Comments on: The magician in the high hills
NoMoreFakeNews.comMon, 16 Dec 2013 16:49:43 +0000
By: The magician in the high hillsNot Exactly The News | Not Exactly The News
Mon, 16 Dec 2013 16:49:43 +0000[…] Jon Rappoport’s Blog […]
By: ollamok
Mon, 09 Dec 2013 10:12:54 +0000 this on Ollamok's Uncommon Common Sense.
By: Jarrod
Sun, 08 Dec 2013 21:34:52 +0000 ago, while I was still in high school, I made a comic strip cartoon involving several different characters, each inhabiting their own “island” in a type of archipelago-style chain of “islands”. What made this unique was the setting. Each “island” was a chunk of suspended brain matter, frozen in time, just milliseconds after Kennedy received the final head shot. I named each chunk of floating brain, which each miniature character had built their own small hut upon, and each traveled between the islands via hot air balloons. All the while, in the background, a low-pitch, monotone, gutteral noise could always be heard, which was the president’s groan from having been shot, drawn out and frozen in time; kind of like the static background noise of the universe. At the time I made this, I thought I was just being morbid and weird-and I was- but it’s interesting now to consider such ideas and compare them with my current mindset. The first poem just reminded me of this cartoon and I thought I’d share it here. Pretty weird…but weird is always good.