Comments on: The artist vs. the “religion” called consensus reality Thu, 21 Nov 2013 08:03:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: So You Want to Have a Better Life Experience? | Talesfromthelou's Blog Thu, 21 Nov 2013 08:03:53 +0000 […] The artist vs. the “religion” called consensus reality ( […]

By: Heather Wed, 23 Oct 2013 21:14:48 +0000 I call the interconnectivity principle of dynamic Godverse architecture, Fractal Sovereignty. Wherever we go, there we are, the eye of Godverse, capable of infinite creation, throughout all dimensions of probability. Like Nassim Haramein, I believe we’re all an Event Horizon of creation, paradoxically everywhere & nowhere, experiencing life embodiment, to grow in appreciation & compassion for all the rest of life consciousness coalescing throughout, in frequency resonsnce.

By: William Andrew Wed, 23 Oct 2013 12:19:29 +0000 You’re masterful at your craft Jon. Irony of ironies that “uniqueness” taken to its extreme as an end in itself, merges into the “oneness” of narcissistic solipsism or the unstable flip-flopping self division of borderline personality disorder.

The corporate divide and conquer strategy via the psy-op that designed “the me generation” and “the century of the self” (as well as “the army of one”) is instructive here. Autism destroys relationship just as effectively as merger. Both are cell phone text message and google-glass heaven.

Here is a great talk given to a reactively hand clapping audience who will refuse to implement a single word Sherry Turkel said @ TED:

The essentially atheist spiritual disciplines of Buddha and Lao Tzu offered some alternative choices: Attachment (clinging, greed, lust), aversion (fear, resistance, hatred), or the always moving, changing, adapting and evolving balance in motion of a martial artist, dancer, lover, or pilot flying aerobatics in formation. This latter path generates the power of open ended questions and the creative challenge of your “never-ending” stories.

Finally the true meaning of “consensus” is simply to sense together or to sense with, not to sense the same as or to agree with. Communication and exchange are impossible without some commonality of sensing and meaning, but they are equally impossible if we merge into one undifferentiated mass of agreement.

The knife edge upon which the balance scales pivot offers a rich metaphor for the sense of always flowing uncertainty of creative life. It also tells us why the courage this requires is not popular. So be it!

By: Michael Burns Wed, 23 Oct 2013 03:56:06 +0000 Touché’ well said. I like it very much. the more I read of your work, the more I find I like you.
Your painting analogy, and painting style…coincidently, that is my particular painting process. I am serious, I really am. Only I don’t use a screwdriver and a mallet, I use various grades of steel wool, extra fine 0000 to extremely coarse, and picking and scraping tools I invent, tools from nails, pins and broken blades, pot scrubber, sandpaper, erasers, I have even taken a belt sander to a surface…you get gist, right.
I go back in again and put on more layers, sometimes just too specific areas of the painting and then take more back off. Back and forth, back and forth, till I get an image I am satisfied with for a period of time. I guess I am searching for narrative. It’s the same process just different method Jon. I call it painting with the mind of philosopher.
No I have no name for it, it just a very interesting way to paint. It’s like archaeology of your creative self.
It really is a good analogy for philosophy though. We gain something then we lose it, or keep part of it, or strip part of it back. Or add to it. Or cut the whole thing into pieces and throw them up in the air and put them together were they land.
But the one thing that remains is the thing that caused all that other stuff to happen, a gnowing. Something extremely deep. A creative knowledge that has always been there. That other stuff is just rendering down of all the other nonsense.
Consensus reality is a problem for the artist, that is why artists have always been the first to go at the beginning of totalitarian states. Too many ideas and too many fucking artists, too many possibilities…well, the so called artistes.
A lot will say…ahh, but we have rock-roll music and Hollywood and painters, and all that other crap. That’s wrong though, they have become different versions of that same goddam consensus reality. One for the eyes, one for the ears…Art now is more about narcissism, and tiny little dictators with their little audiences that follow. That think they are gods. Than now, and what we speak. Caught in illusions of creating their own realities.
It’s not what is believed, or what is at the center of that belief it’s the rigidity, the inflexibility of that fundamentalism. Everything has been done over and over again. Your right, the consensus, it is the architecture of this particular consciousness.
“Basically, the mechanical structure of consensus is derived from the concept that:
Everything is connected to everything.”-Jon Rappoport
How about the basis of the mechanical structure of consensus is derived from the concept that:
Conditioning is everything. And even if you open the cage door, and say “you are free to create your own reality, they will reach out and slam the cage door shut. Very few want this freedom, really.
And strangely the deepest and most powerful is the consensus conditioning of a species before we learned to speak.
You are right; consensus really has been the only religion. Right from the start.

By: Jeffrey a friedberg Wed, 23 Oct 2013 01:59:19 +0000 What seems reality is only mass psychosis of an incomplete transformation to fully human—completion of the DNA program. That’s why nothing makes sense and we are all each of us alone at bottom.

Dogs are never confused that way.

By: The artist vs. the “religion” called consensus realityAlternate Viewpoint | Alternate Viewpoint Tue, 22 Oct 2013 22:47:43 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport’s Blog (No Ratings Yet) […]

By: Jerry "Peacemaker" Tue, 22 Oct 2013 22:28:35 +0000 Jon,
Haven’t seen it but the film “Twelve Years a Slave” sounds like a work of true art which forces the audience out of consensus reality and into true reality. Thanks for the article. Very thought provoking.

By: sebisnaked Tue, 22 Oct 2013 21:47:29 +0000 Your a vocal chap, where do you stand on Palestine. That would be an interesting blog ??

By: musings Tue, 22 Oct 2013 19:57:36 +0000 I like what you said very much. Recently I watched a Ted talk from 2009 by Tim Berners-Lee about connecting, creating a wider and wider net of connectivity. As his enthusiasm built, I suddenly realized I was watching a minister, someone leading a tent revival, telling all those people who had said “Live to code and code to live” that they were discoverers of a new world or a shining city upon the hill. But I remembered something else – Jacob Bronowski once spoke of how “the whirlwind is empty.” He spoke of the need for doubt, of resistance, of telling people to consider that “in the bowels of Christ, they might be wrong”. Is there any room for that in the fundamentally empty net? Is there real resistance? Or is it futile? I submit that the connectivity is actually illusory, and our many wars prove that. They will not end in some great day of coming together. They will not even end when the last drone kills the last terrorist. They will keep getting worse until “connectivity” feels more like “plague.” Addiction to technology is just that. It’s another addictive drug. And the come-down is not pleasant and nobody wants to go to rehab.

By: Rebecca Tue, 22 Oct 2013 19:16:03 +0000 These articles anchor me into the blank canvas of unlimited possibility. Thank you for being the voice of the true artist. I will continue to walk the talk and share your words. Thank you Jon!!!
