Comments on: Syria covert op: they had to dump Hillary and bring in Kerry Sun, 08 Sep 2013 20:28:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: joanie Sun, 08 Sep 2013 20:28:04 +0000 This country’s founding was created by persons involved in secret societies, Freemasonry, various Brotherhood groups that “run the show”. There has always been fighting factions, war, religious based or not, because provocateurs is the name of the game in keeping fights alive. Looking at our paper money, Freemasonry signs all over it, there is no doubt the USA is still run by secret societies, various factions yet all leading back to the main Brotherhood group – earth has custodians. So… In war, they call it “theater” and who said, “all the world is a stage”…

Our creating is limited as long as we partake in their created drama. One must step away from using their fake money, utilizing government (over men) and all societal institutions they created. A body must create, create and create some more and yet unless one leaves planet earth, the “natural” disasters they have planned will affect you no matter where you reside. Read about in history, the centuries off and on the black plague accompanied lights in the sky, UFOs and such, mists in the air, where people contracted the disease. The natural events all start to add up to falseflags, just like Fukishima, tidal waves, the abnormal amount of tornadoes that plagued the US last year.

And finally, find the clip from Brian Williams at NBC telling us his network will be the “comet network” as comet Ison gets nearer in November. BTW, did you know there is a power grid outage drill set for November 13-14. Only one MSM paper with the article, NYtimes. This false flag will appear to be a natural event, but we know better now as all signs indicate they are prepping the public. “One Second After” a heads up “fiction book in preparing for an EMP… “They” do influence/creat the weather just the same, electro-magnetically. The body electric, so is earth.

” As Worries Over the Power Grid Rise, a Drill Will Simulate a Knockout Blow”

Wise up people, forget their war drama, prepare to be self sufficient, as independent as possible, no matter you live. Don’t waste your time trying to persuade your so-called representatives. LOL

By: Adam Sun, 08 Sep 2013 15:46:22 +0000 I try to explain to people how I can no longer see chaos/destabilization as a mistake or as a sign we are “losing.” In the last decade alone, we have the following examples (to name a few): Afghanistan; Iraq; Egypt, and; Libya (with Syria and Iran soon to follow).

Most people I talk to get stuck on how chaos/destabilization/strife could be a desired outcome when it’s counter to U.S. interests. I find people confuse politicians with those who are actually calling the shots. I concede it is possible some law/policy makers may have good intentions and are simply fooled again and again. But whether they are idiots, willing dupes, in on the scam, or simply bought/blackmailed is of no moment.

I ask them to set aside the politics, rhetoric, and public justifications for war. I ask them to simply focus on the results thus far and then pose a series of questions: If chaos IS the desired outcome, do they agree there must be beneficiaries? How powerful must the beneficiaries be to march the US and other nations to war time and time again? How would these beneficiaries shape public opinion, doctor intelligence, secure votes, and/or secure the executive?

I usually change the subject at this point. They’ve either got it, will get it, are humoring me so I’ll shut up, or will stop humoring me and get nasty to avoid their world view crashing down.

Thank you for all you do and reigniting my imagination.

By: Jon Rappoport – Syria Covert Op : They Had To Dump Hillary And Bring In Kerry – 8 September 2013 | Lucas 2012 Infos Sun, 08 Sep 2013 13:14:25 +0000 […] / / link to original article […]

By: waldbaer Sun, 08 Sep 2013 07:42:59 +0000
just so.
