Comments on: The strangest thing about vaccines Thu, 17 Oct 2013 04:13:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Firefalcon Thu, 17 Oct 2013 04:13:48 +0000 Video is private… 🙁

By: dr obvious Tue, 08 Oct 2013 23:37:29 +0000 isnt that exactly what the hiv test tests for

By: Douglas Shelley Tue, 08 Oct 2013 03:45:33 +0000 And as I understand it if a person is killed in a traffic accident and the autopsy shows he had the flu the person is reported as being killed by the influenza virus.

By: Daniel Sat, 05 Oct 2013 20:16:23 +0000 Why do they run a series of three blood cultures? It’s a matter of scale, as you know.

By: Vaccine damage, hidden truth: not on the evening news — State of Globe Fri, 04 Oct 2013 23:08:52 +0000 […] The strangest thing about vaccines ( […]

By: D Thomas Fri, 04 Oct 2013 09:13:27 +0000 Hmm… that’s like saying a police presence will not deter crime as every time I have walked past the scene of a crime there have always been loads of police there.

Viruses work by forcing their way into a cell, reproducing themselves hundreds or even thousands of times using the cell’s protein copying facilities, and then bursting out of the cell to go and infect hundreds of other cells. If you don’t have antibodies against a virus it will reproduce exponentially for a while before your body produces antibodies. This means the viral load will be too great for your body to get under control quickly.
If you already have antibodies against that virus they can act against the virus before it gets a chance to reproduce exponentially.

Understanding exponential growth is crucial to understanding why having antibodies for a disease before you catch it means you don’t get sick from it.

By: The strangest thing about vaccines | Random Candidate Fri, 04 Oct 2013 06:28:11 +0000 […] Read here: […]

By: abinico warez Thu, 03 Oct 2013 23:19:11 +0000 Jon, I like your blog, but when you say “and if antibodies show up, the doctor tells the patient he has the disease…” – you are wrong. The doctor would say you either have the disease, or you had it in the past.

By: lburns432 Thu, 03 Oct 2013 23:11:11 +0000 I totally agree with you Jon.
A while back, I think around 2009, the threat here in Canada was H1N1, which was purported to be a world pandemic. The WHO (World Health Organization) even got in on this cluster frak. I remember advertisements in the papers, even our small local paper, Television news ran with that ball to enth degree….oooohhh the scare. Blood in the streets, comparable to 1922 Spanish flu. Thousands will die children and pregnant women are especially susceptible to such a scourge. They came out with a spray version of the vaccine, an adjunctive to counter possible effects of the Thiomersal on the young and developing fetuses within the pregnant.
I remember the school kids and their lineup for dates for vaccinations according to grades. I remember a school nurse threatening my daughter about my grandson, and her unborn child in her womb. And the guilt trip of infecting other children. The overcrowding at medical clinics for vaccines. Clinics reporting they had run out of vaccine, and people driving hundreds of miles to other locations.
Millions of vaccinations were bought by the Canadian government for this grand hoax. Huge tax payer dollars on this baby!
I remember my wife getting the virus and having similar symptoms to a normal flu, if there is such a thing. Coughing, sneezing, the runs….the usual. Nothing that could knock down a French girl with peasant genes, she felt miserable for a few days, but her immune system did what nature had evolved it to do. She endured, even though some people treated her like Typhoid Mary, she built anti-bodies to fight the virus. She was not hospitalized; she was not even in bed most times. And in the end the flu was not what had been reported to the public. The spin doctors got a hold this scare, and turned it into Triple X fear porn. And Big Pharma stocks jumped considerable that few weeks. I remember following this scam closely.
A close friend of mine who is a bit hypochondriac was adamant about a shot regardless of what I expressed to him. He was upset because it was women and children and old people first. He had felt it should be a first come first serve. People were completely whacko. Every conversation at that period of time was about H1N1. In the end
Worldwide deaths reported in Wikipedia were:
Area Confirmed deaths
Worldwide (total) 14,286
European Union and EFTA 2,290
Other European countries
and Central Asia 457
Mediterranean and Middle East 1,450
Africa 116
North America 3,642
Central America and Caribbean 237
South America 3,190
Northeast Asia and South Asia 2,294
Southeast Asia 393
Australia and Pacific 217
But of course they will claim the vaccines saved the day. What they fail to tell is that the flu happens every year, and there are deaths from it. That older people and people born before 1957 that had experienced flu before had pre-existing anti-bodies that attacked the H1N1 virus. And that those people would have passed that genetic information to their progeny. Children and grand-children. The people who were dying from the virus had compromised immune systems or breathing problems to begin with, illnesses like Bronchitis, pneumonia; you get the picture, don’t you. I am ranting now….it’s was a total scam. The Pharmaceutical Companies made a fortune on this. It was a hoax. A total hoax. But no one has reported on it, I have never seen even a sixty minutes type of exposé. A story in a newspaper.
We are the best that nature has to create to this date; this planet has been evolving for 4.5 billion years supposedly. There is nothing as adapted as the human being, we have gone through extinctions, plagues, viruses, diseases, mutations, organisms from space. Who knows…..but suddenly in the last sixty year we have no immunity against anything. We are as weak as kittens. We need roughly 139 vaccinations before we hit the age of 18 years old. What I know….is those vaccinations are not there to protect you…they are there to attack and weaken your immune system. They are there to stress it.
In Canada 45,000 people die a year from cigarette related lung cancer, they print it on the side of cigarette packages.
Now that’s an epidemic!

Michael Burns


Ed. note:

see also…

By: Afshin Nejat Thu, 03 Oct 2013 22:26:29 +0000 The amazing level of immunity the human masses of fake beings have when it comes to facing contradictions… Truth just doesn’t matter to them. They are immune.
