Comments on: Spiritual fascism Sat, 14 Mar 2015 16:34:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: tashmoo711 Sat, 14 Mar 2015 16:34:52 +0000 Love that. Thanks. It’s an experience, not a description or a dogma. And you indeed create it from your own heart and imagination and not from some guru’s recipe for bliss.

By: waraji Mon, 28 Oct 2013 19:45:17 +0000 I am an artist, and I don’t see the analogy between an individual “making” something that was actually already there, and the Fascist demanding/prompting this whole scenario from other people. My personal experience is that “new” things we make fall somewhere between having been already there and being original.

By: Rugged Individualism or Scientific Management - The McCarthy Project Wed, 16 Oct 2013 16:32:07 +0000 […] They put it there to begin with. They created a reality and then denied they created it.” Spiritual Fascism Jon Rappoport. For additional information, click […]

By: On one consciousness… « Michael Burns Thu, 10 Oct 2013 02:01:59 +0000 […] […]

By: On the matter of one consciousness… « Michael Burns Thu, 10 Oct 2013 01:17:46 +0000 […] […]

By: Jean Thu, 03 Oct 2013 15:41:00 +0000 I was responding to someone on “The Daily Sheeple,” which posted this article as well.

His comment:
What the […] is this kook even trying to say?

Smoking pot is bad dude



My Response:

Maybe you should smoke something, too, to broaden your perception of reality. Or drink something, or breathe something, or read something. Maybe exercise until it hurts – and keep going until it DOESN’T hurt any more.

It was pretty obvious to me what was being said.
I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and don’t exercise that way. (I admit I drink from time to time, but I’m sober at this point.) Reading, I do a lot.

The idea is, there’s a blank canvas that an artist is painting on – and he’s caliming, as he paints, that he is MAKING reality. And he is “forcing” others to believe that is true. Because the picture is so pretty, these people willingly buy into the delusion of (a) what reality IS, as he paints it, and (b) that they have no control over reality – neglecting to notice that, by buying into his PAINTING of reality, they are giving up their power to control their own reality.

Then, the look around and claim there’s something WRONG with the reality they inhabit – because HE painted it.
But it’s the reality THEY created. THEY ARE the painter. They’re just unwilling to accept that they had the power to make things work out, ever, at all.

Note the subtle change of perspective in the actions.

Now consider that there IS a separate artist, as well, who is painting a picture, “Reality,” which frames US as the artist painting OUR picture.
That artist is the government (or other entity, we’re talking about government right now). Government is defining the reality we are allowed to see – DECIDING what we are allowed to paint, what is allowed to exist, and how we are allowed to perceive it all.

And if we try to paint outside the numbered color scheme and sharp lines they’ve provided, they will kill us.

But we created that ARTIST, too…

It’s M.C. Escher’s hands, as shown here:

By: mothman777 Wed, 02 Oct 2013 16:04:37 +0000 @ Ourself, in response to your comment of October 1, 2013 at 5:43 pm

The actual term for what you are describing, is actually the vedic philosophy of Achintya Bheda Bheda Tattva, that is; ‘simultaneous and inconceivable oneness and difference’.

The idea rests on this, that just as the eyes of creatures in this world do not function without the sun, in the spiritual world beyond, the unique cosmic light of the immanent Creator God is unique in that It alone can enable full self-cognition of all eternal spiritual qualities within all souls who maintain a conscious relationship with God, that being experienced in varying degrees according to the degree of relationship maintained with God, the who acts as Communal Higher Self in this regard.

The Supreme God soul is thus the greater part of the self-cognitive faculty of all souls in fact.

The name for that philosophy that you gave, ‘non-duality’, is a misnomer however.

Non-duality is in fact Advaita, the concept of the complete merging of all souls into one, that idea resting on the erroneous belief that all souls were originally one in the first place, as the Brahman ‘white light’, and that therefore the best idea is to remerge.

In truth, The Supreme God soul, maintains the standard of spiritual consciousness for all, uniquely being abe to restore all souls to their original transcendental awareness of their eternal forms, intellect, bliss, personalities, etc, whenever they sometimes forget, due to their being marginal potencies of the Lord God, who enjoy travelling in all directions, that eternal quality being termed ‘sarva gata’, though sometimes not always in their best self-interests, but that is what having total freedom means.

In the highest relationship with the Lord God, Krishna, madhura rasa being the highest attainable of all rasas, the individual souls are given to share the same mystical potencies of the Lord Soul, and with an equal degree of enjoyment, so the jiva souls are not subjected to any position of relative inferiority of enjoyment of pleasure . That is what it means to be a part of God, the equal potential for pleasurable enjoyment, without any desperate measure being needed to be sought such as the notion of having to merge as one in order to experience such equality of bliss, or whatever.

The relative level of pleasure attained by souls who enter the spiritual illusion provided by Krishna of having merged as one in the impersonal Brahman light, just outside the actual spiritual worlds, is actually vastly less than that attainable by remaining fully conscious of their eternal individuality in relationships with Krishna, and through Him, with each other on the highest levels of awareness possible.

Depending on the relationships engaged in, each soul can vibrate so as to become various eternal forms, moving from one eternal form to another as they wish to engage in different relationships with Krishna, so they may assume the form of a flower, or a bee, or a two-armed human-like form, or even a four-armed humanlike form, and so on, there being unlimited eternal forms that the soul can manifest to enjoy different relationships with Krishna, just as He Himself has unlimited forms that He can take, Govinda being the most awakening, intimate, loving and pleasurable to relate to in the highest spiritual planet, Goloka, from which all souls originate from, in a beginningless fashion, the cosmic multitude of souls in existence being the true nature of reality without any cause or beginning, beyond the beginning and the end of material time.

By: Corey Leland Wed, 02 Oct 2013 05:32:21 +0000 Maybe you would consider doing a blogtalkradio 30 minutes on this? I usually appreciate what you write Jon, but I feel you are missing the mark on this one. If anyone thought I was promoting “Spiritual fascism” with a message of Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Omniscience and our Eternal Oneness with that Spiritual nature and essence, I would certainly like the opportunity to dialog with that (well spoken, thoughtful, open-minded) person!

By: mothman777 Wed, 02 Oct 2013 00:43:41 +0000 I am very glad to see you post this article of truth, very different from the NWO advaitist pseudo spirituality usually dished up by many of the new ‘gurus’ on the internet.

The NWO advaitist religion that everyone Is being prepared for, is one typified by trying to bring the state of ‘no thought’ into this reality, where it is not suited or practical at all, even though some may find that state of ‘no thought’ somewhat pleasurable in the impersonal Brahman for a while after leaving their material body, till they realize that they are just restricting their own potential for full pleasure there, and once again embrace their individuality in either the true spiritual world above the Brahman light, or instead return to dwell in some material body here once again.

Those people who wrongly encourage others to ‘transcend mind’ merely make everyone cabbages, and absolute sheeple to the slaughter.

The Bhagavad Gita confirms that the intellect should be developed, and not closed down, in order for the yogi to succeed on his path to dovetail his consciousness as an eternal individual with that of God, the Supreme eternal individual. Yoga means ‘to join’.

In fact, for spiritual evolution, the spiritual mind must become ever more active, not less. How do these people think God makes the universe work? By ‘not thinking’?

None of those people, no matter how well intended or pleasant, can really do what the Creator does when they ambitiously and egotistically claim (ever so humbly and without any ‘ego’ of course), that ‘I am infinite love’ and all that BS.

Every soul is a unique and eternal spiritual ego, with an eternal perfect spiritual personality to reawaken by increasingly entering into association with the God Higher Self.

Just as God has a perfect personality, so each of us also, as eternal individual expansions of Him, have perfect individual and unique personalities too, once we are in a harmonic relationship with God once again, and they are not something to be destroyed and dismissed as the advaitists tell us to do. We can even experience some small measure of our eternal nature becoming reawakened even in this world.

‘Ego’ (simply consciousness that each individual soul has, that ‘I am’) is not a dirty word like the ‘we are all one’ crew are making out, and an enlightened soul perfectly dovetailed in a loving freindship with the communal Higher Self, who also happens to be the cosmic head of the body of all the souls, enjoys the pleasure of reattaining their full potential for pleasure on the spiritual plane, that being fully experienced when we are free from any external regulatory material bodies like the gross and subtle material vehicles that we dwell in now, and dwell in perfect freedom, free from all anxiety, back in our true eternal homeland, our true place of origin, and that world is actually made entirely of the soul of God Himself, though He still manifests there in humanlike form also, to better relate to all individual souls there.

By: joanie Tue, 01 Oct 2013 22:44:10 +0000 Jon, you said –

“People occasionally write to me and say the artist has no function in this society. Well, I’m not talking about function. Function is for machines.

Machines aren’t free.”

But we humans are machines. A machine defined –
“an apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions, used in the performance of some kind of work.”

That describes the beating human electric heart that runs our bodily functions.

“a special group of cells that have the ability to generate electrical activity on their own. These cells separate charged particles. Then they spontaneously leak certain charged particles into the cells. This produces electrical impuses in the pacemaker cells which spread over the heart, causing it to contract.”

Indeed we are artists whether people realize it or not. Some live with intention, are conscious of the world around them, while most don’t/aren’t, but nevertheless, each action is an act of “being”. To be (art defined) or not to be, one is creating, manipulating energy at all times. We are all one in that everything is energy, only in different wave forms, frequency sets us apart or brings one together. Time and time again, people change their frequency to match others, to go along to get along, showing compassion and empathy towards the ill, etc. Yet it is a challenge for those that don’t understand, we also do not have to stoop to and match those ill persons and stay at that frequency/level of depression, those doing evil deeds and so on. Nevertheless, what is that saying, “it takes all kinds” – this describes our different frequencies whether we blend or stand alone.

BTW, I must add, there always has to be “a lone nut” in each event… Because then the case becomes a closed one. If ever they “allow” the story to leak out info concerning another possible suspect, it has to be squashed, otherwise the event then becomes a conspiracy (more than one) and must be investigated. That is how they control all events they create. Heh
