Comments on: Introduction: The Matrix Revealed Tue, 08 Oct 2013 03:14:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: bigorange Tue, 08 Oct 2013 03:14:47 +0000 Mind Control Overview and Head Tilting

*The supercomputers are dependent on satellite mm laser entry into left cerebellum lobe and trying to override your left cerebrum and left neocortex transmissions(right-side body controls). The Chemtrails we all see in the sky put nano-fibers and BIOAPI and ions in the atmosphere and when ingested or inhaled turn your brain cell synapses into like a circuit board. This left cerebellum laser sends the forwarding information using these BIOAPI modified synapses and granule cells to the nervous system.The lasers which enter thru the top right of skull to right cerebrum and right neocortex are the main controllers of higher thought processing and send the thought voice with various options for your control. Thought voice can also be sent thru cheekbones and TMJ area(V2K). These lasers lock you in the creative and dreamy side of the mind. While the logical and reasoning side is limited and the computer sends the artificial cognitive model(see blog for NSA Tactics for Thinking). In short, the laser to left cerebellum must be blocked by silk, vcr tape, tin foil, buttons, magnets, copper,copper screen or all. Perps usually stiffen neck on entry to prevent side to side movement. If no blockers are available, the tilting of head to the right messes up all laser entries and controls of right neocortex. By leaning head on hand or tilting head this will disrupt download. You should hear a slight pop in your left ear and you have disabled laser momentarily. The other primary key is the access to the hypothalamus which creates all likes and dislikes and therefore controlling effort and quitting points. This is how they control your use of tv remote, buying decisions, driving decisions and work efforts. The nose must be covered and top of skull with metal, tin foil, silk or vcr tape or something to block access to this vital organ. I have effectively restricted these areas before and the perps have gone to nano laser and acupuncture points. You must then cover eyebrows and ears with something or just grow hair over these areas. Hair restricts thermal infrared imaging and access to these areas which appear cool relative to rest of body therefore making it hard to locate precise acupuncture points. For lung and stomach points I wear a leather jacket or vest or shield with an aluminum cooking sheet or copper platter. When receiving a bad thought pattern or forced anxiety just tilt your head to one side and the feed is broken.

By: Michael Burns Mon, 07 Oct 2013 16:14:58 +0000 I have looked at a lot of the videos you have made Jon and have enjoyed them. You are a talented orator. I like your perspective, I would be very interested in “the Matrix Revealed” but at present that kind of money is a luxury Jon. Possibly in the spring after the winter work period…I will be flush, enough to afford it. I really would like to get it. I truly enjoy this website.
Being affective as a human being especially with what I write at the different websites, I frequent and explore online, can, at times be tedious and disheartening. I spend too much time bantering with trolls, or regurgitating facts. Or wasting time with the totally the brainwashed about legitimacy.
Some people will never wake-up to the truth of the Matrix. No matter how much truth or fact you present to them. They are conditioned like Pavlovian muts. They will be asleep all their lives, and never know there true potential till the last five breaths they take.
I am in the belief that this cultural ego software that most of us are running has been about 15,000 years in the making. From Sumer and the beginning of the breeding program, to Babylon is at the minimum of 7000 years in the making. Speaking of breeding programs, it would be nice to see you do a piece on the eHarmony, and the Religious online dating and marriage business cluster frak. Very creepy Jon, the new version of Babylon.
The propagandist means remain similar in theme to long ago, the Catholic Church is prime example, with the Flavian agenda and evolution from Dictators to Popes, they were very forward thinking individuals. It’s the technology that has made societal changes happen so rapidly now. In fact the invention of television and the McLuhan ‘the medium is the message’ was the first big fix for the junkies. These new smart gadgets allow for a quicker public response to their constant ELF (Extremely low frequency) stimuli.
I remember reading a book back around 1974, published ‘Subliminal Seduction- Wilson Bryan Key’, it changed the way I looked at television and paper media forever, and turned me into a lunatic according to my friends. It was my first real Art lesson. I became a painter a few years after this realization… not because of it, rather in spite of it, to realize that people could be manipulated by a visual image. This was a vital period in my awakening.
Google glass will afford them a power, to control individual humans, if you think the idiot next to you thumbing away on an iPhone is insane, watch Google glass animate these robots, what will seem like miracles to a public, will only further decrease the attention span of gerbils.
Smart phone, dumb kid! I have found myself in a room surrounded by 3, 4 and sometimes more of these idiots banging away on those phones. Conversation is looked at as an intrusion to something really important. Like their cracking open a Quantum theorem. That glassy eyed, Beta wave stare, they give in disgust of your intrusion. And all you are trying to do is make them aware of the present consciousness in the room.
Lately I have been researching GWEN technology, EMF, Wi-Fi, terribly dangerous stuff at a cellular level. Cancer numbers will be exponential within the next ten years. And it is amazing what it being done to the public mindscape at the 3Hz 30Hz level, not to mention in the higher octaves with the weather, and climate as a planetary whole. They have said they will own global climate by 2025. I think that they are there already.
I am sure ripening times of crops have been changed and forced through chemicals to accommodate the need for a manufactured cold, so the public will turn on their natural gas furnaces here in northern Canada. There is definite collusion involving separate industries here.
Since ‘Operation Popeye’ during the Vietnam War which kept the Viet-Cong in six feet of mud on the Ho Chi Minh trail, herbicides kept the leaves of jungle foliage covering them. It is now evident they have a capability to tap into any of the Atmospheric Rivers …
…and cause flooding on Biblical proportions or turn it to complete drought any time it is felt necessary… AGW seems to be the cause every time. There are generally upwards of ten of Atmospheric Rivers happening in the Northern hemisphere at any given time.
With SRM (Solar Radiation Management) limiting the amount of Vitamin D, an already Vitamin D deficient human population can produce.
It should not be called a Vitamin. It is closer to a master hormone really.
But I am ranting…it would be of great interest to me the Matrix revealed, I am sure to take your course.
You are a wise fellow Jon. The world needs more of your kind. Keep the faith my friend.

By: Demetra Sun, 06 Oct 2013 19:24:20 +0000 I purchased “The Matrix Revealed” a couple of months ago and it activated in me a potential that had been locked up and inert since I was a very small child. The exercises are powerful and very helpful. Great work.
Thank you, Jon Rappoport.
