Comments on: How many lies can the White House tell before the walls collapse? Sun, 19 Jan 2014 23:04:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: OzzieThinker Sun, 19 Jan 2014 23:04:41 +0000 Aid for what? To become good, little American clones?

By: theglimmerman Fri, 01 Nov 2013 20:59:35 +0000 I have always said that if a President ever steps up and exposes tptb, he/she would have the support of the entire country. He may run the risk of someone selling him out but, because it’s the President, with the support of the people, we would come to his aid and I believe the military would as well. You’re the President of the United States for Christ’s sake, Commander and Chief of the military; shut down the borders, cut off aid to countries who don’t deserve it, rat out the globalists for what they are! WE (INCLUDING THE MILITARY WILL BACK YOU UP).

But no, what is one of the first things he does when he takes office? Signs an almost 800 billion dollar bail out for; guess who? THE BANKS. That’s the time when I knew nothing was going to change.

If we have to go to war with every nation on Earth, SO BE IT! It’s our military plus another 40 to 80 million gun owners with about 300 million guns fighting on our turf; I already know what the outcome would be. An ass whooping the likes that the world has never seen.(for them)

Sorry, but I am beginning to believe that every President after Kennedy was/is a flat out coward!

By: Sebelius: “I don’t work for the people” who want me to resign — State of Globe Mon, 28 Oct 2013 23:39:02 +0000 […] How many lies can the White House tell before the walls collapse? ( […]

By: Sheree Silverman Sat, 26 Oct 2013 20:47:27 +0000 I miss him very much. I still remember the day, what I was doing,what I thought about it,
where I was,etc. The whole country was walking around for a month (at least) like they had
just been hit with a brick – at that time he was murdered.

By: Sheree Silverman Sat, 26 Oct 2013 20:35:20 +0000 Kennedy is the only one I would call a President. After him there hasn”t been any,
and it is the people that control the government – not the government that controls
the people. That’s what the constitution is for ( at least one of the MAJOR reasons )

By: Rappoport: How many lies can the White House tell before the walls collapse? | History in a Hurry Fri, 25 Oct 2013 19:42:34 +0000 […]… […]

By: RJ Mann Fri, 25 Oct 2013 03:30:46 +0000 Dani – beautiful comments, thank you for that. I came from the opposite direction that you did – from the longtime ‘conservative’/Republican side. It took me a very long time to see that it was all an illusion and that the paid off leadership in both parties carry out the same agenda. I had conservative friends that spoke a lot about the Constitution, but threw all those concerns out the window when Bush was in office.(Just like O supporters against the wars & the violation of civil liberties when he first campaigned, who make excuses for it now). People have not been taught to think for quite some time. That makes them very easily manipulated by propaganda. John Taylor Gatto wrote about the purposeful attack of the teaching of logic & history in the US public schools that has taken place over the last 100 years. His book, The Underground History of American Education can be found online and read for free at If you’re concerned about the general level of critical thinking skills that people have, I think you’d find that book very interesting. Best regards –

By: OzzieThinker Thu, 24 Oct 2013 11:47:11 +0000 The problem is, Jon, and I think you know this already, Obama was served up for a reason. The reason he was voted in was not the reason he was served up. It “shouldn’t be so” but I believe America is finished. The world power is now out-of-date and, as a consequence of senility, is delusional. The 64$ question is where is the new Promised Land? China? Oh, just as with the old Union of Jacob, “they’ll” never let go. The good ol’ US of A will always be there (short of an uncompromising HAARP experiment), but it won’t be the “dream team”.

Obama sold “objective freedom” but delivered another dose of subjective “freedoms”. Anyone who visits my blog will know what I mean……………….

We live in funny times. Extraordinary rumours of Drakkon overlords pissed at Bush-clan’s error after the post-Haiti HAARP attack. They claim the “brotherhood” is going to pay a heavy price for Fukushima and the way they’ve defaced their planet. On the other hand, there are big cheers and congrats all round for BP’s attack on the Annunaki, although I hear the marines are ‘getting it in the ass” in ways they never did before 😉

Rumours are abound of a synthetic “kill switch” virus that can be activated remotely by chip. Wasn’t that one of the goals of Obamacare? Didn’t they want to “chip” all users?

By: laurabruno Thu, 24 Oct 2013 09:42:21 +0000 Cheers for the article with the following caveat regarding this particular quote:

“The public loves fairy tales and myths, but considering the shape this country is in, that fascination is wearing very thin. It isn’t going to sustain the next three years of Obama in the White House.”

The entire Faery Realm rejects the unfortunate and increasing trend of connecting their Realm, their literature and their inhabitants in any way, shape or form, implied or otherwise with Obamacare, the US economy, and/or Emperor Zero. Claiming such associations is as mendacious as it is absurd:


By: YRB Thu, 24 Oct 2013 04:05:05 +0000 Well, if he were Pinocchio his nose would reach from here to the moon. Or beyond.
