Comments on: The short happy trial of an artist Tue, 17 Sep 2013 12:29:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jean Tue, 17 Sep 2013 12:29:27 +0000 I have asked other places, no one has ever answered.

Just read the one on vaccines ( I begin to think that the mass of humanity is chaff, genetic defects to be culled from the herd. While I sound like a supporter of UN Agenda 21 there – understand, THEY wish to cull US. THEY are aggressing against us, DAILY – and I think Jon Rappaport is pointing that out, but no one wants to take it to the logical and inevitable conclusion.

Even the collapse of the US and the dollar has been engineered. It’s their win-win scenario – and we don’t factor in, we’re expendable.

Unless and until we take that SAME attitude to the human effluvium around us, we will continue to lose, and ultimately be medicated and chipped out of existence.

Stand now, or fall forever.

By: bob klinck Fri, 13 Sep 2013 02:31:17 +0000 Corrected version of previous comment: While I sympathize with the point you are making, it delusional to believe that our talents and character are purely our own creation, with no external sources or influences–just as it is folly to believe, or to act as if you believe, that you have brought yourself into being, with whatever potential you have, or that you sustain the life that is within you. These are indeed irrealities of pride, toward which many artists seem inclined. Of course I am not endorsing the right of any other party to interfere with what you make of the unique complex of your aptitudes through the locus of your life (unless you yourself are destructively so interfering with others). For those who “love their fellow man, or woman, as themselves”, this is what generates the boundless richness of human association, which modern collectivism (and the financial monopoly that promotes it) has so impoverished.

By: Emmanuel Truthseeker Fri, 13 Sep 2013 00:40:12 +0000 “Just as government consents to new scientific discoveries,”
How true that is. Government has been engaged in the censorship of science for a long time, covering up all kinds of discoveries. Indeed the entire history of the human race has been tampered with. Cf: Cremo & Thompson, The Hidden History of the Human Race.

The artist said, “I deny the right of this court to pass sentence on me.” This is very important. A court assumes jurisdiction and only gets it with your permission. In the Bible it says not to call any
man master. Jesus essentially told us that there is no one over us but God. When a judge renders a verdict it is an opinion; the opinion of the court. If you do not like the opinion you can disagree with it.


By: Nik Thu, 12 Sep 2013 19:09:38 +0000 Mr. Rappoport, Thank you. I really enjoy your perspective and delivery, on everything I have read on this site thus far. I would like your take on a video conversation of Jidu Krishnamurti and Dr. Allan W. Anderson entitled ‘What is Mediation?’ which can be viewed in full on youtube on user profile ‘DieTheDeath’. The conversation is centered around meditation, but as you know not any one thing stands alone, and so their conversation touches on an many of the areas concerned with what I have found on this site, more pointedly creativity and ‘freedom’, not to down play any of the rest which are equally pillars, recognized, or not, of (our\human\all) reality.

Looking forward with great pleasure. If nothing else, please continue to do what you do.


By: Brad Thu, 12 Sep 2013 18:49:00 +0000 Found you through Redice Radio recently and have been reading your column ever since. In this column, your dialogue showing how new-agers think had me rolling on the floor laughing; you captured it perfectly. Unfortunately, it’s one of those sad-but-true kind of things. Your column has become one of the first things I check for when I start my day. Thanks!

By: Luther Blissett Thu, 12 Sep 2013 15:31:16 +0000 Another great parable. It could be seen as sequel to the previous story. What could happen when the homeschooled kid grows up and society locks down even more.
