Comments on: Top 9 real reasons to go to war in Syria Fri, 22 Nov 2013 05:33:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Syrie : 9 très bonnes raisons de faire la guerre | Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial Fri, 22 Nov 2013 05:33:00 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport, traduction par le super Bistro Bar Blog […]

By: Went to college, got the T-shirt and $150,000 debt — State of Globe Thu, 26 Sep 2013 23:32:55 +0000 […] Top 9 real reasons to go to war in Syria ( […]

By: ShunkW Wed, 04 Sep 2013 18:39:08 +0000 You forget the most important reason….To make Israel happy while they “wag the dog”. People seem to forget that Benjamen Netenyahu came up the whole “red line” crap in the first place.

By: joanie Wed, 04 Sep 2013 14:50:14 +0000 Jon, you said, “Your government at work.”

G”overnmen”t = see inside “over men” .

By definition, government has always meant “control” in all ways, always… never been by and for the people. Just another con. Everyone knows the governor on their car controls speed… We do not want what government is and stands for. It is time for the people to ignore the controlling scheme, thus making it irrelevant.

Think about the various things people do to get permission and stopping seeking those freedoms when it is your right to – drive on public roads, help someone with their health, fix this or that, and on and on and on…

By: Robbert Wed, 04 Sep 2013 07:16:38 +0000 Now we all know why she resigns, she afraid to label war criminal, this gas discussion was done when Clinton was still in office! What a shame politician that took an oath to up hold US constitution are run been and bought by foreign country like Israel!!

You forget to say Israel did not sign to NPT!! We are the only country that uses nuclear weapon on civilian population twice!! In history of mankind!! Our records show we have no right to tell other!!!
Our finger prints on Agent Orange still visible to!!

By: Greg O. Wed, 04 Sep 2013 05:51:54 +0000 The good ol’ US of A– fighting branch of the New World Order!

By: Luther Blissett Wed, 04 Sep 2013 04:20:26 +0000 Just like 9/11, a number of powerful interests stand to gain if the U.S. starts bombing Syria, which leads me to believe it will probably happen. But this doesn’t mean one should not keep speaking out against it and educating others. The more people wake up to the truth about this and other state crimes, the better the chances for a cultural change that can lead to genuine structural changes, not just superficial platitudes from puppets like Obama.

By: ZORRO Wed, 04 Sep 2013 04:09:12 +0000 This operation was planned years ago, this is another step closer to attack Iran, and is aimed also at Russia and China, because the final objective is to obtain Full Spectrum Dominance and impose on the rest of the world the demonic NEW WORLD ORDER. Fact: Since the end of WWII, most U.S. Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Secretaries of State, CIA Directors, National Security Advisors, Chairmen of the Federal Reserve Board and Chairmen of the Joints Chiefs of Staff have been Council on Foreign Relations members. Do you know that John Kerry, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Condolesa Rice, and many judges, CEO, media anchors and academia professors are members of the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS?. Currently 132 high-ranking officers of the U.S. Armed Forces, some of them with troops under their command, are confirmed CFR members. The CFR’s core nucleus is composed of Wall Street bankers, oil magnates and CEOs of transnational corporations.Some of these Wall Street bankers are not even Americans. The rest of the members of the CFR nucleus don’t see themselves as Americans anymore, but as globalists.And this group is the SHADOW GOVERNMENT and the one that control Obama’s teleprompter.

By: kozandaishi Wed, 04 Sep 2013 02:55:07 +0000 Just watched the uncut version of Ken Russell’s “The Devils” on widescreen DVD

Also reading Aldous Huxley’s book “The Devils of Loudun,” on which the film is partially based.

In addition to being perhaps “the greatest film of church corruption ever conceived,” I think that 42 years later Russell’s film is more relevant now than ever. Especially as commentary on America’s unbridled pursuit of empire, and transformation into a military/police state that functions as an international Holy Inquisition in crushing dissent and opposition to globalized corporatism.

By: Anonymous Coward Wed, 04 Sep 2013 02:03:03 +0000 This all sounds quite right to me. I can’t wait for a strong 3rd party to emerge that will clean house, I hope it happens before the scum in power start WW3.
