Comments on: Alexis, Lanza, Holmes, and the Psychiatric State Sat, 20 Jun 2020 12:49:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: The rise of the Psychiatric State under Obamacare — State of Globe Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:49:47 +0000 […] Alexis, Lanza, Holmes, and the Psychiatric State ( […]

By: Torrey Fuller Tue, 08 Oct 2013 20:44:54 +0000 My career will be ruined if these facts ever become common knowledge!!

By: CAWS Mon, 30 Sep 2013 15:46:51 +0000 Environmental poisons are a factor as well as the over prescribing of medications and trauma. Not just psyche meds either. Check out the damage [including hallucinations] done from fluoroquinolone antibiotics & the 360 other pharma drugs “enhanced” by fluorine at & click on the FTRC link. Most psyche drugs have F in them.
Organofluorine poisoning abounds along with the synergy of exposure to Hg, AL & formaldehyde in our vaccines, Hg & F in our dentist office, toxins in our food ,water & air. 85% of anesthesia & chemo are F based. The mad hatters in the 1800s nut houses were all mercury poisoned from the process to make felt hats. Live near a farm, golf course, cranberry bog or state park? You are probably lead arsenate poisoned by AEROSOL into your lungs.
Metal & halogen poisonings cause mineral derangement, change the expression of genes & block receptors. There are many tests available to prove this including DNA but no MD or DO knows about them by design.
A study done on the most violent criminals in prisons found that most all had excess copper in their system and when given zinc +/or chelation they became docile again. Lead can cause violence too. Arsenic causes paranoia. Mineral or hormone deficiency can have a very powerful affect on the mind & body. PMS anyone?
Most of the ADD ADHD kids I taught had been poisoned in the womb & with vaccines by Hg / fluoride/AL. Meds only covered the symptoms & did further damage. Go to for SAFE detox protocols & tests before you let the docs near you

By: Chris Hathaway Mon, 30 Sep 2013 07:47:07 +0000 I’ve talked about this with members of my family and most if not all of them either make exceptions like “oh, we’ll talk therapy works.” “oh, some medicines actually help people.” Or they just get mad that I talk about it and tell me to shut up. I don’t know what’s worse; the fact that psychiatrists are blatantly abusing their positions of authority or the fact that the country (maybe just here in so cal) are too worried about Breaking Bad or their Facebook’s to give a crap about something so real and threatening to humans.

By: Chris Hathaway Mon, 30 Sep 2013 07:26:29 +0000 My teacher the other day during break asked us “what do you guys think about what’s going on in the Middle East?” I slid over in my chair and was instantly geared in to see if anyone said anything, shortly after, Some girl in my class was like “forget about that what’s up with all these shootings lately?”. I shook my head and bit my tongue. People really have no idea why there are so many “crazies” running and gunning. I could’ve blown the whole damn thing open after being a regular reader of your work but I bit my tongue. Maybe next time if someone brings it up. It’s obvious that drugs make humans into monsters. As you put it, anyone with two working brain cells doesn’t have to wonder long about why this country is having so many violent atrocities occurring.

By: Revolution for Victory News Today | Alexis, Lanza, Holmes, and the Psychiatric State Sun, 29 Sep 2013 22:55:12 +0000 […] by Jon Rappoport, NoMoreFakeNews: […]

By: wkchild Sun, 29 Sep 2013 20:54:18 +0000 Reblogged this on wchildblog.

By: anonymous Sun, 29 Sep 2013 17:35:57 +0000 “The Common Core curriculum is sick with graphic sexual material that are
Exposing graphic sexual material to young people is also called “grooming.” Pedophiles use this to break down their victim’s defenses.”

“Common Core is also the latest attempt by the Feds to nationalize education. The Federal take-over of education will distance the parents from the educational process. This model is aiming for the European model, which pushes children into career paths at an early age, which assigns vocational, or university direction. Another bothersome aspect is the data-mining of our children that will determine religious and political leanings, income, and other bizarre behaviors to the role of education. Buyer, Beware.”

Be vocal and say NO MORE to “sexualizing” for unethical “prostitiution” of our own children, perversing
and nationalizing education. De-centralize the public school system.

This is very, very unethical and inhumane
to our children. These people behind
these programs need to be shamed, outed,
for what they really are. Child abusers.

Take them and the teachers to court for child molestation.

By: Kathy Sun, 29 Sep 2013 14:09:35 +0000 Great article Jon. I think all mental disease is caused by childhood trauma but the shrinks never want to address that issue. You ought to do another article on the totally unreported and covered up benzo scandal.

By: Tracy Kolenchuk Sun, 29 Sep 2013 12:47:40 +0000 The DSM is the ultimate extension of the search for illness. No-one studies health, there’s money in illness – no money in health (there is money if fitness, strength, weight loss, etc, but no scientific evidence that these are ‘health’).

Medical systems spend all their time with their head in the sand, searching for illness, so they can wave eye of newt and bladder of frog over a boiling pot to create a ‘patented of course’ medicine. And when that patent expires, create a new medicine. And if the medicine happens to cause a new disease, so much the better – another medicine in the wings.

When we study health and healthiness, we will learn that mental disorders, like many aspects of healthiness, are healthy reactions to unhealthy situations. If we want to actually treat and cure mental disorders we need to treat them with health, not with sick, toxic, medicines.
to your health, tracy
