Comments on: Syria: Obama, Congress, and media collaborating on a con job Thu, 19 Sep 2013 21:09:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Politicians can decide whether I’m a journalist? Good luck. — State of Globe Thu, 19 Sep 2013 21:09:10 +0000 […] Syria: Obama, Congress, and media collaborating on a con job ( […]

By: Jon Rappoport ~ Syria: Obama, Congress, And Media Collaborating On A Con Job | Shift Frequency Tue, 03 Sep 2013 13:11:46 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport September 2 2013 […]

By: kozandaishi Tue, 03 Sep 2013 03:38:24 +0000 Spot on, Jon – There’s no business like war business. And no one does it better than the United States of Arrogant Self-Righteous Sons-of-Bitches. “If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts.” ─George H. W. Bush

By: jlkgreystone Tue, 03 Sep 2013 01:17:24 +0000 The citizens of the United States are also in the squeeze play. They too are the fodder I hold no faith in congress to vote a no strike resolution and by not doing so it is my economic prediction the unemployment problem will be resolved by 2014. Either everyone 18 to 56 years old will be in the armed services, or they’ll be dead and unable to enlist by 2014. That is of course if the weapons fire when the orders come down, or when they fire, they hit Assad’s emplacements and not the rebels. What message would that kind of ‘Opps!’ send to the world? Maybe something like, “Take heed ye last mad dogs and your protégés from the cold war; you need to find dark places to hide in because the New Order has arrived and its not the one you thought it was going to be. We couldn’t be that fortunate could we? Nah, that kind of decision takes persons of courage and moral fortitude, qualities in short supply these days among those who weld power.

Nothing yet is cast in conclusion. September 9th is a long way off. By then a meteor the size of Columbus Ohio could hit Jerusalem and everyone would forget about chemical weapons, of course locally there wouldn’t be anyone left to remember. Hey, even the anti-Christ would have a hard time holding an Armageddon since the field would now be a pit. Yes sir everything would change.

By: spinworthy Tue, 03 Sep 2013 00:34:50 +0000 Apart from Syria’s defiance to imperial ambitions and foreign corporate domination, lets not forget the gas pipeline deals that are in the works. Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline is being sabotaged by Saudis, many birds with one stone, bird 1) = gas pipeline competitor eliminated, bird 2) = Iran denied market for gas, economically and militarily compromised, bird 3) = Syria destroyed, bird 4) = Hezbollah isolated, bird 5) = secular pan Arabism smashed, replaced with religious sectarianism. Alas these are but the most obvious.
There’s certainly a lot to digest there! Your palette Jon.

By: Jeffrey Hardin Mon, 02 Sep 2013 22:41:00 +0000 Reblogged this on Jericho777's Blog.

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