Comments on: LAX shooting, the storyline, the agenda, the questions Mon, 04 Nov 2013 15:15:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dennis Mon, 04 Nov 2013 15:15:10 +0000 “The rapid police response to today’s deadly shooting at a terminal in the Los Angeles Int’l Airport (LAX) was no accident, according to LAX Police Chief Patrick Gannon, because his officers prepared for an event IDENTICAL to the shooting weeks in advance.

“We practiced to this not more than 3 weeks ago,” said Gannon at a press conference hours after the shooting. “We took every one of our patrol officers and a couple hundred officers from the Los Angeles Police Department and we practiced the exact scenario we played out today.””

By: Robert St. Estephe Sun, 03 Nov 2013 23:11:30 +0000 That is not blood. Why: color (unless enhanced by camera or afterwards), thickness (like gelatin, rice pudding, yoghurt, lack of full saturation into carpet (should be flat and almost black-looking), weird grayish color at edges as that portion soaks in. The trouble with real blood is that it doesn’t photograph well: unless it is on a white background. In film, and staged photos, brighter color looks better, so fake blood is often much brighter than real scenes with blood.

By: mystica Sun, 03 Nov 2013 19:15:01 +0000 Reblogged this on The Blog of Mystica and commented:
Very interesting article of the recent LAX shooting from Jon Rappoport.

By: RJ Mann Sun, 03 Nov 2013 19:06:53 +0000 Defiant – I agree with most of your point and wrote (above) that we need to get the facts before coming to conclusions about what took place and what should be done about it (if anything). To label everything a false flag event without evidence is illogical thinking and counter productive.
Where I disagree with you is in your declarations such as “The ODDS say that the vast majority of these events are just whack-jobs.” Are there any actual studies out there that verify your statement ? Are there any actual studies with all the information needed to make any sound determination at all ? You might very well be correct, but we have to be careful about our statements.

Additional questions that should be asked include : How can policy be made which can impact the lives and Liberty of millions of Americans be taken, without providing all the relevant evidence and information to them first ? How much personal liberty is to be sacrificed in the name of ‘security’ ? A country where everyone is forced to sit in a jail cell might seem ‘secure’, but is this the kind of America we want ?

By: RJ Mann Sun, 03 Nov 2013 18:42:50 +0000 Well, Jon doesn’t claim what you seem to ‘agree’ to at all.
He asked important and relevant questions.
One must gather the information on ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’, and ‘where’ (including the evidence supporting the answers that may be given). Then you can discover any contradictions in the answers given and go from there. Then you can get to the ‘why’ of what was done & then ‘how to respond to it.
It is possible that the shooter is a lone nut case acting completely on his own. It is possible that he is something else. We don’t have the information needed to determine that yet. And we sure better ask ‘why’ ? if this information is not forthcoming if it impacts our individual rights.
IF he is a lone nut case, we must ask other questions. Do we allow the rights of millions of law abiding Americans to be violated because of the actions of one individual ? There have been cases of police killing numerous innocent citizens through the years. Should all police be disarmed ? Should all police be limited to riding on bicycles because some have killled and injured citizens by their vehicles ?
Its not wise to jump to conclusions without having all the information or thinking through the consequences of proposed actions.

By: theodorewesson Sun, 03 Nov 2013 02:49:38 +0000 Hi Sam, thanks for the clarification.

I’ve never been around someone loosing a lot of blood…. yet still, the blood in the foto “doesn’t feel right” and looks to me like ‘toy vampire blood’ from when i was a kid,… rather than the blood i see come out of me after scratching a mosquito bite.

(of the few ‘blood’ fotos i saw in the Boston incident, those didn’t feel right either.)

re: whitish (or are they khakis in the photo?),… As to eye-witness reports, i did find this,…

Passenger Rodrigo Jara told KNX1070 NEWSRADIO he was waiting in line to go through the security line in Terminal 3 when he heard a loud sound.

“I heard ‘pop, pop, pop’, and then we fell down, and little did I know, I looked to the side, and this guy’s going up the stairs with the rifle,” Jara said.

Jara described the shooter he saw as a white male with blonde/dirty blonde hair possibly wearing khakis, clean-cut, and “walking like he was going to buy tea.”

By: theodorewesson Sun, 03 Nov 2013 02:34:38 +0000 Has the “chain of custody” of the alleged long rifle (AR-15?) — which was allegedly recovered at the crime scene — been released yet to the press?

* stolen?

* properly “registered” per California slave-control laws?

* Hmmm, also… 150 bullets,… five 30-round clips (magazines)…. This ‘sheer’ quantity, will lead CA politicians (i would think) to introduce “NY SAFE Act -like ammo restriction” legislation (if not already on the books) — if it turns out Ciancia just walked into a Mom&Pop Gun Shoppe and purchased all those rounds at once. Or, did he purchase both long rifle and ammo at a Gun Show?

* Most slave-control states, surely such as California and practically every other one, require FID cards / some form of licensing. Has this yet to be discussed in the press… namely, whether or not he was “lawfully allowed” to posses a long rife? When talking to the parents, has not one reporter asked the parents if they knew whether or not their son legally owned a gun?

* As events unfold in the coming weeks, what will be worse for the 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999% of gun-owning ethically & morally good, ‘law-abiding’ citizens who had nothing to do with the crime that took place that day: a ‘lawfully-owned’ long rifle in the hands of ciancia or a stolen one?

* Will those, who own guns, and who had nothing to do with the crime that day, be extra-judicially punished by their legislatures and/or governor?

* memo to self: don’t say the word “firearm”. that’s “statutory law” term created by the politicians.

By: Sam Smith Sun, 03 Nov 2013 02:17:05 +0000 Yes, that’s fake blood. Note the ‘wet’ stain around the ‘blood.’

Is that a hand I see poking out from under his left leg? The guy must have the longest arms of any man alive.

Also the whitish pants. Not a single eyewitness said the gunman was wearing white pants.

By: theodorewesson Sat, 02 Nov 2013 23:29:39 +0000 Am I missing something? Ciancia is 23 years old. Yet no definitive reports / screen captures of his Facebook page? Really? He’s 23 and he has no FB page?

Here are some cursory investigations,…

By: Curits Sat, 02 Nov 2013 23:28:51 +0000 Just a lot of small localized attacks that will lead to the big show. The people who glue their mind to major news media are like fish drawn in by the chum and then comes the big one they are planning so well. The gun control issue is a ploy to keep us worried about losing our rights to bear arms. If that is what the masses are worried about, then look past the smoke and mirrors. They are up to something much bigger.
