Comments on: Are GMO ballot measures just another covert op? Fri, 21 Nov 2014 19:47:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: shawna Fri, 21 Nov 2014 19:47:52 +0000 This is an absolute outrage to me. I wonder why MORE people aren’t outraged? There in lies the heart of the problem…educating Americans in a way that resonates as truth-not propaganda. Jon is always right on the money. The anti-labeling ‘campaign’ has only been stoking a smoldering fire, when they should be lighting a proverbial fire under our asses. Otherwise, what is the point?! I agree with Jon, that it seems the reps for the campaign are soft pedaling and misdirecting. The nature of what we are trying to change becomes defined by this. As a result, the props are failing. It’s brilliant really. Their strategy has been working FOR GMO’s, which tells me that they’re most likely infiltrated. Not much of a stretch if looking at the money at the fingertips of the GMO companies. History shows they spend it! They’re buying up organic companies(Honest organics,etc), pouring millions into ads and commercials, bribing God knows who, the list goes on. They’re all over the world now,& the genesis of this began many yrs ago. “Control the food. Control the world” A Pres said that in his farewell address, I think in the ’40’s(?). Knowledge&education leads to truth. Not, ‘we have a right to know’!! Why not say GMO’s are bad? She really said they’re not bad or good?? That is dumbfounding. It’s interesting to me that this entire issue opens the door to the truth about so many issues-health, corruption in govt and business, conspiracies, nature, environment, alternative energies&fuel. Maybe that’s why they’re fighting so hard to obscure and derail? If one is to understand truly what is wrong with GMO’s(why they’re BAD!), then they’re also more likely to grasp the larger picture surrounding this issue,& wake from their trance.

By: paschn Wed, 06 Nov 2013 20:51:06 +0000 Sigh,

Speaks volumes about the decaying condition of this republic, doesn’t it?

By: Lessons From Washington’s GMO Labeling Campaign | Desultory Heroics Wed, 06 Nov 2013 17:34:35 +0000 […] an alternative to the GMO labeling movement, activists such as Jon Rappoport, Mike Adams and others have suggested organizing around banning GMOs as 26 countries have already […]

By: CriticalThinker Wed, 06 Nov 2013 09:07:08 +0000 Well, this is the reason many of the American founders warned about the dangers of a democracy (versus a republic). This is also the reason that propagandist Edward Bernays said that democracy was an excellent tool for the oligarchs to control the masses. They would manipulate the public to vote in whatever manner was desired. (And to make the results even more certain, today we have electronic voting machines that can’t be audited.)

By: Coexist with Monsanto or destroy it? Follow the organic money. — State of Globe Sun, 13 Oct 2013 23:10:31 +0000 […] Are GMO ballot measures just another covert op? ( […]

By: "Non-GMO Project" is in bed with Monsanto or profit $? Grounds for a lawsuit or misleading the people into a GMO toxic health dump? Thu, 10 Oct 2013 22:00:56 +0000 This is fradulent.

“This is what happens when you start reading labels, folks! You begin to understand the intricacies and outright deceptive labeling practices that are permeating our processed food industry. So, why should the Non-GMO label be any different? It isn’t. In fact, use of the Non-GMO label to purposely deceive people into paying a higher price for a product that they are led to believe is GMO free, but is chock full of GMO ingredients, is widespread. And it is not going to get any better even if regulations are put in place to require GMO labeling.

Here is how the scam works:

Here is the ingredients list of a Naturade power bar that fell out of my saddle bag. After we go through this list, please understand that the wrapper was from years ago, before I knew better. In fact, I considered myself an athlete, and rode 100 mile in one day equine rides for fun. I actually thought that I was doing good for my body by eating these bars during rides. That goes to show you just how the brainwashing takes effect even in the athletic community. Anyway, I digress. On to the list of ingredients:

Notice that the only certified non-genetically modified ingredient in the list is the soy protein isolate. Let’s just go through the list and mark down what we know could be GMO:

Holy GMOs Batman! Everything else!!!

Yes, that is how the scam is played. A company wants to market a product chock full of GMOs and every other thing under the sun, make it appear to be healthy, and use Non-GMO certification to sell it. So how do you do it? You put one Non-GMO certified ingredient into the mix, and place the Non-GMO certification stamp on the front label. People see the label with the Non-GMO certification, and buy the product thinking that all of the ingredients in that product are Non-GMO, when in reality, only one ingredient such as the soy protein isolate in the Naturade bar is certified Non-GMO, and that allows the company to place the Non-GMO seal on the front label, which is the first thing the customer sees, rarely looking beyond that to the list of toxins in the ingredients list on the back label.
Here is a scan of the Naturade bar front label:

So, there I was, typical working gal, on my way to an endurance ride, when I stop at the store to pick up some energy bars for the ride, and run smack dab into an intentional campaign to sabotage my health via genetically modified frankenbars. So much for hindsight. Now I read labels. Now I know what GMOs are, and what I should do to avoid them. Now I know that simply seeing a Non-GMO sticker on the front label does not mean that product is GMO free.

The moral of this story is…

Even if we here in America, somehow, someway, get unconstitutional and mandatory GMO labeling laws passed, the deception will be rampant, and we will still need to read labels and know what we are reading. We need to read the whole label on everything we buy, not just the front label. We also need to know what crops are being genetically engineered and put into our food supply. We need to know what is GMO and what is not by doing the research ourselves.

We are being deceived by those looking to make a profit off of our ignorance.”

By: Laura Bruno – Yes On 522 Strategy – A Rebuttal – 10 October 2013 | sweetwillowman Thu, 10 Oct 2013 09:18:27 +0000 […] Yesterday, Jon Rappoport published a valid-question-riddled piece called “Are GMO Ballot Measures Just Another Covert Op?” Regular blog readers know that I am a fan of the GMO ban rather than labeling; however, I’m also a realist that the fluoridated, brainwashed, chemtrailed, GMO’d, drugged and hypnotized state of the vast majority of US citizens makes that highly, highly unlikely as an initial goal. Not gonna happen here, not right now.  […]

By: Laura Bruno – Yes On 522 Strategy – A Rebuttal – 10 October 2013 | Lucas 2012 Infos Thu, 10 Oct 2013 08:40:00 +0000 […] Yesterday, Jon Rappoport published a valid-question-riddled piece called “Are GMO Ballot Measures Just Another Covert Op?” Regular blog readers know that I am a fan of the GMO ban rather than labeling; however, I’m also a realist that the fluoridated, brainwashed, chemtrailed, GMO’d, drugged and hypnotized state of the vast majority of US citizens makes that highly, highly unlikely as an initial goal. Not gonna happen here, not right now. […]

By: Mark E. Smith (@fubarista) Wed, 09 Oct 2013 19:54:33 +0000 Yes, it’s another scam: G stands for “Get Out The Vote” (GOTV), so if you see something with a G on the ballot, it is a ploy to get you to consent to genocide:

God, Gays, Guns, Grass and GMOs

I’ve written morre extensively about my battle about GMO labels with the local organic co-op I used to shop at:

F*** OB Peoples Co-op

I know organic farmers here in California who can’t afford the non-GMO certification process, and there have already been several cases where non-GMO certified products turned out to contain GMOs.

Caveat emptor!

By: gmo scandals Wed, 09 Oct 2013 19:28:39 +0000 omg, this is like total con-opp selling the ‘we’re on your side” rhetoric. and throw in names like so and so to give it credibility. seen this before. no matter what,

even those in the supposed “know” are not
immune. remember in the beginning days of the
“labeling” movement? some of them sold US OUT.
and some of them SOLD OUT.

eyes wide open and keep going beyond what other
people in the know know. eventually, we must trust our own
instinct and intuition.

thanks Jon Rappoport for not going with the rhetoric.
truth pays off.
