Comments on: Syria: The permanent structure of the US government is geared for war Thu, 05 Sep 2013 14:05:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Syria: The permanent structure of the US government is geared for war | thesurvivalplaceblog Thu, 05 Sep 2013 14:05:28 +0000 […] Syria: The permanent structure of the US government is geared for war ( […]

By: clark Thu, 05 Sep 2013 06:36:23 +0000 RE: “If you work for the government, you want, on some level, to make war.”

I think that’s true. For some in gooberment, they want to make things better, the try to fight Waste, Fraud, and Abuse. They try to get the gooberment to stop wasting money and return it to the taxpayer.

They only wind up validating the empire by doing so. They waste their efforts, of course.

It’s those very small little victories that keep them going. I.e. sometimes they end this program, or that waste.

I can’t say as I blame them for trying.
[Perhaps I’m alone in that thought?]

Anyway, the wonderful thing that’s been happening lately is, they’ve begun to ask themselves, “Why have laws at all, if they’re not going to be followed?” Such questions are really monumental, imho. As it spreads.

You say, “Only a fool would work for the government and suggest cutting back on its power.”

I know several such fools. They think they are chopping at the roots. They Never get promoted. They do Not wonder why.

Maybe they are thorns in the side of empire?

That would mean they are good, no?

I hope they all just up and quit. The empire is only held together by some 10,000 of such people who are the, “go-to” people and know how to do things. Without them, the empire would collapse inward, like a black hole in space.

[Note to the NSA guys reading this: you know they’re not going to make good on all those cushy retirement promises they made you, don’t you? They’re going to leave you twisting in the wind. Oh, but you don’t study economics, and history, so you probably don’t know.]

Hey look Ma! It’s just like I was in the old Soviet Union, a Party Handler is watching my every word. And no hands on the handle bars!

…Just another day in The Twilight Zone. Where things are the exact opposite of what I was taught they should be.

By: Churchill Wed, 04 Sep 2013 21:51:21 +0000 Quite right. The permanent structure of the US Government and the DoD with it’s Military Industrial Complex is and has been geared for Offensive Wars for many, many years. Both Government and Military are not trained in Defending the populace or our Bill of Rights. The only defensive posture they know of is to defend the COG within Government with it’s non-elected NGO’s and Central Bankers other-wise, it’s Offense all the way both here and abroad.

By: Jeffrey Hardin Wed, 04 Sep 2013 17:01:02 +0000 Reblogged this on Jericho777's Blog.

By: joanie Wed, 04 Sep 2013 15:14:03 +0000 According to, “The Report from Iron Mountain,” peace would be not be desirable for government. Addressing those goober agencies you mentioned; the IRS, NSA, USDA, FDA, EPA etc, although they appear like fraudulent in their agendas in serving we the people, they are successful with their true goals – war against the people of the united States of America, of which I’d label as soft-kill wars, culling the sheep. For instance, what does a “war on cancer” really mean, when in actually they’re creating more cancer? — just look at the skyrocketing stats.

“War on Drugs,” this or that, I hope people have figured out da goobers agenda by now! Simplified by reading the definition of WMD.

Weapon of Mass Destruction – U.S. Code—-000-.html

Weapon of Mass Destruction – U.S. Code
TITLE 50 CHAPTER 40 § 2302

In this chapter:
(1) The term “weapon of mass destruction” means any weapon or device that is intended, or has the capability, to cause death or serious bodily injury to a significant number of people through the release, dissemination, or impact of—
(A) toxic or poisonous chemicals or their precursors;
(B) a disease organism; or
(C) radiation or radioactivity.

By: ontariorealestathacks Wed, 04 Sep 2013 15:12:45 +0000 I just returned from a visit to Vietnam. The ravages of war are still going on today from the 70’s. The dirty bombs that were dropped still radiate and cause Tuberculosis which is epidemic there and in Cambodia. Mothers with TB pass it on to their newborns through breast-feeding, TB in infants causes Encephalitis.

I was giving blood in the hospital while there and couldn’t understand the hoards of families living on the street outside the hospital. Literally thousands and thousands of peasants all with little babies suffering a horrendous multi-generational wound going back to the 70’s. The war is still causing massive pain, suffering and death. The Vietnam war (and any other one) is still going on in full force as far as victims are concerned. Not with shrapnel or explosions, but with human contamination that starts in the soil and food.

I got back to Canada and thought to go see a movie. I happened to go see the most gruesome, horrific and saddening movie I have ever seen. It is called “Planes” by those wonderful masters of manipulation, brainwashing, and inveiglement called Disney.

It’s a heartwarming little tale depicting humans as machines and the transformation of our little protagonist ‘Dusty’ morphing from a lowly country boy crop duster into a modified, snarling fighter jet with a new home on an aircraft carrier.

I looked around at all the 3-10 year old boys in the theatre who looked on with doe-eyes and inspiration at the well crafted and entertaining pixelated indoctrination propaganda.

My heart sank as I saw that the wolf in sheep’s clothing recruiting young minds into the war machine at the most tender of ages. There is no violence as detestable as the exploitation of innocence.

I knew then and there that the US has a fully functioning and determined military agenda that stretches generations into our future. There is no contemplation of a free world in the future, there is only the continuing agenda of military dominance.

In that theatre I witnessed the recruiting of the future arial bombers of the wars that will be waged in 2040.

It is not a question of if there is going to be war in the future, it is only a question of when.

This madness is not ending anytime soon.

My 8 year old daughter asked me on the way home what I thought of the movie.
