Comments on: War in Syria: Evidence? We don’t need no stinkin’ evidence. Sat, 07 Sep 2013 03:25:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Providentia Sat, 07 Sep 2013 03:25:05 +0000 The “intelligence” concluding that Assad is responsible for the alleged chemical attack is going to be as credible as the official government report on the 9/11 attacks.

By: OzzieThinker Sat, 07 Sep 2013 00:59:34 +0000 Ha-ha I hear on Kerry, Jon. Brilliantly structured article. You could change the subject matter and apply that to just about any political motive. But hey, I do have an answer to the “compromise the sources and methods” Govt exposes. My response [at dinner parties] is always “tough squat”. I always say that governments and their satellites are primarily in place “for the people” because governments are elected “by the people”. Therefore the people are more important than the assets or, rather, the people are the assets. If you, special forces guy and other “sources” don’t like the it, change jobs, change roles. As for the “methods”, those have gotten us into the mess we are in, so if they have to go it’s got to be a positive thing. The NSA have confirm there is no such thing as privacy, secrets. GET USED TO IT!

By: Kenzob Breaze Sat, 07 Sep 2013 00:23:57 +0000 Israel used poison gas in Gaza 2008-2009. The U.S. response was to reward Israel with BILLIONS in cash and military hardware.

The U.S. government supplied poison gas to Iraq for use against Iran.

On February 28, 1993, the BATF raided the church of the Branch Davideans in Waco Texas. This led to an embarrassing stand of which ended when the FBI gassed the church, filled with women and children, with CS gas. CS gas is actually illegal to use on enemy troops in time of war. but the US Government authorized its use against that church. Even worse, the CS gas was mixed with a chemical dispersant, methylene chloride. Methylene chloride is highly toxic. It’s the chemical used to melt plexiglas so that it can be bent into shapes such as the shields over salad bars. And, of course, it also melts lung tissue. The official story is that the Branch Davideans set fire to their church (even though blinded and gasping for breath from the CS and burned themselves alive rather than surrendering. However none of the autopsied remains showed any signs of smoke inhalation in the lungs, meaning they were already dead when the fire started.

The women and children inside that church were gassed to death with a poison gas that is illegal to use on enemy troops.

Does that give any other nation the right to invade and bomb our country?

By: Eileen Kuch Fri, 06 Sep 2013 23:00:41 +0000 Great article, Jon; you’re spot on. Give ’em hell, man.

By: Rich Fri, 06 Sep 2013 22:55:05 +0000 Since we are speaking about evidence…we have evidence our government is spraying poison on us almost daily; we have evidence they are poisoning our water with fluoride and we have evidence they are allowing our food to be poisoned with pesticides/carcinogenic chemicals…where is the outrage? Where is the global community? Yet our hypocritical, treasonous, deceptive government wants to attack Syria for a lie!! Wake up Americans, your so called government are not Americans, they are Zionist banker puppets!!

By: moriahj Fri, 06 Sep 2013 22:13:42 +0000 Thanks for the article Jon. If interested, please read the blog. It delves into the extreme depths of hypnosis, the trance state and the next and last 911. Thanks again

By: boomerangcomesback Fri, 06 Sep 2013 19:14:06 +0000 Consider the premises postulated in this post, and the “evidence” floating all around us: the title has been changed to read, “WARNING! Nationwide MILGRAM Experiment Being Conducted on American Civilians and Military”. You’ll get the drift…

By: Martin Fri, 06 Sep 2013 18:49:44 +0000 Kerry said the Saudi royals offered to pay the costs if the USA takes out Assad and the offer is still on the table. Kerry failed to reject this ugly plan to make the USA a military whore for the most repressive regime on the planet. You know, the place where forty people were recently arrested for plotting to celebrate Christmas. What kind of message does that send?
I cannot believe Kerry is so stupid as to believe that Assad would use chemical weapons just when he is winning and mopping up the last of the terrorists. So I have to assume Kerry is is a liar and needs to be removed from office.

By: Josh Hewitt Fri, 06 Sep 2013 18:34:16 +0000 This is just my view, whether Assad was the culprit or the rebels, it makes no odds, there are still innocent men, women and children getting killed and many thousands homeless refugees and this is fact. So:- (The we I use is a generic we)
Are we not morally obliged to intervene in some way? are we as a nation become so morally corrupt as to sit back and watch the innocent slaughtered? No a cruise missile strike would be wrong, toppling the current regime or aiding the rebels would also be a mistake. But surely a peacekeeping force, such as we had for IFOR and KFOR in conjunction with our Arab allies from the Arab league, would be more beneficial to all sides. I remember Bosnia and the slaughter inflicted on it’s population. To sit back and do nothing gives a green light for tyrants to commit genocide. It’s only my view, but hey that’s where I stand.

By: Ron Fri, 06 Sep 2013 18:19:27 +0000 I prefer to look into the deeper argument. It is obvious that the USA and its allies are looking for a pretext for war with Syria. But what are their reasons for wanting this pretext. The only reason that makes any sense to me is to defend Israel. Israel’s neighbors have been arming up for some time. They do not want to live with Israel. I am sure when these neighbors are well enough armed and in position they will look for a pretext for attacking Israel en mass. Or they won’t even bother with a pretext and will just let the missiles fly. The Jewish people were threatened with extinction, before the formation of Israel. America let that slaughter happen for awhile before getting involved. Once they got involved they tipped the balance and the war was won. Would we as civilized nations want to allow a rerun of that massacre in the Middle East. I agree that Western governments should not be lying and drawing lines in the sand and looking for petty pretexts for war. That just undermines their credibility, and if they don’t back up such rhetoric it shows weakness. Hard decisions have to be made. America leads the free world in such matters. I am not an American but I would feel better if Americans elected a more capable president. A John F. Kennedy or a Ronald Reagan would be great right about now.
