Comments on: US government shipped bio/chem weapons? Absurd! Wed, 05 Feb 2020 03:49:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: ashiftinconsciousness Mon, 28 Oct 2013 19:35:15 +0000 During the Kissinger/Ford administration, the U.S. made a deal with the Shah of Iran to train Iranian nuclear engineers in the development of uranium enrichment and other techniques of nuclear development in exchange for cash. The deal involved MIT.

By: William Andrew Fri, 25 Oct 2013 11:14:34 +0000 I love your concise history lessons, … and the target for those weaponized germs was originally Iran. Below is a link to a similar (if less concise) expose of the transfer of nuclear weapons materials and technology from the US to Israel.

On a much lighter note: You finally got your “elite news anchor” wish Jon, even if it isn’t quite perfect! Russel Brand, the 38 year old comedian, actor, author, and radio host, has a go at the elite news anchor Jeremy Paxman right on the BBC and very much as you have fantasized (“Don’t Vote!”). I certainly didn’t find this in the US media, nor on the BBC news, so here is the link through Russia Today to YouTube.

The difference in their voices and demeanor is fascinating to watch, yet even this strange disparity of robot and human gets made into theatre for entertainment consumption as catharsis for a passive audience. That reminds me of George Carlin (RIP) who channeled you quite well at times himself (or do you channel him at times?). So much for politically correct.

Why did the BBC set this up? Brand’s socialist meme gives it away. As always, this fun bit of theatre sets up the divide and conquer strategy that will use revolutionary chaos of the fascists against the socialists against the communists (WWII repeat of NAZI vs Soviet vs …) to justify the New World Order of Perfect Peace and Harmony. Time to watch the recent TV series “V” again to see propaganda and false flag done right.

The masses will get the socialist utopia they will be sold as their salvation while the rest will get their fascist state of security and control to keep the masses out of their swimming pools and tennis courts, as well as drugged and/or at work until the robots get up to speed. Who says we can’t “have it all” at the same time through the technological magic of the Artificially Intelligent Global Brain? As always, many doors to choose from that all lead to the same prison cell. What a nightmare!

I must have had too much absinthe with dinner in my waking life.

By: Colin Thu, 24 Oct 2013 20:54:23 +0000 Snowden had help. You’re analysis is correct…the difference is that AMERICA has to go down. Russian/Chinese intelligence race equal fewer freedoms for the world. In four months nothing substantial has happened. Control grid is all…everyone wants what is advertised! And the PARADE/CHARADE will be a new message, especially with Saudi Arabia slowly changing sides. Global Conflict INTO Global Government. How did this happen?
