Comments on: Space-time and imagination Fri, 03 Jan 2014 03:07:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: laurabruno Fri, 03 Jan 2014 03:07:33 +0000 “Focus everyone’s attention on diminishing, tightly controlled space, and they’ll be less likely to remember that they can invent their own.”

Exactly! I really have sensed that’s the main reason Snowden’s “revelations” have seen the light of day. In an aware world, there’s no privacy anyway. Auras don’t lie. Getting everyone paranoid of people knowing their business just further obfuscates the fact that a) WE can have much more knowledge and awareness just by opening our senses and b) who cares? We can create infinite worlds in which spying becomes redundant, obsolete or simply irrelevant. The mischievous parts of me do so enjoy writing the occasional nonsense –“much madness is divinest sense…” knowing full well the surveillance AI’s will either explode or grow smart enough to dump their control freak overlords. 😉

By: Lee Wed, 01 Jan 2014 04:41:31 +0000 Woops typo corrections to my comment above:
“Artificial Intelligence is merely capturing and recording information for its artificial world in attempts to expand its artificial “space”.

By: OzzieThinker Wed, 01 Jan 2014 04:14:20 +0000 How about, there is no causality? Could existence be the relationship between impetus and essence via the harmonisation of imagination and perception? Reality requires imagination and perception to exist. Gradually those who control are determined to maximise perception and limit imagination to the bare minimum.

As a concert standard classical pianist I am forever torn between the requirement of the music, interpretation specific to its creator and the technical elements which validate the detail. Peers have been lulled into the false consideration that Bach, Beethoven and Chopin (to name a few) were God’s idols with supernatural powers. I say they merely saw essence perfectly as a testament to their imaginations.

Incidentally, there are plenty of ET’s that have offered down-to-earth messages to humanity. These have not been popularised by the Rockefeller/CIA endorsed “disclosure movement” and its nonsensical agenda (or rather, Globalist agenda).

In addition to Michael’s comment, which moves off topic; at the source past, present and future converge. However, events are jumbled, so the experience finds no sense of order. What is, is and that’s it. Here, order is everything.

By: Lee Wed, 01 Jan 2014 04:06:07 +0000 Brilliant Jon Rappoport, Thank you.

Multiple Space Explorers (MSE’s) unfortunately cannot give their experiences to another – they can only attempt to describe them within a paradigm that those not experiencing many space realities may grasp. No different to Columbus attempting to describe to his countrymen what lands looked and felt like on the other side of the horizon; until you check it out for yourself it is only another person’s story . . . or imagination!

MSE’s know that those who choose to spy with “one set of tools” within “one space reality” can only gain power and control by coercion/browbeating/terrorism of those willing to surrender to the same belief in one space and one space only. MSE’s are therefore not threatened by spying because they are acutely aware of the highways and byways of multiple realities and how futile it is to even begin to attempt a “spying and collection of all data” program for besides the fact that universes are just way too infinitely big for this to be accomplished within one space reality, information is actually accessible to anyone who chooses to access it.

Michael Persinger touches into this proof in “No More Secrets” ( and Anna Breytenbach ( gives great demonstrations within the non-synthetic space world of how accessing any information and then communicating with it is not only possible but is an inherent capability within all life.

Artificial Intelligence is merely capturing and recording artificial information in its artificial world in attempts to expand its artificial “space”. So what, nothing wrong with this exploration for artificial intelligence explorers. But if we are not comfortable with this experience in an artificial collective we can simply create other spaces simultaneously and explore/live within many! But how??? Well here’s just one example one can try on for size, or not, because alternative space realities are quite simply infinite, (and eternal). Eating is a space reality but if you want to choose a non-eating space reality, here and now, well you can! (Just ask Dr Michael Werner who is featured in the following link. And, of course, no amount of artificial intelligence surveillance, just from a survival perspective, is going to have one iota of impact on a person who chooses a non-eating space reality.

Perhaps the greatest, most powerful, hidden in plain sight, high level intelligence secret that does not gain enough promotion yet in the mainstream media world . . . is Choice!

By: Michael Mon, 30 Dec 2013 23:23:19 +0000 “In space, time passes.”… That’s a big assumption Jon.
Look at how we count time… the side you’re standing on turns its ass to the sun and you’re in the shade for 12 hours. How has time changed… you are simply in the shade.
Time doesn’t really exist, it’s an illusion. A very persistent one, so persistent that the powers that be have hooked there wagon to it though, until the end (whatever that means).
But in your mind, if you look, deeply enough. I mean in the really deep end, it doesn’t exist, until you tell yourself it does.
I have been to places were that same persistent Illusion takes a different sun a month to go across the sky. One can remain twenty five for a hundred years.
Humans need to count… counting leads to greed.
Once you start counting your […].

“I once asked a physicist about this. He said: when you dream, you think you’re in space, but that’s just an illusion. As proof, he pointed out that he wouldn’t be able to measure what was happening in the space of my dreams, and for him, that was that.”
This is absolutely hilarious…way too funny.

By: Homer Mon, 30 Dec 2013 20:58:29 +0000 God Bless Saint Giordano Bruno, (Unofficial) Patron Saint of The Imagination.“bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonn
toohoohoordenenthurnuk!”. See ya around!

Thanam ‘on dhoul to the Demons of Destruction, Producers of Paranoia, Heralders of Heresy, Creator’s of Claustrophobia, (who think they’re the center of the universe ), whose material constructs of control are nothing more than wet paper bags.

-Here’s to you,
As Good as You Are!
-Here’s to Me,
as Bad as I Am!
-As Good as You Are,
And as Bad as I Am,
I’m as Good as You Are
as Bad as I Am!

St.Bruno Intercede for us. With your infinite Mercy reach out into the vast expanse of space that you created and spiritually slap us upside the head for not doing the same or for ever feeling paranoid, claustrophobic, or unimaginative. Amen

“Maybe you who condemn me are in greater fear than I who am condemned.”
―Saint Giordano Bruno Il Bruno (The Good)

By: Space-time and imaginationNot Exactly The News | Not Exactly The News Mon, 30 Dec 2013 18:03:16 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport’s Blog […]
