Comments on: The Death Machine Strikes Tue, 10 Dec 2013 21:45:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dan Lee Tue, 10 Dec 2013 21:45:17 +0000 Jon,
One of your best yet. Truly sublime. I would say you are singular in your talents but this is clearly a very poor choice of words. Thankyou from Australia for you ongoing commitment to enlightening, freeing and enboldening the world !
Dan Lee
Brisbane, Australia

By: ask? Tue, 03 Dec 2013 18:01:54 +0000 When a topic can only be talked about in the open with a set of guidelines,
the subject is now perverted. As in standing in the middle of LA and only being
able to take the freeways. No detour from that set path can happen. Opinions
now become even more limited, exposure to views not already covered
must be silenced. This many of you know is the facade that has to be broken.
“If one knows only what one is told, one does not know enough to be able to arrive at
a well-balanced decision.”
-Leo Szilard

By: Jon Rappoport – The Death Machine Strikes – 3 December 2013 | Lucas 2012 Infos Tue, 03 Dec 2013 13:30:36 +0000 […] / / link to original article […]

By: OzzieThinker Tue, 03 Dec 2013 05:10:36 +0000 Excellent story, but perhaps the introduction was “as good”. I believe the “system” is running a giant con and has been for a very long time. Different pieces; different places but the puzzle is always the same.

Here is my take:

By: The Death Machine StrikesAlternate Viewpoint | Alternate Viewpoint Tue, 03 Dec 2013 02:02:35 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport’s Blog (No Ratings Yet) […]

By: Michael Mon, 02 Dec 2013 19:15:34 +0000 You are a better story teller than a poet, you have talent with the narrative…my saying this is not meant as an offense, purely observation; artistically we are individually suited to some forms of expression more than to others.
You like symbols, I find that very interesting Jon. Symbols are the real secret.
I love the ambiguous, makes for much better Art, spits in the face of fundamental truth.
You are right, facts can goddam cold. They turn the heart to stone.
I like your story very much…

“Those sweetly smiling angels with pensive looks, innocent faces, and cash-boxes for hearts” – Honoré de Balzac
