As wrongly being diagnosed schizophrenic at a young age, that was later changed to a diagnosis of Aspergers, I can tell you I have been intensely aware of sadness and pain in all living creatures, for as long as I can remember. Because of this there is a constant heaviness with me, while I still am in awe of the beauty of earth and everything beyond.
Supposedly, I’m insane, of sorts, so what do I know, other than I make more sense than most.
Perception is a funny thing. How do you show the truly mad ones that they’re making up the asylum and not in charge, outside, as they believe?
Harri, I think you’re on to something.
]]>It’s the little things in life that are most worthwhile…. a quiet word….a look….a smile.
]]>Makes one wonder if we’re not all subconsciously prone to psychic/paranormal experiences – maybe we just take them for granted because they’ve never been pointed out as “different”, so remain “normal” until brought to our attention.