Comments on: Government shutdown: the takedown of America Fri, 25 Oct 2013 16:00:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jack Peterson Fri, 25 Oct 2013 16:00:30 +0000 There is a simple unmolested truth that need no scientific evidence nor mind enrichment. Everything we see: everything we know, all is relative to life Chemically Biological and electromagnetically in your body , on earth plants air animals water life?? Your body is made up of ?? Every particle field , planet sun star is exactley what your body is made up of ?? Solar Systems are nothing more than the cells of a body work exactley like ours? The mind is open to any idea ?? the trick is to disguard 99.99 % of all that enters. The brain is full of what knowledge surrounds the environment Lest there be what ones enlightenment desires? Release biases You are nothing but a antigen on a molectural structure Eating away a disease to free the atom to live and replicate Live free Free your mind of fear !!

By: But … There is a wild card … | Grumpy Opinions Mon, 21 Oct 2013 13:53:12 +0000 […] Presidents of the United States are agents of the plan, every one of them. Continue here. […]

By: But … there is that wild card | LadyRaven's Whisky In A Jar – OH! Sun, 20 Oct 2013 23:53:42 +0000 […] Presidents of the United States are agents of the plan, every one of them. Continue here. […]

By: Angstfountain Sat, 19 Oct 2013 00:14:06 +0000 No apology necessary. Having been beaten into the dirt myself far too many times, I can understand all too well. We reach.


By: Michael Burns Fri, 18 Oct 2013 16:52:09 +0000 Cloward–Piven strategy

By: Michael Burns Fri, 18 Oct 2013 06:47:33 +0000 @Angstfountain
Come on your limiting yourself. Your answer is stereotypical internet response to my retort. Your a life long student of history, are you not?
Do you believe all that they taught you in school?
I am sure you are more intelligent than that. Dig deep…reach. Don’t be afraid of your own thoughts.
You could have thrown in, that I am troll, seeking to disparage the conversation. And ruin the site.
A paid shill, paid by who? The brotherhood?
A card carrying member of the brotherhood…as in Neo-Nazi?, Aryan Nation. Some other right wing extremism?
My argument is against such ideals. I despise the jackboot, I have had it on my throat. And I am no man’s, or organizations shill. I think for myself.
I was rude in my presentation of my argument to you. A bit quick.
And so I apologize to you, because this not my website, and because I am a gentleman.
It is Jon Rappoport’s. and I apologize to Jon and the good people that frequent this site

Peace .Angstfountain

By: OzzieThinker Fri, 18 Oct 2013 01:34:45 +0000 This is absolutely correct and the deal done between the Jews and Catholics resulted in the discovery (sic) of America in 1493. The real attack and defeat of the Cossacks was between 1772 and 1775, when Jew backed Romanovs took over as Tsars. Then, bingo, Amerika’s independence was declared in 1776. Because the Romanovs could not break the Aryans, the Brotherhood lost patience as time was running out for their Rosicrucian goal of 2000-2013 (which coincides with the Catholic “New Age” divine “ascension” of Christ’s consciousness).

By: Steve Prewitt Fri, 18 Oct 2013 00:57:04 +0000 William, well written think piece I might offer a slightly alternate scenario, that being the “Archon/Aryan” scenario for which there is ample ancient and modern evidence: This asylum has been controlled for millennia by the Aryans who hail from nearby Aries. Their agenda(s) are/have been executed knowingly and unknowingly by their genetically mixed offspring/minions/ cutouts, as well as plain ole’ homo sapien “meglopaths”.

For reasons of survival these Aryans have temporarily taken leave of our marble and left their underlings in charge with orders of “do what you will”, betting that if TSHTF as predicted, then “no harm no foul”, but at the least an interesting petri dish experiment.

And so, under the minions the depopulation agenda continues apace with the likes of Fukishima, brain and body addling food and pharma, chemtrails, all the events that appear to be insane from a human survival perspective.

Some refer unknowingly(?) to Aryans as the “break away” civilization which does not negate the preceding scenario, but actually reinforces it.

IMHO one way out of this box (if one WANTS out), are Jon’s ideas about exiting the Matrix. Another is the way shown by Robert Monroe, Wm. Buhlman, etal, that being to free ourselves of our addictions and become spiritual “free agents” or “graduates” so to speak. This is a human’s ultimate power in response to those who have enslaved our bodies, minds, and souls…

With Respect,

By: Angstfountain Fri, 18 Oct 2013 00:26:11 +0000 “We have been living under a 1500 year blueprint for spiritual domination, and they mean to complete it.

Now a new metamorphosis, into another thing. a new thing.The names change, but method remains the same.We are at the entrance to the largest and greatest Empire that has ever existed in the history of the world. A one world government. Ruled by what?
Understand this, it is 8ooo years in the making, this idea, since before Babylon, they thought it. These people are very forward thinkers. They have waited a long time, and have made sure their prodigy are born with silver spoons.
And they are all bat shit crazy”.

One of the most marvelously stupid things I have read in my near 6 decades upon this orb.
The only people who would write tripe like this are one of two things:

1. Paid shill.

2. Card carrying, stand up and salute it, hard core Brotherhood.

It is a LOT longer than 8000 years there Junior.

By: bushhog1942 Fri, 18 Oct 2013 00:11:24 +0000 DNR = “desperately needs rescue.”
or “Do Not Resuscitate”?
