Comments on: Exposed: Sandy Hook shooter’s biggest threat still lives Thu, 19 Mar 2015 18:41:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: JT Thu, 19 Mar 2015 18:41:03 +0000 Sandy Hook was a Gun Grab Hoax — to attack Home Schooling, and ban AR15 rifles nationwide.

LT Vance was suddenly removed from his Spokesman job (CT State Police) in FEB 2015, and reassigned to the Traffic Division.

Is that because LT Vance keeps lying about where Adam Lanza’s body was “found?”

Police Evidence photos show a gun-range target stamped “FBI USE” in Nancy Lanza’s basement.

Everyone knows Sandy Hook shooting was a Hoax (to ban AR15 rifles) but LT VANCE keeps lying and pretending it was real.

Forensic Proof that Adam Lanza’s AR15 DIDN’T blow out the window at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Is Malloy (CT Governor) worried about LT VANCE getting subpoenaed during the next Vance press conference? Is that why CT moved Vance from his 16-year Spokesman job to the Traffic Division?

Lt Vance’s SON controls who can sue the State of CT. Vance JR is the CT Claims Commissioner.

AR15 wasn’t used at Sandy Hook. CT already banned assault rifles, but the gun grabbers have 49 more States to go.

CT Governor Dan Malloy locked down ALL Death Certificates across CT to conceal Sandy Hoax. How long can CT keep this Sandy Hook scam going?

Adam Lanza is fake. He was created in PhotoShop to seize AR15 rifles and attack Home Schooling, since Adam Lanza was supposedly Home Schooled by Nancy Lanza.

During his press conference at Sandy Hook, Governor Malloy (CT) said he was “Spoken to that something like this might happen” in his State. In other words, he KNEW the Sandy Hook “shooting” was pre-planned. Yet Malloy is still using Sandy Hoax to push gun confiscation and attack Home Schooling.

Obama flew fake Sandy Hook “parents” around the USA on Air Force One, to grab guns.

Obama’s SSN was stolen from Harrison Bounel (died in NEWTOWN, CT) at this hospital.

Wayne Carver (CT Medical Examiner) helped Malloy lock down ALL DEATH CERTIFICATES for ANY DEATHS in CT.

Obama (DHS) uses fake shootings to disarm the USA. Ask LT PAUL VANCE.

By: medusajoe Sat, 18 Oct 2014 00:23:37 +0000 Reblogged this on freddiemercurybiopicmovie and commented:

One good thing the sandy hook hoax revealed , was the psychiatric industries Centre of mind altering operations Connecticut, deliberate ongoing cover up of its toxic brain toasting drugs.
Below Jon Rappaport in his article is given an opportunity to tell you a little about how bad the fake science of psychiatry is with its brain sizzling drugs, and he Quoted the supposed father of the supposed gunman claiming he was willing to disclose his once sons psychiatric records to the commission Governor Malloy set up to investigate the sandy hook hoax. Yet now two years later we have that very commission claiming Peter Lanza will in fact not release the medical records of the alleged son he disowned when he stated he wished he had never been born, to governor Malloy’s sandy hook commission.

So we see the contrivance the never ending lies the twittering of the tale.

And biggest of all we see the psychiatric industry Mecca of Connecticut squirming to make sure their biggest secret is not disclosed by accident by the never ending story of the sandy hook hoax.

So yes , the hoax did one good thing, it put the spotlight on the complete lunacy of the none science deftly named to sound lie, a science, “psychiatry” and it fully showed the lengths the crooks will go to to keep a lid on the same toxic psychiatry industry while still trying to make the hoax look credible to the uninterested heavily distracted public, (who just watch a nightly news show and think the whole thing real) but the crooks made sure to still maintain and garner the power and keep an air of respectability to their toxic big pharma fellow crooks, enough for them to have public power to medicate the children and the adults , making them Ill in mind body and soul , alone and. helpless at the hands of an trillion dollar industry backed by corruption so prevalent it’s now become a given a so what issue , who’s designs and aims are to destroy the minds and the souls of men for profit.

By: OzzieThinker Wed, 26 Feb 2014 23:29:16 +0000 What with this

and that

the wheels are falling off Sandy Hook credibility.

There is something VERY not right about that event.

By: Roger Fuller Wed, 26 Feb 2014 17:09:24 +0000 @ Faith Well, I see that even your comment admits that Adam Lanza WAS a patient at the Yale Child Studies Center and was prescribed psych. drugs but simply didn’t take them, because his brother, arrested at gunpoint, was clearing himself and his brother. Knowing that this was probably the worst crime in US history and that almost every other mass killing shooter in the past 20 years WAS on psychiatric drugs, I think most people need much stronger evidence than you provide to believe that Adam was drug free. The Connecticut Media hasn’t said a word about Adam even being in psychiatric wards or his psych. drug history since this disaster happened.

By: Faith Tue, 25 Feb 2014 23:48:45 +0000 In a FBI interview with Ryan Lanza (after he was arrested at gunpoint and brought to the Hoboken Police station) he stated that “[Adam] never used drugs, and actually hated the thought of it.”

You can read more about this at this link:

Mental health was most definitely the problem, but the medicine that Adam Lanza was prescribed while he was a patient at the Yale Child Studies Center he flat out refused to take. He strictly controlled what he ate and drank. Don’t post false information.

By: Tracy Fri, 31 Jan 2014 09:12:57 +0000 Have you read Jon’s article dated Feb 2013 about Sandy Hook?

By: theodorewesson Fri, 31 Jan 2014 05:05:49 +0000 I, personally, have not researched the Sandy Hook nor Batman massacres, but is the following “the high level”?

1. Sandy Hook massacre: Adam Lanza was the “cutout / pastsy” but, as a “cutout / patsy”, and, unlike two other natorious “cutouts / patsies” — Lee Harvey Osward and James Holmes, there is no evidence that shows that Adam Lanza ever existed in the flesh as a ‘living man’.

2. Batman massacre: James Holmes was the “cutout / pastsy” and exists in the flesh as a ‘living man’.

So, when talking about “the scam of psychiatry”, Jon should, if he is going to point to a recent massacre or shooting — in which psych drugs are presetn in the murderers blood scream at the time of the murder, mention, as one of many illustrations, case-study-2 and not case-study-1?

By: Lone Dissenter Fri, 31 Jan 2014 04:38:09 +0000 The scam of psychiatry needs to be exposed, indeed! But not at the cost of perpetuating an elaborate hoax.

By: Roger Wed, 29 Jan 2014 23:21:36 +0000 January 29, 2014
I find it amazing [how many] on this comment board are saying that Adam Lanza and the Sandy Hook Shooting never existed. It must be music to the ears of Glaxo Smith Kline, Pfizer, Squibb, Eli Lilly, etc. Just as Adolf Eichmann said ” I was just a cog in the machine. ” , wouldn’t it be convenient to say the Newtown shooting never happened ?
So although I am in Eastern Connecticut and have never been to Newtown and therefore cannot prove ABSOLUTELY that the Newtown shooting of 12-14-12 happened; one thing I am absolutely sure of is that Psychiatric Atrocities are REAL, and Coast to Coast, Nationwide in the USA. And drug companies export their Psychiatric Poison Worldwide as well. And 2014 is the 60th year of the ” Second Great Biological Psychiatry ” as Dr. Edward Shorter calls it; the wave of new pharmaceutical Psychiatric Drugs that began with Thorazine in 1954. Californians should remember that 11,000 doses of Thorazine were found in a footlocker, right after the Jonestown Massacre in 1978, because it was the drug that engineered the Jonestown Massacre ( On the front page of the San Francisco Examiner, first Wednesday after the Massacre.) As bad as my memory is, even I remember that. I am a direct eyewitness to 50, 60, 70 people wards full of drug-induced Parkinson’s Disease, constipation, uncontrollable muscular spasms, deformed faces and bodies etc. from Connecticut State Hospitals to California State Hospitals. Today Psychiatry has invaded,” Community Mental Health Centers ” , halfway houses, jails, prisons, public schools, and even the Military. It is an epidemic, totally out of control, destroying millions of lives. The Citizens’ Committee on Human Rights reports that worldwide, Psychiatry has claimed 100 million victims, injured by Psychiatry. Although the drug companies, who know no bounds, have a target of 1 billion victims. To me, the Sandy Hook Shooting is simply the end stage product of this Psychiatric Drug Epidemic that the USA has tolerated for way too long.
But this is a fabulous article by Jon Rappoport and if his information is correct, he has cracked the whole mystery of the Sandy Hook Shooting, which is long overdue. Back here in Connecticut, all we get about Sandy Hook is lies and pro-psychiatric propaganda from the NPR radio stations and the highest officials in Connecticut State Government. They are actually responding by putting 7 Million more dollars into the State ” mental health system “. And part of the money will be used for a pro-psychiatric propaganda campaign.
I just want to add to John Rappoport’s list of Connecticut drug companies. Driving southwest on I-95 near Fairfield, Connecticut, I could see a building that was the Lederle Division of American Cyanamid Company, not very far from Newtown. You know, the Cyanide company ! They make Artane for Psych. wards. That was 25 years ago. I’m not sure it’s still there. But Pfizer has their factory in Groton, Conn.. They are very big. And Xanax ( alprazolam ) is the Menendez brothers drug. Californians would remember them. ( As seen on 60 Minutes )
In Connecticut, the victims of Psychiatry are everywhere. You can see obese, diabetic, and sick and crippled people everywhere and I have never doubted that Psychiatry is to blame.
Remember, Psychiatry was pushing its drugs for 39 years before genetically engineered food even existed.

By: Barbara Wed, 29 Jan 2014 18:45:13 +0000 So this is what they are doing now to get around the ban? Sounds like the same thing as doctors used to do when they sent me their list of patient to whom they’ve prescribed. (Numbers, not names as back then it was illegal to give out patient information – now of course it is okay). A rose is still a rose by any other name as they say, or more appropriately, a stinky fish is still …
