Comments on: If an elite television anchor confessed to everything Mon, 14 Oct 2013 21:57:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Who will narrate space and time in the future? — State of Globe Mon, 14 Oct 2013 21:57:36 +0000 […] If an elite television anchor confessed to everything ( […]

By: Ian T. MacLeod Fri, 04 Oct 2013 20:13:26 +0000 Would this go under the heading of, “Not real, but true,” or “Not true, but real”? Either way, it’s RIGHT, and I think pretty much anyone reading on this blog would love to have it happen. Sadly, it would never get out very far. TPTB have gotten very good at burying actual news – in America, at least.


By: jonathantothfromhoth Mon, 30 Sep 2013 17:59:24 +0000 Reblogged this on jonathantothfromhoth and commented:

By: jonathantothfromhoth Mon, 30 Sep 2013 17:54:30 +0000 Genius! Thanks for writing that. Now, if only we could get some news anchors to take the red pill…

By: Graham Sun, 29 Sep 2013 21:22:30 +0000 There are in reality only a small proportion of us who know what is what, and how it all fits together and is all part of one big conspiracy, and if you tell others, you are the nut. Big Pharma, Big Industry, Toxic Chemicals, Fluoride and Chlorine in water, Media in bed with the cabal, the cabal, Georgia Guidstones, Jesuits, Masons, the Israeli connection, Bullingdon boys in the UK, Skull & Bones in the US, aliens, reptilians etc etc.
Then there is the whole new age stuff, are we going to ‘ascend’ or not? Is that what we are here for? Is there a God and will he come to save us – again? or send his son again? or do we have to figure this all out ourselves this time around? There are 99 of us to every 1 of them so it shouldn’t be too hard?
But it is all set up so that YOU have to figure this out for yourself, I don’t know if you’ve noticed this or not, there comes a point in everyone’s life when they go looking for the answers, and this comes to us all at different ages. Maybe this has been ongoing for ever? Maybe that’s what ascension is, realising that something isn’t right, and maybe you only get your reward when you die, which will make it even harder for those of us who think it is coming soon and that the ‘prosperity packages’ and ‘NESARA’ are just around the corner?
It does my bloody head in sometimes. Is it all about ‘faith’?
If we are all still here in 10 years from now, and things are a whole lot worse, will we still be thinking that whatever is going to happen is just around the corner?
Is there going to be an ‘event’ like Cobra is telling us?

By: Alexis, Lanza, Holmes and the Psychiatric State | The Daily Sheeple Sun, 29 Sep 2013 16:09:30 +0000 […] And as I walked out of my job, I’d see a bevy of blank-eyed pharmaceutical executives marching into the office of the paper’s publisher, ready to read the riot act to him. […]

By: What If…. - Specificlist Sun, 29 Sep 2013 07:27:10 +0000 […] […]

By: Jon Rappoport – Alexis, Lanza, Holmes, And The Psychiatric State – 29 September 2013 | Lucas 2012 Infos Sun, 29 Sep 2013 06:56:52 +0000 […] And as I walked out of my job, I’d see a bevy of blank-eyed pharmaceutical executives marching into the office of the paper’s publisher, ready to read the riot act to him. […]

By: Alexis, Lanza, Holmes, and the Psychiatric State « Jon Rappoport's Blog Sat, 28 Sep 2013 22:55:40 +0000 […] And as I walked out of my job, I’d see a bevy of blank-eyed pharmaceutical executives marching into the office of the paper’s publisher, ready to read the riot act to him. […]

By: Jon Rappoport ~ If An Elite Television Anchor Confessed To Everything | Shift Frequency Sat, 28 Sep 2013 14:11:49 +0000 […] JonRappoport  September 27 2013 […]
