Comments on: Would the US government let Jesus cure cancer? Thu, 16 Jul 2020 01:39:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: justanthropology Tue, 19 Apr 2016 13:46:29 +0000 Teen ,now of age, can seek alternative cure for forced radiation/ chemotherapy failure.
This is truly bizarre, that your body is owned by the state. I hope it’s not too late for this victim of these pharmaceutical predators.

By: healthicine (@healthicine) Sun, 07 Sep 2014 04:34:37 +0000 There’s little problem with anyone, even Jesus, curing cancer, because the books are cooked. No-one counts cancer cures. The statisticians do not have a definition for cancer cure, only a definition for Treatment Survival. If Jesus, or anyone else cures a cancer, there’s no box to check that says Cancer Cured. No bothers to count cancer cures, much less to actually validate them. If you have a cancer, and it is cured, you will be ignored, or worse. Thus, cancer cures become invisible.

By: Kate Mill Wed, 11 Jun 2014 19:57:02 +0000 My husband had stage four lung cancer and he has been through chemo 3 times, but this time his condition was getting worse that I was afraid it will kill him. When a friend of mine directed me to Rick Simpson who helped me with my husband cancer and cure it completely, I want you to join hands in appreciation of the great work that is been done by Rick Simpson, he is the best that saved the life of my husband with hemp oil, thanks to him.

By: OMSJ (@OMSJ) Wed, 16 Apr 2014 16:04:43 +0000 Excellent point! The problem is that “Jesus” operates outside what is called “the medical standard of practice”; which means that if 100,000 MDs prescribe rat poison to babies, they will turn on peers who advocate breast milk. This deadly consensus enforces acquiescence (doing what everyone else does) and dissuades innovators from actually thinking about their patients.

Jesus doesn’t have a chance – and he’s be crucified for the same reasons that Pontius Pilate rationalized. I pray that our nation is forgiven our smug belief that we’re an advanced people – we’re as barbaric as we were 2000 years ago.

By: Tylor Tue, 28 Jan 2014 10:38:19 +0000 NOTICE TO ALL CANCER PATIENT

If you are a cancer patient, know that with hemp oil that cancer can be cured, my cancer have been cured with this hemp oil.
The cancer centre london have made this hemp oil available to all cancer patients world wide to get this hemp oil in affordable price and in order stop chemo and radiation surgeries which causes damages to the body cells and to eradicate cancer disease.

Contact cancer centre london via email: to get your hemp oil for medication.

Tylor Kennedy
(Once cancer patient)
Texas USA

By: Jarrod Schneider Thu, 29 Aug 2013 13:51:16 +0000 The disavow of inherent self authority is an act that renders personal free will susceptible to externally imagined forms of collectivized authority (religion, science, government).
Here’s a video I just finished that uses art (mostly paintings) to explain this point as well as explaining how this authority progressed from religion and divine right to secular government in a science-based reality.

By: William Andrew Thu, 29 Aug 2013 11:47:18 +0000 The clarity, humor, and ease of your writing makes accepting the bitter pill of our current human predicament less painful to swallow, but might it equally become the pain relieving narcotic of “knowing” that lulls us into a “well informed” yet passively numb and fatally paralyzed sleep? “I just knew I was going to get run over by that bus!”

Your impassioned intent is clearly to rouse the already sleeping, but if a still thoroughly disruptive and thus “illegal” Jesus would have but a prayer of making some difference in our modern world, what could I with a few friends and family possibly do? How can I take some responsibility for altering the impending course of my own, my children’s, and my species’ demise? What awakening would enable me to move beyond meaningless gestures to engage some balanced and wisely potent action with others that hasn’t already failed its trial?

Jesus suggested giving to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and attending with care what truly belongs to us. Our modern corporate Caesar has stated its intent to own and control every scrap of existence, including land, sea, air, and space; the bodies, cells, and genes of all life; the brains, minds, and whatever soul remains of human beings, along with what informational and technological capital they can produce. What then remains unrendered of our lives?

You have suggested that our imagination and all it creates is what truly belongs to us, but what is this beyond child’s play and escapist fancy? What as yet unknown inner technology might a magus seek to imagine? What would stand as the inner equivalent of the last 200 years of advancement in outer physical science and technology? While much of humanity desperately clings to the shreds of two and three thousand year old religious dogma (as distinct from personal experience) for their technology of ethical and moral discernment, the gifted but barely human elite build and direct physical machines that quickly approach the “singularity” point of no return for free and natural human beings.

What artistry of imagined vision could unleash an inner technology of soul and spirit that would open the doorways that lead beyond this helpless hopeless grind? What if this as yet humanly unthinkable vision lies completely outside of the “mind-matrix” within which all of our species is currently entranced and bound? Who then lives outside and how might we ask them what they see?

What of the billions of worlds of (what humans consider) “alien” beings who have been creatively evolved millions if not billions of years beyond our own kind? What might they be willing to share about getting through the extinction level events we now face, and how would we ask them with sufficient openness, humility, respect, and worthiness to get their plurality of response? How might we “pray” among a diversity of “alien” angels, and who among us is prepared to hear what lies beyond our current capacity to imagine? What would be expected of a species such as ours before it could be trusted with such gifts?

“Childhood’s End?” Who among our kind will rise up to stand that ground?

By: Xena Horvath Thu, 29 Aug 2013 11:16:59 +0000 Jon I love your blog! I shared this on FaceBook. 🙂

By: OzzieThinker Thu, 29 Aug 2013 05:44:39 +0000 I hear you, Jon and echoed a little of what you say on my latest blog post!

By: kozandaishi Thu, 29 Aug 2013 03:16:13 +0000 Jon – I get the premise, but please don’t descend into salvationist ideology, even if you’re just trying to make a point. There are enough fundamentalist morons running around, without reinforcing their primitive belief systems. Abrahamic Monotheism is a deadly virus.
