Comments on: Part 3, How I put together Exit From the Matrix Thu, 07 Nov 2013 19:18:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Secretariat Thu, 07 Nov 2013 19:18:49 +0000 Many years ago, when confronted with the obvious schemes of (documented) social engineering, some of us sought greater clarity to determine whom these effectors were (appertaining to so-called agency Social Role Models) and determine what cyclic behavior could dispel their unnatural intent for all to consider.

This course of action was taken to determine if possible, the truth, germane to any individual, agency or subject matter, while seeking reasonable recourse with others, unwilling to acquiesce or simply unwilling to simply submit in voluntary compliance…:), for the only observable reason….., just go along to get along!

Our efforts are simple but effective. Self-determination! This is always the simplest way to reveal the essence or any other controlling nature. Whether of any characteristic agency or otherwise.

Many have fallen for false gods (In God We Trust) or assumed powers, to which Nature’s Law and Nature’s (Creator/Creative) Science of Right Reason entitle each similarly situated.

But we place no trust whatsoever upon any authority, which cannot be simply determined by any reasonable due diligence via the science of right reason. Meaning, we don’t believe in the power of the unseen or unheard, too control our self-determination……PERIOD..!!! But we do place our Trust in the infinitely possible….lol….:). What is this infinite possibility we speak of? Honor! The honor that all walks of life receive upon their Crowning Nativity!

Honor is what credit is created upon and granted equally, to all walks of life.

This honor when preserve throughout one’s life, will always give credit to the sovereign were credit reigns supreme! Where does credit reigns supreme you might ask? No other place but In the hearts of Mankind.

And, since every Man is a State, then their true credit (which is the true Money of the Sovereign) reigns wherever their honor is maintained by both honorable good neighbors and Nature’s Law and Nature’s (Creator/Creative) Science of Right Reason, to which each are equally entitle!

We don’t look to or for a savior! For we know, since being a Man is a State, that we each our own savior, from the very moment of our own crowning nativity. Any neighborly effort expended by others, supporting honor, will always find life full of many wonders.

But remember, if you seek to save your life above honor, you have already received your reward! But for those otherwise, similarly situated and honorably predisposed to preserving such honor above all other causes, will always find life eternally grateful……..PERIOD!

Whether or not, each life one confronts in whatever reality one faces, we continue in our efforts unitively as men of good will, seeking all walks of life similarly situated to work toward manifesting universal peace with all walks of life, eternally as good neighbors.

Of course, people should realize that self-determination must be predicated upon such universal principles and once established, honorably maintained unitively. People who are able and capable of maintaining agreements, we honor and hold out our neighborly hand and livelihood with open hearts.

We do this for two-fold reasons. Firstly, to exhort one another wherever reasonably possible as a good neighbor, in both our individual and collective capacity. Secondly, the science of right reason demands from us, if peace is to exist naturally unforced by unnatural schemes, peace must be preserved upon recognizing that our individual and collective natural e’state’s must uphold, what inheres in each singularly & collectively as our natural absolute unalienable rights to life, liberty and their pursuit of Happiness.

Whether via willful failure or enticements foisted upon any individual via perfidious and pernicious schemes of social engineering, that may lead any morale entity to set aside their natural e’states unknowingly or otherwise, will only lead to chaos collectively. A chaos, others have learned to use to their own gain! And, which evinces your demise.

Whether such gains or evinces come in the form of power or otherwise, matters little to these facts! Since, these conditions can be overcome with others more perfectly suited differently, if, honor still remains a credit to one’s self-determination. But, if your one of those who rely on others to determine your perfect condition, while refusing to determine for yourselves such perfection, then you are already perfect to be deceived into accepting dishonor for honor. Thereby, clothing yourselves in dishonor and effectively discrediting the most precious gift bestowed upon all walks of life equally…..HONOR…!!!!!

The choice of being good neighbors or otherwise, is something each of must be willing to decide! Not only for ourselves but future generation of children as well! Which would you choose? You already have the natural right & credit of self-determination, to decide for yourselves. Will you choose freedom & liberty for your children, rather that hand them over to another master?

Our choice:

By the way…..any people or government who act or say in any capacity, officially or otherwise, that reasonable self-determination via the science of right reason, doesn’t include political power individually or collectively to freely choose, apparently, does not recognize the universal principle of equal rights and self-determination of all peoples. Nor possibly, the natural absolute unalienable rights to which Nature’s Law and Nature’s (Creator/Creative) Science of Right Reason entitle all walks of life equally. Nature clearly has manifested a more peaceful choice for those capable of choosing purposes more suited for creating all walks of life similarly situated eternally!

Are you one of the usurpers? Or a good neighbor?

Or, are you one that believes brute force makes right and thereby, creates the only sustaining peace? And if so, how do you justify exercising such force? Oh, that’s right, people who believe force solves every problem, also believe there is no duty to respond.


Well to put it simply….force needs no explanation! But, those who use naked force for any reason, are the first to claim for themselves, any and all power of creation to force you to believe their force & reasons deserves your respect. Even if it means, your imprisonment or death!

Clearly, the only reasonable natural science of right reason politically or otherwise, is created via variation of agreement! This is the only way to preserve these self-evident rights universally? And believe me, whenever any unjust force is used, in the eye of the victim, no presumed agreement developed thereafter, is truly settled. Agreement without the use of force, is the only tool used by Men of Good Will.

This point made between agreements settled peacefully and those created after the use of force, can be easily determined, as such circumstances and their successes thereafter-wards, simply by reviewing the voluminous historical evinces thereof, which are too numerous to list so to speak.

In specific conclusion hereto, we leave each of you perfect for your condition. Hopefully, with the aid of ‘Jon’s blog’ you can see more clearly with grater clarity, evincing further perfection accordingly, that each may choose more perfectly, for the benefit of their own natural choices.

Most graciously,….’In Honor We Trust.’

P.S.: Please forgive any syntax or grammatical errors.

By: casey Tue, 05 Nov 2013 04:59:07 +0000 Applied linear time and linear language, are going to go the way of the dinosaur soon enough,
vertical stacked time and the new vertical communication are the future.

By: Michael Burns Mon, 04 Nov 2013 08:29:57 +0000 You have a rather special gift there, Jon. A rare gift. The ability to not believe one’s own bullshit, is your master stroke. Impressive…cutting through the lies that we can tell ourselves on any day, you a true sense, of what it means to have real common sense. Horse sense.

Thirty-five thousand years ago men and possibly women, people, retreated back into a cave in Lascaux near the town of Montignac. They had to bring fire back there with them, it was cool and an extremely dark and damp place, it was deep inside a large cave. They made charcoal from wood, and beat down charcoal, yellow and red ochre to dust. They brought fat with them, and the spittle out of their mouths. And they spit red and yellow ocher mixed with fat on the cave walls, and they drew and painted the most glorious images, that mankind has made on the planet to date. They entered the process from an extremely sacred rather than profane point of view. This was not graffiti, but the world’s first moving picture show. They worked long hours, time speed by them. Reality changed where they could’nt tell were there painting arm ended, and the painting began. There reality expanded along with their consciousness. Initiates and young artists would spend hours on end making the images on those cave walls. The fires flickered creating shadows and the images moved and became alive and danced on the walls. It was Art on the highest level, the very highest level.
And another set of men entered that place and saw the power, and the first Plato’s cave came into being, and we had a long fall into history.
I guess painters think along the similar lines. Not the same but similar, I notice musicians think on a similar vein as well.
Again… a lot what you state in your post is what I thinking at present. I relate completely to what you say Jon.

I have a story to publish, I think you will like it and relate to…It is paralleling this line of thinking. I am still working on it.
Polishing it up at bit. Spit (the first medium) and shine it.
I will leave a link here, for you when it is done.

Michael Burns
BTW Please write some more on this subject, I am fascinated with your point of view.

By: William Andrew Sat, 02 Nov 2013 11:15:49 +0000 Here are a few more quotes from Baker’s book, first from Carl Jung:

“With every good there comes a corresponding evil,
and with every evil, a corresponding good.
Don’t run too fast into one
unless you are prepared to encounter the other.”

From Michael Meade (in “Men and the Water of Life”):

“One of the secrets of breaking the spell is to go further into it.”

From Meister Eckhart:

“Love –– stronger than death and harder than hell –– ”

Which is why we need exercises, practice, and discipline.

Finally, regarding some of the scornfully reactive comments to that ridiculous, sinful, and terrifyingly heretical term “paranormal” (in the earlier post), a little humorous word play with “para-” which simply means “beside” in Greek:

I wonder how this paranormal paragon of parabolic parable (Jon) can so quickly paralyze those who fear some paramour of belief and cling with paraplegic paranoia to their paramount parapets of rigid parameters and parasitic mental paraphernalia (dogma) when his paradoxical paragraphs and paraphrase of news could parachute them into the parallax view of parallel worlds made of free and open paradigms for paradise? Paroxysm indeed, but please grant me parole for parody.

By: Jeffrey Hardin Sat, 02 Nov 2013 10:56:20 +0000 Reblogged this on Jericho777's Blog.

By: William Andrew Sat, 02 Nov 2013 08:56:07 +0000 Synchronicity that I read your writing today Jon, “The slavery to one space and time was gone,” and then open Carolyn Baker’s “Reclaiming the Dark Feminine” to find this poem by David Whyte:

Sweet Darkness

When your eyes are tired the world is tired also.
When your vision is gone no part of the world can find you.

Time to go into the dark where the night has eyes to recognize its own.
There you can be sure you are not beyond love.

The dark will be your womb tonight.
The night will give you a horizon further than you can see.

You must learn one thing. The world was made to be free in.
Give up all the other worlds except the one to which you belong.

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet confinement of your aloneness

to learn

anything or anyone that does not bring you alive

is too small for you.

By: Bernie Sat, 02 Nov 2013 07:17:07 +0000 Like the call of the clarion.


By: Steve Sat, 02 Nov 2013 05:03:59 +0000 Jon, you continue opening doors that can never be closed again…
