Comments on: Artist exceeds limits permitted by brain researchers Thu, 19 Sep 2013 21:10:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Politicians can decide whether I’m a journalist? Good luck. — State of Globe Thu, 19 Sep 2013 21:10:55 +0000 […] Artist exceeds limits permitted by brain researchers ( […]

By: William Andrew Thu, 19 Sep 2013 11:50:48 +0000 I see that scientists have now claimed to map the “eleven brain areas” responsible for imagination. They intend to use this to make their computers imaginative enough to replace humans. Time to fly!

Like you, I do some of my imagining and creating in language, but human languages don’t have words for most of what I think, feel, and experience, so I wrote my own language. Imagine facing the “void” of that canvas! Forty some years it took.

256 beautiful letters, all arcs and curves, spirals and loops. None of my eight thousand some odd new words translated into English or any human language at all. These words worked as “idioms” to express what I love and humans have little interest in. I also wrote them in colors that encoded meanings, especially the shifting flows of perspective, viewpoint, and states of consciousness from which we express experience.

Different human languages have different words for the same shared concepts so they are translatable. My language was designed to represent meanings that humans have no words for, so parts of it had no translation. There were no “things” in that language, only experiences by an experiencer viewed from a particular perspective and within a particular context. It therefore had no word for “is,” which we take as one of the deceptive lies that builds the matrix of Earth.

I designed this language to “exceed the limits” of current human thinking, feeling, and experiencing. I didn’t share it with others since I wished to protect myself and them from the “negative consequences” you mention. Non disruption of primitive cultures is part of any benevolent ethics. Most humans couldn’t learn it even if they wanted to since they aren’t aware of, interested in, or willing to imagine the inner world of experience to which it points. My inner “diverse” shows up for me as vast and rich as the outer “universe” that humanity claims to share.

As with your “music,” this language enabled me to create vehicles within consciousness that travel through inner space to other worlds. The “worm hole portals” outside of space and time exist inside of us, not outside. That excludes artificial intelligences and robot probes, so NASA and SETI weren’t interested in such nonsense.

In any case, my curiosity about humankind got the better of me some years back and I made an experiment of sharing a tiny bit of this language with three trusted friends. Their discomfort, fear, and sudden disinterest surprised me and reminded me of the importance of remaining hidden, occult, mysterious, and secret about some things, not in order to deceive, seduce, or gain advantage, but to protect.

They got to watch me typing away in my many colored alien font and then use a program to reduce it through a series of steps into an intermediate language I created to teach with. This was based on Indo-European word roots with prefixes and suffixes, mostly Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin. This had one tenth the letters, thus the 26 letters of the standard alphabet and offered enough intelligibility that a reader could learn to link some experience to the meanings of many of the words.

My friends were startled, amazed, and troubled, but utterly uninterested in anything beyond this short demonstration. They seemed to wish I hadn’t shown them and only to escape the room. They thought it strange and weird, and had no questions. None of them brought up the subject again. I had no idea it would be so threatening, but this led me to some ethical soul searching. I realized I had been incautious in my own curiosity at their response, and now needed to remove this technology from Earth before it got stolen and misused to cause some harm.

I secure erased my computer disks, removed them, and hammered the plates to bits. I then bought new disk drives and no longer dabble in alien technologies while on Earth. I only play this mystery within the secure confines of the distant worlds I visit when I wish to create colorful poetic symphonies of meaning music beyond the mind box of matrix bound words and ideas.

By: LC Thu, 19 Sep 2013 11:38:29 +0000 Some people may think this allegory you’ve written isn’t possible, but a version of this already happened in the Soviet Union under Stalin with the composer Shostakovich. The state approved what could or could not be performed at the Bolshoi, and Shostakovich was basically hounded out of this world by thugs wanting him to compose silly little songs glorifying the all-consuming, mass murdering state.

By: Lucas 2012 Infos Thu, 19 Sep 2013 07:49:53 +0000 Artist Exceeds Limits Permitted By Brain Researchers

By: Specificlist Wed, 18 Sep 2013 17:51:44 +0000 I guess you can’t control the creative mind

By: Jeffrey Hardin Wed, 18 Sep 2013 16:34:18 +0000 Reblogged this on Jericho777's Blog.

By: Infinite Contactee Wed, 18 Sep 2013 15:46:24 +0000 Your work absolutely inspires me to keep on being creative and encouraging this is others. Thank you.
