Comments on: Obama seeking to become a wartime president Sun, 01 Sep 2013 18:16:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: LadyRavenSDC Sun, 01 Sep 2013 18:16:42 +0000 Reblogged this on LadyRaven's Whisky In A Jar – OH! and commented:
“Somewhere in the bowels of the White House, an advisor is making midnight notes, trying to sort out the op: “Let’s see. We’re backing the thugs and terrorists in Syria. We helped arm them. If anyone used chemical weapons in Syria, it’s most likely those people. And now we’re supporting them with a missile strike against Assad, which could ultimately put them in power, with access to all the weapons, of every kind, that Assad possesses. What the hell is going on?” It’s not the kind of contemplation that will make it into a later tell-all book or memoir.” — It’s called recent history repeating itself with congress, media, sheep conveniently overlooking a few inconvenient questions as asked here -> – “What do you intend, o’dumbass, to do in response when a Russian plane or missiles take out one or more of our missile frigates? What about if Iran launches something serious and deadly at Israel? What if Egypt closes the Suez what is the plan?”
