Comments on: Why can’t churches consign Monsanto to Hell from the pulpit? Fri, 15 Nov 2013 11:54:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: paschn Fri, 15 Nov 2013 11:54:05 +0000 Now, do a search on the major corporate stockholders. Like BP, are they traceable to the board rooms of the Central banks? “Blind” portfolios of Western “leaders” One look should explain why they pass laws that “favor’ those in power to the detriment of the common man and his planet. they all have one thing in common beyond greed, even rapaciousness. they are psychopaths.

By: Maria Fri, 15 Nov 2013 00:31:38 +0000 Monsanto is the fall guy. All the chemical companies, particularily IG Farben and BASF have a strong position in GM everything. They allow us to believe it is Monsanto (who they are “partners” with… IG Farben has been since the 60’s and BASF since 2002) so when the “miracle” happens that Monsanto is taken out, problem over, they can continue their monstrosities behind the scenes as they always do.
On another note, I work as a contractor in Canada and am currently working on removing small (second growth) pine trees that have been beetle attacked to allow for plantations of new trees. The prescription from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources (yes natural) calls for Genetically Engineered trees to be planted in their place. Who does that tell you is making the decisions.

By: Josh Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:51:44 +0000 Thanks for your lively reply!
First, a few “small” points: 1. “Instead of a pork gene, we put in a (human) gene…” — humans aren’t any more kosher to eat than pigs, Michael, so the answer to your question is still no. 2. “You belong to a religion that state(s) that I am unclean…” (Unless you are a pig!) you definitely have Judaism mixed up with another religion –big time. Gotta look into that opinion, man, you got it all wrong, I would be mortified to be around people that looked at the world that way. I would not practice religion at all if I did not find it to offer a respectful, tolerant and interesting way of seeing humans and nature. Not that I am here to debate religion — I am not even that practicing (maybe that’s why we don’t say we are Jews. We are … Jew-ish).

Seriously though, onto (what hopefully we both consider to be the larger point, or the point)–Keeping GMOs out of our food system.

The rabbi we are citing (never heard of him before my google search) was from my point of view finding a politically acceptable way (Kosher Law) to argue that a particular group of humans (Jews) should be against GMOs. For those who are truly committed to halting the march of GMOs, wouldn’t this be an ally? Why judge his motives? Anyway, who even knows what all his motives are? We only know what his one argument is. If it works, and resonates with a few million more humans who otherwise wouldn’t think twice about the “issue” of GMOs, is that not good? Is that not how people get things done?

Anyway, you are quoting from the second link. If you had clicked on the first link you would have viewed a list of the Five Reasons to foresake GMOs, according to an action group formed by Jewish, Christian and Muslim clerics — and unlike the point you chose to raise, they are anything but red herrings, or, as you put it, human salmon:

-The simple acknowledgement that it is man’s God-given right to know what we’re putting in our bodies and feeding our children.
– Concerns about the health dangers of genetically engineered foods, which have not been adequately studied for their health impacts. (Several studies do show serious health problems.)
-Environmental impacts of genetically modified plants, which contradict man’s role as steward of the land.
-The disproportionate risk to low income and inner city residents, who have less access to organic and unprocessed foods.
-Spiritual concerns that since the technology transfers genes between species and creates combinations of organisms that could never naturally occur in nature, it is a violation of God’s law.

Now that does sound about right.

I am replying so fully here because I care about fighting GMOs, fighting ignorance and intolerance, and also about liberal, passionate people making sure that we use our time and brainpower and civil rights to fight the good fights, to repair the world, or in Hebrew “Tikkun Olam.”


By: Abinico Warez Wed, 16 Oct 2013 22:12:31 +0000 Don’t you get it? They are all Satanists!

By: hp Wed, 16 Oct 2013 16:07:12 +0000 vegetarianism is the righteous approach.
Not swearing off pork for the wrong reason.

By: Becky Fontenot Wed, 16 Oct 2013 04:01:24 +0000 My Pastor, Yisrayl Hawkins of The House of Yahweh, spoke DIRECTLY to Pope Francis in his sermon this past Saturday (Yahweh’s Sabbath Day). He was trying to help him by correcting him and teaching him where he is wrong. He (Yisrayl Hawkins) is the only man I have ever seen stand up and correct the Pope openly and freely. Pastor Yisrayl Hawkins mentioned on this past Sabbath that the Catholic Church started Monsanto and is responsible for it. You should listen to his sermon. I believe it is a historical one. The whole sermon he was speaking Directly to Pope Francis. He would say,”Francis,…” and was teaching him about the scriptures and pointing out his sins to him and pointing out where the catholic church is mentioned in Revelation as the great whore that sits upon 7 hills and rules over the kings of the earth. The bible clearly states that the Vatican runs this world. In all my 25 years since I have left the Catholic Church have I EVER heard a man with such courage and boldness speak against this very evil religion. Anyway, you should call and order that sermon 10-12-2013. It should be archived on soon. You can catch The House of Yahweh’s sermons LIVE every Saturday (Sabbath) at 9:30 Central Time . This is a very important comment. Please post it. Thanks 🙂

By: Mr. Ed Wed, 16 Oct 2013 03:20:27 +0000 The church I used to attend in Sterling IL- New Life Luthern planted gmo corn on their church property next to the church. They said they were going to give the proceeds to the food bank. After questioning this lack of foresight they feel they did nothing wrong. I commented it was like me pimping my sister and giving the proceeds to the food bank. Even after I offered to pay for new seed if they would tear up the gmo corn they did not see the problem. We cleaned the dust from our sandals and left for a more Christian atmosphere.

By: J.R. Wed, 16 Oct 2013 00:58:04 +0000 Asking Christians to use reason, common sense, undestanding, intelligence, research, evidence, facts, et. al., is a pathway to disapointment and failure. WARNING AHEAD.

Josephus’s account of “Jesus” has been soundly disproven by Carrier, who has done a nice job of revealing the mythological origins of Christianity. No respectable scholar continues to support Christianity as authentic, but a fabricated mythological fantasy embraced through the ages by deluded believers. To wit, Jesus never existed and the majority of the New Testament is an outright forgery.

So… by way of explanation (briefly) expecting them to understand genetically modified organisim with ample scientific evidence and reams of literature – dream on.

The “Church” is defanged for the toothless vampire it really is.

By: gmo2ashes Wed, 16 Oct 2013 00:09:44 +0000 @Michael – very well said!!!

By: gmo2ashes Wed, 16 Oct 2013 00:00:20 +0000 Worship Jesus & You Worship Titus Flavius

While the Roman Empire’s physical boundaries have been diminished, the Empire remains firmly in place – with all its wealth and influence still intact.

Through Christianity and its millions of believers, the followers have become the soldiers, the defenders of the realm.

Watch Caesar’s Messiah
