Comments on: How I put together The Matrix Revealed Sun, 27 Oct 2013 19:12:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeanne Sun, 27 Oct 2013 19:12:13 +0000 Thanks always, Jon, for your unwavering commitment to sharing the revealing truths you’ve uncovered through intensive research over the past years. I feel so privileged to have grown up on a beautiful farm in the Midwest where I spent many hours playing in the woods & discovering the Natural World through endless days of abandon without adults repressing my unbridled curiosity. Needless to say, this added greatly to my intellectual & spiritual development that were free from suffocating dogma & harsh criticism. Fortunately, i never saw a television until I was 14 years old which gave me unlimited time for reading innumerable books of varied & thought-provoking content. My parents also contributed to me & my 5 siblings expansive development by encouraging debates around the kitchen table after shared meals where we had to use logic & critical thinking to defend our points of view .I also learned to trust my own innate intuition when, later as an adult, I traveled world-wide studying, as an RN, alternative & natural healing modalities. I feel fortunate the Matrix passed me by at an early age! Presently, I do not watch TV nor am I “addicted” to the Internet. I am highly selective about where I resource information. You are one whose point-of-view I sincerely seek & highly respect…Thank you again for your wise, critical wisdom as well as your courage to share it during these difficult times…

By: Michael Burns Sat, 26 Oct 2013 18:09:55 +0000 “They are ‘good students’ who got As and Bs on their report cards.”

…RJ in this reverse think world, this no measure of education, free-will or a blazing curiosity for knowledge. But simply the sign of obedience. Have you ever wondered why many are diagnosed with that scurge ADD and ADHD. This is a sign of frustrated intellect, and a bad diet. Emphasis on former. Young children ask questions, when those question are stifled because they do not adhere to the CORE curriculum, a child quickly becomes stifled, resulting in attention problems, focus, and restlessness. those that teach these children do not realize that ‘play is the way’.
In a study in the seventies it was found, that children learn about 4% of what is taught to them in school. When children were taught using play, which is evident in nature as young mammals play incessantly… the amount absorbed and learned by the child was mind shattering for those performing the study. And i do not mean memorized trivial facts. I am speaking about critical thinking, with consequence.

By: RJ Mann Sat, 26 Oct 2013 16:43:11 +0000 Thanks Jon for producing The Matrix Revealed and Exit the Matrix. They offer powerful tools for accessing an individuals ability for critical thinking and creativity. (I have both Matrix collections.) Everyone needs these skills today. – – – I have spoken with young family members who are now graduating from high school or are in college. I was shocked at how poorly developed is their capacity for critical thinking, creativity, and basic writing skills. They are ‘taught’ to take tests – not to think for themselves. These young people attended a public high school that is among the top 10 rated in our state . They are ‘good students’ who got As and Bs on their report cards. The students & their parents therefore think that they have been ‘educated’. ( I would hate to see what is produced from poor students from low rated schools. ) Of course, the schools that these poorly educated young people have attended spend millions on building projects and new sports facilities.
John Taylor Gatto wrote about the deliberate dumbing down of education through the mandatory schooling system in his book “The Underground History of American Education” (This book can be found online and read for free at ) The only way one can truly educate themselves & their children today – for the most part – is to take charge for yourself. Jons Matrix materials are excellent for helping with this vital task.

By: Adam Sat, 26 Oct 2013 13:43:04 +0000 Truly fascinating!

By: honeythatsok Sat, 26 Oct 2013 10:32:10 +0000 I really appreciate the thoughts and work you put forth here. Thank you for writing and blogging everyday – you are an inspiration.

By: kozandaishi Sat, 26 Oct 2013 03:35:19 +0000 We’ve turned off the TV, we’ve turned off the radio – we already know that all MSM including major newspapers and internet sites are shite. I propose that the seers aka those who see through the bullshit, now implement Operation Shyster. Whenever encountering TSA at the airport or other media and government gulag-type officials, simply transmit and utter the word Shyster, as both an acknowledgment and call down to those space and time-fillers merely functioning to make the trains run on time. I would extend this practice to any and all of our “elected” officials when encountered via real and/or electronic means – all the way up (or down as is your preference) to members of the US Congress and whoever is the current occupant of1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
