” was privileged to experience a holo-fractal hyper-dimensional evolving complex system of infinite proportions and unfathomable intelligence, and was thereby sufficiently humbled to surrender any concept of grasping or of escaping this Being (that Paine in his day labeled “God”). The only question within that holy realm is how to stay awake and fly like a hatchling just pushed from its mother’s nest.

Fewer than one in ten million humans has any idea of how to escape the “brain-matrix” of their own neurons, let alone the great “mama-matrix” which generates the world of their body, brain, and mind. Escaping the entrancements of institutional education and corporate media is necessary preparation, rather like healing an irritating surface blemish, viral wart, or skin cancer that “lies” like a tiny froth of distortion upon the vast healthy unfolding life of the deeper Matrix.

We suspect that most of your readers are struggling to pay their mortgage and “prep” for the coming collapse, FEMA camps, robot police, eugenic vaccines, holocaustic flus, brain implants, DARPA steered “comets,” and false flag alien “visitations” (as in the excellent TV series “V”).

Since most of humanity can do nothing to meaningfully address these manipulative soap operatic dramas in the “reality show” of Earthian life, they might better spend their time looking for the keys to the “portals” or “gates” through which to expand beyond (include, and heal, not escape) the diseased “sub-matrix” that sources this crazy nightmare that so fascinates with its sickly trance of crippled golem dance. A worry wart indeed!

We suggest that their only access to these portals remains hidden within their own consciousness, not in the outer distractions of the worldly “news.” This invites each to consider whether their own self as “investigative reporter” is satisfied to play in the swamp of the fake media generated by the criminally insane upon Asylum Earth, or whether they are ready to investigate and report upon the beautiful poetic artistry of the “Deep Matrix” that lies behind the superficial source of this less than virtuous “virtual-reality” dream they call life.

There stands beckoning their true loves awaiting their awakening from dystopian dreams. Who among them has the will to choose this mystery?

The way of complaining hatred for the terrible terrified “they” leads to bondage, while the way of loving synergy (work together) with the very carefully tested and duly discerned benevolent “we” begins the path of freedom.

PS: Have you ever wondered that the malevolent “they” know how to effectively cooperate and share authority (authorship) in order to build Earth into a prison, while the seemingly benevolent “we” do nothing but complain, blame, argue, and fight like dogs under the table over scraps of petty dogmatic beliefs?

By: Cheryl Hugle Tue, 27 Aug 2013 18:14:31 +0000 Great article. Thanks for all the hard work.

By: Anonymous Tue, 27 Aug 2013 17:14:25 +0000 […] This application is being built by a student for people who suffer from autism:
