If your state of mind is open and willing, it is quite possible to dissolve the “reality” of illness; you “see” it differently, and create a new “reality.” This can be done in various ways (not just one way — just saying there are many tools and techniques), but it is through perception, a state of mind, and a deliberate directing of thoughts. You can do this yourself, or you can join together with others to do it, or you can take yourself to an experienced/skilled healing practitioner to assist you.
A “fear” state of mind can derail this healing process. The propaganda of our society is deliberately designed to induce a fear state, to interfere with our recognizing our “paranormal” abilities which would render the sociopathic tyrants impotent. I see parallels with the way the cancer industry tries to shape our view of cancer. As something to be “fought” which…. actually creates cancer.
The vibrations around us, including the thoughts of others and the substances we take into our bodies (food, medicine, air, water, lotions), influence us. The vibrations from pharmaceuticals are of a low vibration — the vibration of profit, greed, and death. The vibration from living, organic plant materials is positive and influences us in a healing or positive way. The vibration from factory-farmed animals is low, fear-based and quite harmful to us, if we eat them.
It is possible to create an ever-increasing open/willing state of being which is more able to discern the truth from the illusions, just as it is possible to make pains increase or go away. It is, in fact, possible to create anything with our minds. Indeed, we are constantly doing so, whether we realize it or not.
]]>I have for years been using a form of…the only name I think I can come up with would be a Self-reiki. A physcial but sometimes more mental approach to healing myself. I think it would be more of an imagination exercise. Using imagination as a way of visualizing a pain as a thing. I could imagine my defenses and anti-bodies, surrounding a specific invader like a virus, or infection; and dealing with it appropriately.
A human body is really made up of many species of life. That are guided by a sub conscious.
I understand the body to be a Eco-system of many life forms that have been together for a very very long time. A mind could be seen as a government representative of all these organisms. Sot of a mega-mind.
Headaches seen as a blockage, in electrical signals or slowed blood flow. A interference in an electromagnetic flow. And imagining a release of that blockage, or an increase of blood to the area. A quieting of a trauma, inflammation or the closing of a wound and stopping of bleeding.
One can shorten healing time by thinking about it.