Comments on: Paranormal You Fri, 08 Nov 2013 23:23:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: zeeie2000 Fri, 08 Nov 2013 23:23:00 +0000 Reblogged this on MrZeeie's Lost in Amerika.

By: William Andrew Fri, 08 Nov 2013 12:13:59 +0000 I guess I’m feeling a little mischievous tonight, so let me offer a little experiment in disruptive interdisciplinary cross fertilization. Here is another “blog” I read that is written by someone about your age who has spent his life professionally exploring the many dimensions of “human problems” and the nature of the mind-boxes in which human beings, societies, and institutions trap themselves.

He moves in a very big creative space, but “the matrix” is itself a daunting and ever expanding intelligence that is expert at the “martial art” of turning each human sensitivity, intelligence, and talent back on itself in order to get it to create and build its own particular form of self imprisonment. This is always easier to see in others (no matter how brilliant, creative, or artful) while being difficult to recognize in our own case.

His website has thousands of extensively hyperlink cross referenced articles, written mainly for himself as a exercise in clarifying his own thinking. Over the years he has explored many of the topics that interest you, your readers, and me, but I’m sure for many his style and complexity make him impossible to absorb. In any case I have selected two relatively recent articles (below) that have some relevance to the paranormal topic you have been exploring.

I sometimes find it helpful to imagine him as an alien intelligence who dropped out of the sky to explore the beautiful gem that is the UCSD library at dusk, and on a whim sped read most of its books and then offered up a few imaginative insights on the human condition based on that adventure.

If you get indigestion or want a break, you may wish to read a little about him at wikipedia or check out the range of his recent articles at his “home” link and possibly the top of the FAQ link that explains the title and purpose of his “blog.”
Wikipedia bio:

By: Jarrod Fri, 08 Nov 2013 03:32:23 +0000 I like Jon’s work because its never coming from where I’ve been or heading to where I’m going. Sure I might get slimed when I read a piece and our reality tunnels briefly intersect but he’s never waving in the rearview mirror and I always get to grow my own eleventh finger to flip the switch that changes my skin to either Teflon or sea sponge and just because astronauts may have been associated with one more than the other, in this case, that one is no less texturally applicable than nature’s little car washing miracle; which usually isn’t the case, I know, because I’ll take apple pi over apple pie most any day.

By: Zen Shaman Fri, 08 Nov 2013 02:01:32 +0000 Yep.

By: OzzieThinker Fri, 08 Nov 2013 01:54:42 +0000 Some of what you are saying is right, Jon.

However, think of it like this. You have heard rumours, tales, myths about Bangkok, Thailand, or, wherever. But all those rumours, tales and myths evaporate into nothing compared with experience. To have “lived” Bangkok, Thailand or wherever, you had to be there and it was a unique and indescribable experience. All you could “convey” are more rumours because your visit will never be another’s visit.

There are things, for those that have visited, that are unique to Bangkok, Thailand. These unique things make Bangkok, Bangkok. Now, on to the paranormal. It is ENTIRELY unique, but you have to LIVE IT to appreciate it.

By: Michael Burns Fri, 08 Nov 2013 01:52:01 +0000 Another good piece Jon, I find a lot emotion comes forward for me. Things I haven’t thought about for a long time. It like I am remembering what I am. There is so much great creative energy lost in writing about the nonsense of normal. The New World is a soul sucking event. I really appreciate what you do. I will leave you a link, a story…stories can be fun. They can help us deal sometimes with the difficult…

By: Kal Dani Thu, 07 Nov 2013 23:59:40 +0000 Ill show you paranormal…please take a look at 1000 hours of research on the coincidences in prince William’s life encompassed in a 1.25 hour read!

Fun, shocking and scary and completely improbable!

Born on the summer solstice with an solar eclipse that day (Kate born same year on day of Lunar eclipse).

3 years, 3 months and 3 days old when he started nursery.

8 years, 8 months and 8 days old when he made his first official public duty.

5555 days old on princess Diana’s funeral…

Read the article:

By: brad Thu, 07 Nov 2013 19:54:49 +0000 Great subject and article! Thanks for painting a picture of “this … level of life that is waiting for all of us” because it does exists, it isn’t “strange or unusual” and it is “more real than real”, and it’s important, I feel anyway, that the word gets out. Fantastic!

By: Lisa Smartt Thu, 07 Nov 2013 17:35:38 +0000 btw: If anyone wants to know more about The Final Words Project, just drop me an email:

By: Lisa Smartt Thu, 07 Nov 2013 17:33:45 +0000 I have really enjoyed your discussions of the paranormal and narrative. Raymond Moody, the man who coined the term “near death experience” (in his book Life After Life 1975), explains that those who have experienced near death experiences describe a dimension where there is no time/no space. Moody, who has a passion for “nonsense” a la Dr Seuss and Alice in Wonderland, was struck by the quality of the narratives of people who experience NDEs–technically they are “nonsense” narratives–that is according to our current logic, they make no sense. However, most NDE-ers would tell you that their experience felt incredibly real–enough to change their lives forever.

Narrative has the incredible capacity to reflect and affect our dimensions. I am working under the guidance of Dr. Moody looking at how the “nonsense” of those who are dying may possibly reflect the crossing of dimension–trans-sense–

The Final Words Project is looking at how language changes in the final days and weeks of life–and how this might add to our understanding of consciousness–as people die, we see increasing use of metaphor and “nonsense”–interesting changes that indicate that the narrative changes in a profound way as we cross the threshold–whatever, exactly, that threshold might be…
