Comments on: The creative center of the world Mon, 22 Jul 2019 12:28:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Mon, 13 Jan 2014 17:43:28 +0000 Can I nail this Jon, to the front door of every so called institution of learning on the planet, especially the Art Colleges…..nah…it would never work.
Sunday seems to be a good day for you…I mean for writing.
Loved it, compliments just seem trite.
Keep the faith my friend.

By: Sam DiCamillo Mon, 13 Jan 2014 17:06:54 +0000 People are just trying to stay alive and don’t have time or inclination for, or towards such grandeur.
Such speculation is better left to the members of the lucky sperm club.
This coming from a Jazz performer of fifty years, who admittingly does not think in “Oceanic” terms while blowing his horn.

By: brad Mon, 13 Jan 2014 16:43:00 +0000 Another gem, and on the money as usual. “Peace through avoidance” is the new religion for sure – I see it all around me with people who are shedding the old worn out paradigms but diverted into the new-world collectivist cults – all is good, they personally are saved by ‘seeing’ the new (pre-packaged) vision of oneness. I don’t see how the world at large will break out of the trance – maybe it will always be a one-at-a-time individual journey, and hopefully those who are making true headway can influence others by example, you never know.

By: Klaus Mon, 13 Jan 2014 15:37:11 +0000 A real artist has connection into the phase boundary – the place of evolution. And a real good artists will create the future of evolution already in his/her work.

By: Rando Mon, 13 Jan 2014 13:20:12 +0000 “When people strip away all the hogwash that has been passed off as spiritual enlightenment for centuries, what they are left with—if they can feel it—is creative fire. That fire IS the spiritual force. IS the real thing. Finally.”

By: Felonius Friedrich Mon, 13 Jan 2014 04:10:21 +0000 Thank you sir ! For your words,wisdom,and insight.Let us all hope that the human-creative-energy-potential can universally be made manifest before it is too-late for our species.

By: Joe Mon, 13 Jan 2014 02:28:14 +0000 Homer sums up my reaction to your words. It’s been a long time since anyone has expressed the vitality, the potential, and yes, the magic that I’ve always felt was at the heart of real art, as well.

Thank you Jon!

By: OzzieThinker Mon, 13 Jan 2014 02:21:01 +0000 Excellent Jon.

However, the devil hides in mysterious places these days. Doesn’t Rense, in his own way, cultivate a brand of propaganda? Do the alternative sources come clean with their information, or is it “loaded” just like the mainstream?

We often judge famous characters we hate, but often our judgement comes from propaganda backing off their existence; a few inappropriate “one liners” we can take out of context. Even the so-called monsters all have some attractive traits.

The problem is the parasitic nature of man and we cannot do without “the other”. Because “art” can lampoon ANYTHING, it becomes the universal focus of attack.

By: Homer Mon, 13 Jan 2014 01:56:05 +0000 Mr. Rappoport to call what you just wrote and I just read a blog, doesn’t do it justice. An essay comes up way short, doesn’t do it justice. A manifesto?, it’s much more than that, doesn’t do it justice. An epiphany or epihanies?, yeeahh, getting closer, but doesn’t do it justice. It’s all of those things and much more! If I had to offer a brief description to someone who hasn’t had the chance to read it yet, I’d say it’s a Spiritual Revelation, a word painted VISION of a man burning with creative fire, and I wholeheartedly agree ‘that fire IS the Spiritual force” (and it dwells within all of us). Beyond inspiring it was life affirming to read, ( Spiritual Sunday reading:) I’m a weirdo that doesn’t take compliments well, and who sparingly hands them out, but for what it’s worth I feel compelled to offer high praise, admiration, and respect for this vision you’ve shared. I feel your work is much needed and very important. I feel a vision such as the one you just offered can serve as a creative spark to us ‘BORED SILLY CUCKOO’s’ whose smoldering creative fires wait to be ignited, (before we wind up ‘cartoons in a cartoon graveyard’).

“Art (creation/magic) is a word that should be oceanic. It should shake and blow apart the foul smug boredom of the soul”.
-Jon Rappaport-

“Art is about destroying the old order and the new order and the present order, with a glance”.
-Jon Rappoport-

“When one writes long enough, he realizes that so-called history is but one story—and many other (better) stories could be told”.
-Jon Rappoport-

So many amazing quotes/epiphanies contained within this vision! I showed this to my wife, she loved it, and is going to share it with her literate friendS. I’m going to forward this to my one literate friend, and hope he shares it with his wife who could share it with her literate friendS! This vision is a serious spark!

p.s- The harmony of the living dead…Classic!

By: ptero9 Sun, 12 Jan 2014 19:21:09 +0000 Although it’s impossible to have a big enough perspective, I do like to consider the possibility that we are in the midst of a very huge cultural shift. Great post Jon!
