I am commissioning a host of Teachers to represent my thinking (via my pretty much total agreement with the writings. Jon Rappaport seems to have not the power to utter anything that I am not in perfect agreement with.) But then, I don’t know of anything that I don’t absorb and play around with. But I like absorbing Rappaport. My present judgment is that if anything states that it is not me, or of me (the writer hereof), then said “thing” will simply dissipate into vapors upon my command. And if I don’t command it, it will occur anyway, as I AM THE INFALLIBLE ARTIST, and all my creation does as I dictate, either instantly or across time. Either way is same to me. I would actually like to be the God of something other than me, though, but how to do it? God has made a rock so big that He can’t lift it. While, at the same time, God can lift it. Play with that one a little bit.
In the near future, I plan to integrate everything that comes close enough to me to detect in some manner. I do remind myself that segregation can be Hell right at this time, though, and I don’t plan on taking myself through any Hell, but am only observer of things clinging to me, and any particle that believes it is not of me, that is, segregated from me somehow, I judge whether is worthy of existence in my painting, in which I employ all media in one way or other. I employ even the things I don’t employ. I play with these concepts and consume them. In integrating ALL, everything gets used/employed and becomes ALL IN ALL. What would dare attempt to stand outside the light of ALL IN ALL? Ha, ha, ha. I never have. That would be inflicting Hell on myself. Why would I want to stand outside the light of ALL IN ALL? Ha, ha, ha. Thus am I ALL IN ALL. I do ponder whether
just to just conclude, “Goodbye, Cruel World,” however, “as thou art not in ALL IN ALL.” And then I integrate some more.
Reading of “Creation’s Knights,” I muse a joyful thought:
They seed a world where all converse, respectful and sincere,
with words that play and guide in love, while easing hurt and fear.
Hopeful now my heart does sing, … when comes a doubting voice.
Don’t care too much or wish to love, as therein lies regret.
What difference in this suffering world, makes all your idle chat?
You try so hard to learn and grow, yet never win the bet,
your body dies, your works they fade, so why the useless fret?
A moment stunned, I sadly see, this dark intruder’s work,
with quiet mind and still of heart, I seek what trap it lays,
to feed upon my happiness, its parasitic ways.
I then in silent presence watch, to make awareness know,
just how we gave this virus sway, to hook unguarded mind,
then shield and sword of spirit flash, to banish it below.
Darkened mood of evil spell, now withers in the light,
that starts to shine and radiate, from every thing in sight,
unfolding here a mystery, to guide a training Knight.
Perspective shifts unknown domains, so all is inside out,
to look upon the world anew, it takes an altered view,
that sees all objects permanent, reverse and melt away.
Trusted things of past so real, now fade in cloudy mist,
cities, trade, and nations strong, dissolve like passing moods,
yet subtile thoughts of spirit made, begin to crystallize,
to solid structures sensible, condensed from conscious light.
As matter plays invisible, so spirit physics builds,
of psyche once ephemeral, angelic being’s forms,
to manifest before my eyes, each value and ideal.
I see and touch the shapes of joy, perceive the weight of will,
which soul and karma concretize, to teach of good and ill.
A moment shared of loving care, here lives outside of time,
no circumstance can take from me, relationship divine,
a moment’s gift is infinite, where limits can’t confine.
From this I know what value holds, achievement’s golden seed,
if deeds in time’s illusion trade, my sacred love for greed,
of things the culture says will last, those monuments of need,
when I can own the good itself, that never fades or leaves.
If I’m more real than one once caught, in waking dreams so dire,
what “difference makes” this heart to heart, on cybernetic wire,
is birthing honored friendships that, can free these captured souls,
to fly through gates of heaven’s fold, with wisdom’s keys we hold.
Create brave Knights undaunted by, the masks of cultured fear,
Edenic worlds where lake and tree, are grown of purest mind,
and creatures feel and know their Self, in love with all its parts,
whose consciousness can recognize, the Ones who smile behind,
all beings and experience, horrific and sublime.
© William Andrew (aka ~ Andaragon)
]]>Merriam defs –
“Mind – the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought.”
“Psyche – the human soul, mind or spirit.”
My best answers/intuition/instinct come from my gut. Some define this as the sixth or psychic sense. Of course the controllers would keep da slaves living within the physical realm, because after the five senses, (some say there are twenty plus senses) we humans would be a mighty powerful force and ultimately independent, not needing the hand that feeds and leads astray. Can’t have a serf uprising now, can we… Heh.