Comments on: Psychiatry targets college students for destruction Mon, 07 Jun 2021 13:34:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: justanthropology Thu, 15 Dec 2016 16:45:44 +0000 For a perfect follow up now in 2016: please Jon, comment on the passage of the 21st century cures act.

By: xyzabcmnorst Sun, 10 Nov 2013 19:13:14 +0000 To facilitate psychiatry, psychologists function in a more detrimental way. The University of Texas, Austin National Research Consortuim for Counseling Centers target normal students and based on their answers on suicidal ideation categorizes students pushing them to drugs even when they are not deemed to be coming under the level of concern by DSM. They focus on a population level of mental health care while it is highly dubious howcome suicidal ideations are ever be contagious, that such measures are given a thought. Instead of focusing on making psychological thereauptic practices better and well served to college students Dr. David Drum through his research is somewhere targeting normal and innocent students to the walls of psychiatry using absolutely inconceivable means of pharma attacks made possible through psychologists.

By: xyzabcmnorst Tue, 22 Oct 2013 17:12:30 +0000 University of Texas, Austin also enters in this list.

By: Jon Rappoport’s Blog Mon, 30 Sep 2013 11:40:07 +0000 […] If you haven’t seen Jon Rappoport’s blog, please take a look.  Here are two quotes from his September 22 post, Psychiatry targets college students for destruction: […]

By: anonymous Sun, 29 Sep 2013 17:06:20 +0000 For all generations:

passing it on:

How To Deprogram Your Own Mind
by A. Orange

By: Freedom to be responsible - not brainwash Sun, 29 Sep 2013 16:46:31 +0000 Young parents, stand up and outcry, boycott and pull out your
children from those fed govt-charted Kindgarten schools forcing (Un)”common core” ‘sex (brainwash-) education’ to 5 year olds now.
And the “trans-gender” propaganda – allowing “trans-gender” boys
to enter and use girl’s bathrooms in public schools.

They are using the public schools and manufactured liberal
agenda to psychologically damage very young, impressionable
children – to create confusion for their future. And become
corporate, govt propaganda automated mental cases.

(Pink Floyd – we don’t need no thought control)

Brainwash liberalism is rearing it’s ugly head and like Rome, is about meet it’s downfall in a very ugly, ugly way.
The perpetrators can no longer be immune from the law of unintended consequences.

Get your kids out of public school – home school them,
find dogma-doctrine free fautonomous schools, create a new one in your home and community – small or large. Freedom is our own responsibility not theirs.

Sue and file lawsuits against these schools and the U.S. govt.

Don’t let your own pure brethen and friends’ children grow up screwed up. It is a responsibility and for those who are yet unborn. Do human beings want to leave a legacy dumped on like the one many are facing now. Even one friend (early 20′s) has said his own generation is screwed up.
As well, when you are older, do you want these doctrinated, screwed up
generation taking care of you, in your elder years?

Whose responsible?

It’s time to choose to clean up the mess

In responsible freedom, self-governance, self-reliance and self-individuation.


By: ironcloudz Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:42:00 +0000 @Jean,

I was attempting to be ironic by showing how psychiatrists might diagnose Neanderthals. I was trying to be…funny. Shed a light through reductio ad absurdum if you can grock the Latin. Get it now?

Have I checked out “Common Core” yet?

yes, I work as a technologist for a large school district. It’s designed purposely to limit the educational discourse to indoctrinate and shape pupils into narrow boxes and ultimately to failure, blame the teachers, and close down and privatize public education.

Yes, I have read some of John Taylor Gatto’s writings.

I passed the NYS Regents exams decades ago dragged by the hair through the educational system, and it’s MUCH worse now.

I have never been called a Statist Psychophant before though if you can hum a few bars I might be able to follow along.

I am sorry you did not get the joke.

By: Jean Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:28:05 +0000 @ironcloudz:
WTF you talkin’ ’bout, Willis?

Home Schooling? You mean like MOST of the US was, and for that matter, THE WORLD – before we became Feedlot USA?
Further, Government-Run schools are merely indoctrination centers: Checked out “Common Core” yet? Read anything by John Taylor Gatto, who WAS a teacher in NYC until he left the profession in disgust?
Tried to pass the old NYC Regents exam recently?

Home-made unlicensed weapons? such as… What? Bow and Arrow? Spear? Stone knife? Shivs?
And WHY should a weapon be LICENSED? A flowerpot or a brick or a book or a pane of glass can be a weapon. Someone like me? My body IS my weapon, whether throing, punching, kicking, biting – all is “fair” if you attack me. Shall my teeth, fists, feet, and the laws of physics be licensed too?

The other two at least made some sense, as they (1) violate another person’s property rights, or (4) Talk funny, yes, they do – the young always try to differentiate themselves from the “old” (Mostly mom and dad and “That Generation.”)

But the rest makes you sound like a Statist psychophant. That’s not a world I wish to live in, but I can pass through it without issue. If I read you right – you’d be unable to make it through a day in a world where there wasn’t someone ELSE tasked with cleaning your diaper…

Kinda ugly, there. How about, go make your State paradise somewhere else, and let me live MY life, MY way, without infringing on anyone else?

By: ARIZONA Mon, 23 Sep 2013 20:20:42 +0000 HEY,JON,want an IDEA,whats about to happen in depraved america?WATCH THE VIDEO,child stew in china,and know california is disarming californians,SO THE CHINESE CAN come ashore unapposed,they’ll be here soon to………………

By: ironcloudz Mon, 23 Sep 2013 20:12:10 +0000 “They imagine that only Neanderthals would reject psychiatry…”

And they would be perfect candidates since they exhibit the following clearly dysfunctional behaviors:

writing on cave walls (ie, defacing public property)

home schooling

hunting with home-made unlicensed weapons

uproarious unrecognizable speech patterns (clear signs of delusional thinking)
