Comments on: The technocrat’s nightmare Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:42:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Myths and fairy tales about consciousness — State of Globe Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:42:21 +0000 […] The technocrat’s nightmare ( […]

By: One-page proof that attributing consciousness to the brain is absurd — State of Globe Sun, 22 Sep 2013 00:10:51 +0000 […] The technocrat’s nightmare ( […]

By: Jarrod Schneider Sat, 21 Sep 2013 20:33:40 +0000 Forgive me if this sounds confused, but I am confused, only delightfully so, for if there is one thing that have I learned thus far in my life, it is that the process of arguing with myself is the very process that leads to my conscious growth. With that said, I want to address a common theme in your writing Jon, one that I completely understand and am, in fact, very much empowered by, and this is the infinite creative potential of the individual. You often write about the collectivist agenda and its accompanied new age “we are all one” rhetoric. I completely agree with the damaging and disempowering aspects of this type of thinking, and I see how it has translated into the nightmare consensus reality construct of the modern human condition. I have found much power in disconnecting as best I can from it and have achieved much personal insight into the true nature of free will from my process of becoming an individual. But, at the same time, there seems to me to be a flaw in the logic of all this too, and that is, since the creative imaginative potential of the individual is infinite and limitless, then it is within the very nature of infinity itself that there cannot, by definition, be more than one infinity in the whole of existence- there cannot be two infinities or even infinity plus one- therefore we must all be connected in some way. It is no accident that we find ourselves as separate individual entities but also no accident that we, at this time, find ourselves as the co-inhabitants of this realm. Therefore to completely detach from the common mindscape would be to ignore part of the dynamic of being here in this world at this time. Mustn’t the goal then be to embrace our individuality, discover for ourselves what it means to be a single expressive force, and how to utilize and act upon our own unique potential but then also to recognize how this interfaces and effects the other separate entities that also inhabit this realm? It seems to me that once our individuality is established, the lesson then becomes willfully acting freely in any manner we may choose, so long as it does not infringe upon the freedom of others to willfully act in any manner they so choose. So, sparing any over- used jargon of new age disinformation, yes we are separate and can choose to be so, but also we must realize that we are connected to all other individuals here in some transcendental way, and are never truly separate either. The key is to be cognizant of the importance of both and this seems to me to be a balanced approach that works best for me.

By: Debbie Sat, 21 Sep 2013 15:05:13 +0000 check out this site – a lot of information to think about

By: William Andrew Sat, 21 Sep 2013 10:07:12 +0000 Unfortunately techno-mafia, dogmatists, and bureaucrats rarely kill themselves, but instead find ways to make the rest of humanity into clones of themselves by working to narrow everyone’s consciousness into highly focused recursive loops. These “strange attractor” mind-loops generate paranoia (fear & greed) which drives the nutty obsession to gain ever more domination and control of nature, life, and other being’s consciousness.

Media propaganda, “schooling,” and religious dogma are primary tools for this project of constraining and blinding minds. These technologies weave the web of “mind boxes” into a “mind matrix” that transform humans into algorithm structured – program limited zombies.

The goal of capturing consciousness and putting it into computer based artificial intelligence machines is one way scientists conspire to gain control of humanity, along with manipulating their genes and chemically drugging their brains. Bureaucrats and politicians do their part by making endless rules and laws with a tax funded police state to enforce them.

Fascist control freaks are clearly “nuts,” aka insane, but what of the rest of humans who freely choose to give them hard earned resources and vote (or allow) them into power? As the founding fathers of this country said repeatedly, those who don’t take responsibility for maintaining their freedom will quickly loose it to control freaks.

What is it then that leads the rest of humanity to abdicate responsibility for managing their relationships with each other through agreements and contracts? What moves them to repeatedly give up this sacred right and privilege of freely chosen relating, and exchange it for domination by paranoid control freaks? Isn’t this a form of insanity as well?

What difference could it possibly make to complain about the crazed one millionth of a percent who are obsessively compelled to control everyone and everything? Complaining about and blaming the insane seems itself insane! Isn’t this an abdication of responsibility to create, commit to, and maintain the sane relationships and mutual agreements that would easily sideline the misguided efforts of the crazed?

This suggests that our focus should not be so much on “them,” but on our own commitment to work with each other to make them superfluous and thus powerless on asylum Earth.

By: Jon Rappoport – The Technocrat’s Nightmare – 21 September 2013 | Lucas 2012 Infos Sat, 21 Sep 2013 07:51:50 +0000 […] The technocrat’s nightmare ~a short story~ […]
