Comments on: Part 5, How I put The Matrix Revealed together Thu, 07 Nov 2013 09:35:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: drew Thu, 07 Nov 2013 09:35:11 +0000 The idea that the brain likes to build a matrix of commonality is fascinating and explains why we
are in the mess we are in, most people have very little desire to think while in the box let alone out of it.

By: Peter Schreiner Wed, 06 Nov 2013 13:21:53 +0000 Jon, allow me a moment in the spotlight, please . . .

This frequency, the harmonizing, resonating with the normal is what keeps us at odds with other sentient life, a patriarchal herding mentality responsible for the killing of billions of innocent creatures yearly, not to mention the dominance over our own female species.

Perhaps there was a time, I will concede, when herding, hunting, and trapping were necessary for human survival, not so in today’s modern societies. Nor is our ancestor’s dominion over other earthlings comparable to our inhumane treatment of animals used for food today. Nor is animal flesh necessary for optimum health. In fact, cancer and heart disease have their very roots in a meat and dairy diet. We can thrive on plant-based diets—and we don’t have to kill beings who desire to live their life in peace for us to maintain health. I’m a prime example.

So it is this conformance to the normal that cause people to ignore and hide and deny the atrocities committed to animals on a magnitude never before in history, and all so they can eat flesh made tasty by plants.

But, it goes further than that. As long as we accept and demonstrate dominion over weaker sentient life forms, we will always seek dominance over our own. What we do to animals we eventually do to ourselves. Furthermore, if we can have no compassion for weaker species, then we’re nothing more than brutes and bullies and that attitude will extend, as it has, to every aspect of our existence.

One more item I’d like to mention. When we eat the body of a sentient being—when we put into our bodies the flesh of an animal who has been confined, tortured, sexual abused (yes, really) all their lives, then forced to suffer a cruel and frightening death, what does ingesting and absorbing this into our bodies do to our spirits?

Anyone doubting the cruelty of animal agriculture may watch this:

Thank you for your time. I’m stepping down off my soapbox now.

By: theodorewesson Wed, 06 Nov 2013 04:33:33 +0000 Wow! Walter Cronkite! Traitor!


By: kozandaishi Wed, 06 Nov 2013 03:51:18 +0000 Here’s some stage magic for you – some of the all-time best, and it’s called the fascist cult of Yahweh

By: labontetrax Tue, 05 Nov 2013 21:27:14 +0000 To what end?

By: CriticalThinker Tue, 05 Nov 2013 21:17:07 +0000 I own both of Jon’s Matrix collections. They are wonderful tools for learning, thinking, and creativity. Recently I re-read the interviews in the Matrix Revealed collection. There is information in those interviews that may very well turn a person’s view of the world inside-out.

This blog post by Jon reminded me of a meme that is often put out there by those who admit to the plan for global governance, the new world order. They often say that this new structure is needed in order to ‘prevent war’. This is used to put people into a trance.

Walter Cronkite speech:

Interview of Congressional investigator Norman Dodd (If your time is limited, watch after about 24:00 into the interview where war as indentified as the most effective means to ‘alter a people’):
