Comments on: The dominance of the cartoon in a declining civilization Fri, 04 Oct 2013 18:57:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: vivekchaturvedi6666 Fri, 04 Oct 2013 18:57:46 +0000 More literally then Jon has it in this article, at least as I understand it, cartoons (literal) and their increasing dominance (Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon etc.) are prime tools of social control.
With Disney as their grand poobah.
Done right though, they (literally and figuratively) can stretch a character into their reality, in the context of being seen as the naked emperors they are.
Done right, they are amazing….done wrong, as in real life imitating bad or schizoid art, they are a tell on how things are.

This collection on war is one such…

By: Ed Thu, 03 Oct 2013 12:55:52 +0000 @ Anthony Clifton,

Was that comment supposed to be the Before The Cutup, or the After The Cutup statement? if neither is the case, are you posting while impaired?

By: jim Wed, 02 Oct 2013 21:11:11 +0000 On a related note, there are really cool cartoons, like 8th Man. It was by far and away my favorite cartoon as a kid, because it was total satire. Here was the essential skills and memories of a great and freshly dead detective being put into a robot’s electronic brain, so you had all the skill of a seasoned detective and a mindless, soulless robot programmed to fight crime.

The Police Chief was a fat, incompetent buffoon, there is rampant corruption on all levels, the principle criminal always has US qualities to it, and the savior is a basically a machine. This was a great political venue for open minded kids. No other of my siblings liked this cartoon, probably because it reminded them what human trash they all were (are).

There are also great cartoons, with political messages of importance, like those that do spoofs on criminals like the Messiah and Romney the Robot (from planet Mormon), and discuss how the Federal Reserve completely destroyed the US economy and caused WWI, II (and III), and other right on political portrayals of complete evil. The beauty about cartoons these daze is they can be made cheaply, by someone who has a message but no real animation skills. Plus, let US face it, even adults really love cartoons.


By: Luther Blissett Wed, 02 Oct 2013 19:58:12 +0000 It could be definitely be seen as a cartoon. At times it can also seem like a cheesy Hollywood action flick, a science fiction dystopia, or the type of fake narratives weaved into WWF matches. It’s indicative of the creative bankruptcy of Washington DC and corporate media that they steal from so many sources.

By: Anthony Clifton Wed, 02 Oct 2013 10:29:13 +0000 we could artfully agree that there is in fact no truth to the “Jewish” narrative

and the so-called Ashkenazim [Khazar] “Proselytes” are being played…


no one HAS to stay in the stool sculpture deity cult compound.

By: Jon Rappoport – The Dominance Of The Cartoon In A Declining Civilization – 2 October 2013 | Lucas 2012 Infos Wed, 02 Oct 2013 07:14:21 +0000 […] / link to original article […]

By: flyingtigercomics Tue, 01 Oct 2013 20:08:39 +0000 The brilliance of a great cartoonist is to be able to boil down concepts into a simple shorthand form that allows people to manipulate the concepts easily, and digest subtext.

The evil of the media and its controllers is in using the same cartoon approach to conceal complex facts behind apparently innocent shorthand when in reality they are adding noise to the signal to prevent understanding.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 01 Oct 2013 19:22:47 +0000 “One of the jobs of artists is to expose the ubiquitous scam.”……I am getting closer to painting again, that would be a good thing!

“People know what’s going on.”……Do ya think so? Because I am wondering constantly. One minute I am close to believing that statement and the next I am surrounded by zombies, with blank eyes and speaking in sound bites.
Sometimes I have the McKenna suspicion that there is nobody at the helm, there is nobody in control and the whole contraption is running wildly out of control faster and faster until it stops, then there is this sucking sound like water going down a toilet, annnnnddd…… were back to the singularity and boom the Big Bang starts again. Breathe out, breathe in.
I could always tell when GEorGe doubleya was being spoken too, he would use twenty-five cent words and touch his ear a lot. I understood that there was someone in the back room speaking to him in his ear piece, exactly what was meant to be presented to a public….then Georgie B spoke his own words, and Yosemeti Sam jumped out of his mouth. And I almost positive I could hear banjo music in my head when this happened.
Michael Burns

By: will Tue, 01 Oct 2013 19:06:30 +0000 In the bush cut up I noticed “uniform lives”,”only ones represent guardsmen”, and “carry a risk and your out”
