Comments on: One-page proof that attributing consciousness to the brain is absurd Sun, 08 May 2016 22:55:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Agimaso Schandir Sun, 08 May 2016 22:55:09 +0000 {Jon Rappoport: Of course, a few scientists will argue (and many more will privately believe) that, since we humans ARE conscious, this proves the brain is producing consciousness—because, where else could we look for an explanation?}
If by consciousness you mean self-aware, humans are not the only creature that are self-aware.
The fact we are conscious means that we would look for a source. Traditionally it was the heart, but the brain is the only part of the body that is capable of reconciling the many sensory inputs and produce a model of the world in which to operate in. We know that it is the place where the nervous sensory inputs are bunched at, we know it is the seat of memory, we know it has the capability to assign meaning to those inputs and to memory recalls and ‘thoughts’, which are auxiliary brain neuron firings that are related but may not always triggered by sensory inputs.
We also know that changes in the brain, usually through damage or disease, but also by applying small electrodes in the brain or by magnetic stimulus, can radically change a person personality, or change some aspect of it.

{Jon Rappoport: The brain has no more ability to spawn consciousness than a rock does.}
Air has no more ability to move sand then a rock does — wait, that is not correct.
First, the brain and a rock are of different chemical compositions.
Second, the brain has a different set of chemical reactions then any rock would.
Third, the structure of a brain is different from a rock.
So, yes, the brain has more ability to spawn consciousness (defining consciousness as being self-aware, which only a few animals have that capability).
In fact, it has evolved to have that capability.
Chemistry my dear Rappoport, chemistry. It can make a human conscious. It can change sodium and chlorine into another substance that does not have the properties of sodium or of chloride. Look up common table salt.

{Michael: A radio is not the music and news stations that it receives}
No, but the radio is designed to receive the modulated EM energy and demodulate and amplify it.
But the signal it receives ‘proceeds’ from a transmitter.
Consciousness is not something being transmitted from somewhere out there, it is the activity of a brain.

By: Exetra Sun, 08 May 2016 17:44:14 +0000 Claiming that because rocks don’t exhibit consciousness thus a human brain can’t is more absurd as claiming that because amino acids can be found in clouds then the animals who have it can’t have life.

By: Alice Tue, 13 Oct 2015 03:03:54 +0000 Am I the only person in the world who will concede not knowing?

By: Alice Tue, 13 Oct 2015 02:54:22 +0000 Hello, I read your post and while I have no direct experience or any semblance of proof – I just wanted to mention that there are a few cases I have read about that either have to be dismissed as intentional subterfuge or contradictions to this line of thought, in part. I have been fascinated by late term mental illness and was delighted to discover the phenomena of “terminal lucidity” – proper consciousness functioning despite severely damaged brains in 5-10% of Alzheimer’s patients. I also discovered that there was this one man who had a shunt removed from his brain, and his IQ dropped to 75, but he continued his life as a salesperson with no noticeable difference for years. Granted, the argument is there that when the brain dies we are no longer able to interact with the consciousness that was expressed through it, but the origin of the consciousness cannot be known for sure – only that it is no longer accessible.

By: Mr. Aesthetic Mon, 27 Jul 2015 23:27:10 +0000 ‘I think, therefore I am’. Nope. I am, therefore I think.

By: KJCAD Tue, 27 Jan 2015 04:56:58 +0000 Just came across this
The Master of Arts Degree in Maharishi Vedic Science
Science and Technology of Consciousness

By: Max Hodges (@max_hodges) Wed, 20 Aug 2014 11:18:47 +0000 Here why you are wrong. A box is made up of six sides. No one side can possibly contain anything, therefore a box can’t contain anything!

The flaw with this logic is that each side of a box prevents movement in one direction, so when assembled into a box, movement is restricted in all directions.

That’s how the brain could produce consciousness, without individual brain cells being “conscious” themselves. derp!

By: Hans Fri, 18 Jul 2014 18:58:20 +0000 If the brain is sufficiently damaged, one might then reincarnate. I see where you were going there. You drove yourself into a ditch!

By: Have Mind Control Scientists Found the ‘Switch’ To Turn Off Consciousness? | Pure Theory Sat, 05 Jul 2014 11:38:40 +0000 […] such as researcher Jon Rappoport see a logical fallacy built into conventional scientific thinking because they already assume what […]

By: Mind Control Scientists Claim Ability To Turn Off Consciousness » RickMick Fri, 04 Jul 2014 23:13:49 +0000 […] such as researcher Jon Rappoport see a logical fallacy built into conventional scientific thinking because they already assume what […]
