Comments on: The devastating truth behind Obamacare Mon, 02 Oct 2017 11:41:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eliza Ayres Mon, 02 Oct 2017 11:41:15 +0000 Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:
Reblog from 2013 — this is one of the reasons Obamacare must be taken down. Government fraud and excessive gov’t control over the individual’s ability to choose their own health care.

By: sam Tue, 25 Nov 2014 04:33:47 +0000 United States would quit giving billions of dollars to other countries and saving them with useless fucking peoplesend ever had a pot to piss in it all the money just go to the country’s leaders anyways why not take their 3 billion 10 billion 40 billion and put it on Medicare so us people that everything from infections in your mouth gets his section started somewhere else in our body we can get teeth fixed and liveyI always your obama everybody going we wanna save american likes the fuck you do obama if you want to save American lives what you say on TV every time you have the speech to help us people on Medicare with infected teeth that started to be somewhere else in our bodies and spread we don’t have 20 thousand dollars to get our teeth fixed to save our lifes and dentists will not take payment plans. I told to dentist’s that I had spend over $50,000 for me and my family to get her teeth fixed I told both of them I could pay $250 a month and I would sign my life insurance over to them. neither dentist would do it if they know I’m going to die are they murderers then. If Medicare will even pay half it would save a lot of lifes so quit giving our money to other countries that nobody gives a fuck about and leaders steal it anyways inju Obama it’s like you’re giving your friends who run other countries the money cuz you know the people won’t get new house in your anything so please save my life my name is Rick feel free to write me or stop by before I fucking die

By: Ken McIntyre MD PC Tue, 31 Dec 2013 04:39:43 +0000 the peopel voted him in, bottomline.

By: Ken McIntyre MD PC Tue, 31 Dec 2013 04:38:42 +0000 you won’t get an appointment so don;’t worry.

By: Praise Obamacare Tue, 08 Oct 2013 20:31:30 +0000 Folks rеаllу don’t knоw hоw badly уоu nееd Obamacare. If уоu think thе insurance model оf health care уоu аrе uѕing iѕ good, уоu rеаllу nееd tо givе уоur head a shake аnd lооk аt thе economics. Insurance iѕ likе a tax already, оnlу it givеѕ ѕоmеоnе profit inѕtеаd оf gоing intо thе system. Mоѕt people оutѕidе thе Usa lооk аt thiѕ “system” аnd laugh аt hоw badly duped Americans are, allowing doctors, insurance companies, аnd politicians (through lobbyists) tо scam thеm оut оf ѕо muсh money. But, please, gо ahead аnd ѕау whаt уоu will оf mу post аnd make inappropriate comments аbоut mу character – it won’t сhаngе уоur lack оf education оn thе matte

By: Tracy Photogirl Shaw Mon, 07 Oct 2013 20:37:17 +0000 It’s not just a “medical” fascist state. The current President WANTS the USA to be a socialist state. He has made that statement numerous times. When will the people start to really LISTEN!?!?! and ACT? Why can’t we get him out of office?

By: Tracy Photogirl Shaw Mon, 07 Oct 2013 20:35:26 +0000 and if you opt out, you will HAVE to pay the government $4,000 a year. They will garnish your wages to get the payment. It is NOT free in any way. It is NOT good for this country.

By: RalphFucetolaJD Mon, 07 Oct 2013 02:52:26 +0000 Brilliant analysis; clearly shows the threat to real health care (so-called CAM). There is some slight hope that the Medical Food provision of the 2005 Orphan Drug Act may protect some space for nutritional therapies, but the prognosis is not good! See my blog:

By: Nicholas Landholt Mon, 07 Oct 2013 00:59:59 +0000 Are aren’t the cowardly politicians doing ANYTHING about the police state Amerika is living in? Real Christians need to step up. Help me stop the police state in Texas!

/s/ Make “Nick” Your Pick for Texas Governor in 2014
“For God…Family…Property…and NFL (no free lunch)”

V for Victory…and Viva Cristo Rey!

By: Susanne Sat, 05 Oct 2013 18:15:08 +0000 You do realize that ‘Obamacare’ is not some new ‘insurance’ organization operating with a bunch of employed physicians, right? It is a set of mandates to which currently existing mostly for-profit commercial insurers have to adhere. So the docs will be doing the same things in terms of providing care.
The report to which you refer was a landmark study out of which has come such reforms as not paying hospitals that have to re- admit patients, not paying them for performing erroneous procedures and having to treat hospital-acquired infections. This has led to a plummeting of the numbers you quote above.
As an investigative journalist then, you would be completely aware of this, and so I must ask you – what is your agenda here? Why are you deliberately skewing the facts to make people afraid?
