Comments on: The journey of SmartMan to save the world Sat, 21 Sep 2013 03:35:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peter Stier Jr Sat, 21 Sep 2013 03:35:56 +0000 Did Phil K. Dick transmigrate into you and upgrade his writing? Your stuff has dash, man and I am digging it.

By: The CIA man and his mind-controlled prop Sep16 by Jon Rappoport | Pakalert Press Wed, 18 Sep 2013 08:38:16 +0000 […] “Well, I’m looking at a sad case sitting in front of me, once a prof at some top Ivy joint, but now a puddle of withering wet flesh in the steam bath of the psyche, the two of us here sitting side by side with towels wrapped around our naked bodies in the heat coming out of the walls and the floor. Listen, Doc, the point is, everything you learned in your forty fifty years was funneling into an artificial personality, get what I mean, and when that blew away in the wind, which yes we had some role in bringing about, you were left with nothing, but don’t try to come at me with whining and recrimination because I can still save you and this isn’t over, you’re useful even in your present demented state, you’ve got circuits we can deploy, plug into, to broadcast messages out into the general public, and this may not be what you imagined your life was going to be, but it’s better than than the Void. […]

By: The CIA man and his mind-controlled prop — State of Globe Tue, 17 Sep 2013 08:15:24 +0000 […] The journey of SmartMan to save the world ( […]

By: The CIA man and his mind-controlled prop « Jon Rappoport's Blog Tue, 17 Sep 2013 02:38:18 +0000 […] “Well, I’m looking at a sad case sitting in front of me, once a prof at some top Ivy joint, but now a puddle of withering wet flesh in the steam bath of the psyche, the two of us here sitting side by side with towels wrapped around our naked bodies in the heat coming out of the walls and the floor. Listen, Doc, the point is, everything you learned in your forty fifty years was funneling into an artificial personality, get what I mean, and when that blew away in the wind, which yes we had some role in bringing about, you were left with nothing, but don’t try to come at me with whining and recrimination because I can still save you and this isn’t over, you’re useful even in your present demented state, you’ve got circuits we can deploy, plug into, to broadcast messages out into the general public, and this may not be what you imagined your life was going to be, but it’s better than than the Void. […]

By: EGrace Mon, 16 Sep 2013 15:27:22 +0000 I have been watching you on YouTube and reading every one of your blogs for nearly a year. I cannot even begin to tell you what a difference it has made to further tap into my imagination and experience of the Void. Thank you, Jon.

By: jlkgreystone Sat, 14 Sep 2013 14:03:19 +0000 Just show me the way to the Void, I’m ready.

By: The journey of SmartMan to save the world by Jon Rappoport | Random Candidate Sat, 14 Sep 2013 12:45:45 +0000 […] -More at: […]

By: William Andrew Sat, 14 Sep 2013 10:30:47 +0000 I was running along in Jon’s open field, and there I saw Lee sitting on a fallen log imagining an entirely new system of global governance. My previous life flashed before me, and I remembered that I had spent most of it creating exactly this kind of alternative “visions of global systems,” but who on Earth could I ethically share them with? What human or human group had the skill, ethics, courage, and will not to corrupt and pervert them just like all the systems they already had? What human would not sell it all out to the highest bidder?

Then I remembered, this is why it can’t be given, but must be earned by each alone through being built within their own inner community of selves. Only those who have accomplished this inner work can share in the outer work of benevolent co-creation with others in the world. Only such as these have the integrity not to betray their gifts and their own kind to the powers who threaten fear and need.

All gifts (Greek: pandora) that are shared with humans on Earth get sold out and sucked up to the top of the power pyramid which is ruled by inhuman parasitic sociopaths. These can only misuse all gifts to grasp at more power and control over others. Why? Because the rest of humanity allows it and even asks for it.

That is why Ayn Rand’s “Atlas” learned to “Shrug.” If we give “more, better, and different” gifts to criminals, we just have more better and different crimes and criminals. That is what we have now. Why? Because we keep feeding them with our life force and our creativity rather than sparking and tending its unfolding flame within our own selves.

Until enough of humanity understands this and will stand their ground to prevent this “sucking” of all resources to the top of the pyramid’s all encompassing and all controlling greedy eye, the human dream of a better world will not be realized. How can enough of humanity come to this point? Jon just showed us how. Imagination and creation do not happen out in the world within some government system. It resides within each of us like an invisible sun or a still forming inner star ready to ignite within our own vast unconscious void.

I think Jon once said, “I’m not interested in perfection. I’ll leave that to the fascists.” The desire for absolute control is what brings out the worst in humans. Creativity is not about perfection or control, but rather respecting and loving the unknown that resides within self granted freedom. “He didn’t know what or where … but he was going there.”

This purpose unfolds and evolves through trust and faith in Self as the source through which all experience comes. When our little selves become friends and in self loyalty commit to the whole of “Self,” that is where joy and love live, and with them peace. That is also where eternity lives, and no one else can give us that gift. Pandora (all gifts) are already ours, but we must open the lid of entrancement that locks shut our box of unconsciousness to bring them forth.

By: Jon Rappoport – The Journey Of SmartMan To Save The Save The World – 14 September 2013 | Lucas 2012 Infos Sat, 14 Sep 2013 08:17:40 +0000 […] Read J0n’s whole article at: / link to original article […]

By: kozandaishi Sat, 14 Sep 2013 05:00:11 +0000 As stated above – simply brilliant, Jon.
