Comments on: Myths and fairy tales about consciousness Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:49:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: William Andrew Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:49:20 +0000 I’ll let a few (late to the party) materialist scientists speak for themselves:

“A single high dose of the hallucinogen psilocybin, the active ingredient in … “magic mushrooms,” was enough to bring about a measurable personality change lasting at least a year in nearly 60 percent of the 51 participants in a new study (at) Johns Hopkins…”

“Lasting change was found in the part of the personality known as openness, which includes traits related to imagination, aesthetics, feelings, abstract ideas and general broad-mindedness. Changes in these traits … were larger in magnitude than changes typically observed in healthy adults over decades of life experiences… Researchers … say that after the age of 30 personality doesn’t usually change significantly.”

By: Philosonator Wed, 25 Sep 2013 04:00:54 +0000 This article is good. It opens up the discussion. Every age has has insightful thinkers who understand the inherent freedom — and responsibility — of consciousness, but since each age has its own degree of enlightenment and awareness, each age needs someone to explain it at our own present “level of consciousness.”

By: tony Wed, 25 Sep 2013 03:45:59 +0000 Wow, you are killing me. I hope your book is available before the end of the year.
Eager anticipation is building for me with each article you write.

By: Lee Wed, 25 Sep 2013 01:43:16 +0000 P.S. The eternal mystery is the proof. If there was no mystery of consciousness in the worlds of matter, energy, space and time to explore then what would be the point of non-automated consciousness. Matter, energy, space and time would be rendered as all there is!

By: Lee Wed, 25 Sep 2013 01:38:14 +0000 Quote: “They’re dogs fighting over a piece of meat that isn’t even meat.”

Brilliant piece – Again! How refreshing – Again – to hear an artist masterfully share his gift for translation, of that which is predominantly untranslatable, into the world of translatable.

In the world of translatable I am a simple, domestic, woman and thus quite simply viewed as just another piece of meat whose sole purpose is to be tossed, shredded, dragged and left to rot, according to the whim of the ‘dogs’. Yet having put in the “hard yards”, that is persistent determination in dismantling the complex programs that have been created in the numerous and vast worlds of “dogs and meat”, I have come to know and view matter, energy, space and time, consciously, for what it is, from my consciousness, which is not of matter, energy, space and time.

This is the unfathomable, the untranslatable, because the mind is of matter, energy, space and time and therefore unable to imagine, let alone conceive of anything else besides what has been created, to date, in matter, energy, space and time. The dogs and the meat having become so attached to and personified with matter, energy, space and time, of which I once was, see no other option but to constantly and fiercely attempt to keep painting personifications with brushes that are on constant supply within the minds loop creations.

What’s really cool though is that people, simple people, like me, are becoming aware of this. I don’t have a degree or a solid education for that matter in the world of matter, energy, space and time, but because I chose to surrender, in order to understand, the concepts of matter, energy, space and time, (not an easy task I might add), and listen instead to what remained, I was delighted to find that the knowingness of my awareness remained and was actually always there, I just had to continually dismantle the distractions to make it “louder”. I am now able to view life from a completely different landscape, whilst bringing a whole new creativity to the explorative model of the matter, energy, space and time landscape. And funnily I can now look at the concepts of say conventional physics and see that, as Jon remarks, it is the equivalent of a “rock wheel” compared to what is creatively being added to the matter, energy, space and time landscape from consciousness aware of itself.

By: Homer Wed, 25 Sep 2013 01:12:51 +0000 Great Quote/Amen
“Pieces of what consciousness creates linger and form a kind of landscape. A person consults it, as if it were a guide, over and over, until his life wears out, feels old, bores him to the point where he wants something new.
He can linger and grow old staring at this landscape painting, or he can imagine and invent novel things”.i.e(exit the matrix/create
-Jon Rappoport-The Magician Awakes
Portrait of the Artist as an Old Man:)
Great Quote/Amen
‘When the soul of a man is born in this country(matrix) there are nets flung at it to hold it back from flight… I shall try to fly by those nets’.
—A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

I fully concur with you that consciousness is a situation and not a noun, furthermore I posit that individuals will become conscious in a greater frequency, in a short time the world will respect individual freedoms/free individuals. “None of den is gonna stoppa da tide”. ‘Consensus can be externally shaped and controlled but consciousness most certainly can not be’! (Amen Jon…Amen Jon). These Mystical (Masters of Atlantis) and Materialistic/Technocratic “Elite” (21st Century Digital Boys) are deranged and diluted enough to BELIEVE they are big dogs warring over a ball of hamburger which is OUR consciousness. The reality of their situation is they’re just two dung beetles warring over a ball of shit that is an artificial consensus that THEY dropped in front of us, they can their ball back, its their game, I’m not playing.
People are becoming conscious and exiting the matrix. Free humanity will take flight past their nets and soar freely over an infinite expanse of landscape. Through oceans and forests, over mountains and deserts, down in the valleys and above hills, never to look back. (Although I may just hover awhile over a dung hill in an old worn out landscape called oceania where the scarabs sisyphus battle over a dung ball they call our consciousness,bwahahahhaha! What a myth. King shits of the turd heap).

I’m gonna go paint a landscape with two dung beatles fighting in front of a hill with electrodes attached to their heads that connect to a computer that connects to a dung ball that has consciousness carved into it. On one side of the dung hill will be a red flag that reads Mythical Eliteon the other side will be a blue flag that reads Materialistic Elite. I think I’ll call it “Got Consciousness?”bwahahahaha!


Lol! I can’t wait to see that painting!!!

By: Peter Schreiner Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:58:40 +0000 “. . .we would all rise to another level of life in which much of the suffering would no longer be necessary.”

And yet, one vastly important point we miss.

Thank you Jon.

By: Michael Bohoskey Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:13:33 +0000 Conversations like these always seem to become polarized. Perhaps because we linger in a third dimensional frequency, trying to find explanations requiring a more comprehensive view. Even religion is based on polarization. A higher view, or frequency, allows for visualization of consciousness as energy, a blending of science and spirituality. Quantum physics and consciousness. What if everything in every universe had consciousness? And every soul a unique energetic fingerprint? And what if the innate nature of every particle/vibrating string was to create? Individuals create expansively when expressing their own innate feed from the “all that is” within them. Energy within manifesting without, through conscious intent and action. In physics this akin to “collapsing the wave function” of possibilities. The “material” an “immaterial” are in a constant dance. And I think you are right that the language of the soul, of life, is poetic. Symbolic, as in a dream.
