Comments on: Obama and the State of the Onion Address Mon, 03 Feb 2014 17:06:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: GJH Mon, 03 Feb 2014 17:06:53 +0000 Interesting points, both yours and those who responded.

Personally, I’d say what’s happening in the US is a mix of fascism and socialism, and that deep down there’s not much difference between the two. In other words, the socialism that Conrad refers to strikes me as a fairy tale, while what we’re getting is the reality. Both socialism and fascism are collectivism, they both centralize power into the hands of an oligarchy. Whether national or international in flavor strikes me as relatively insignificant.

As for Conrad’s cut on ‘individualism’, I’d say that is also based on a difference in understanding of what it means. To respect the rights of the individual, and the need for individual responsibility, ought to make for stronger communities less easily divided, because they are based on cooperation rather than coercion. Whereas socialism and the nanny state erase community ties and loyalties, as resentments build and all that was once done in solidarity is now a function of the impersonal state bureaucracy.

By: OzzieThinker Thu, 30 Jan 2014 01:28:16 +0000 Good piece, Jon.

Add the “other World” thingy and you are pretty much “on the money” with a wrinkle here, a kink there.

More importantly, what you say about Martin Luther King is interesting. Not only was the killer assigned by the FBI, King may have requisitioned it. He had “complications” from the earlier stabbing and, I believe, wanted to go out “in style”.


By: Bobby Thu, 30 Jan 2014 01:19:35 +0000 Absolutely true. Your distinction between fasicsm and communism, is one that I have been making for over twenty plus years now. I can’t imagine why people keep calling what is happening in the U.S., Fascism. It’s not. It’s out and out communism.I even got my old college professor to see the light on this, around 15 years ago!!

By: Jean Bush Wed, 29 Jan 2014 23:42:46 +0000 I love it! Great post!

Obama is nothing but an Illuminati suck-puppet who will always bend over to receive his Masters’ wishes.

Nothing new here, keep moving, keep moving.

By: Abinico Warez Wed, 29 Jan 2014 21:24:37 +0000 I have said it from the beginning – Obama is a shill for the 1%, and oiwned by the medical industry – you libtards that voted for him, are you loving it yet?

By: Adam Evenson Wed, 29 Jan 2014 20:26:38 +0000 Actually, just about all the presidents this far, excepting only the first several that were Founders, demonstrate undeniable proof that any warm body with vocal chords can be POTUS, because POTUS means just about zero. If the last five presidents (with special emphasis on the last two, both homosexuals and absolute morons) are not living proof that no POTUS is even necessary except to warm a seat and do what he is ordered to do, then no proof of anything exists anywhere. There is talk that Obama is concerned about his “legacy.” Ha, ha, ha. He had his “legacy” all laid out the day he was born. He would be a sexually deviated moron and a pawn in the hands of the agents that shape and form history, and he would be a president of offices (not just POTUS, but “President” of the Harvard Law Review–imagine how that demeans the Harvard office), in which never in a million years would he be able to serve any such offices intelligently. Obama was created entirely out of paper, and that’s it. If the entirety of the U.S. citizenry came to my door, begging me to be POTUS for life in the hopes that I could be their first real president since the Founders, I would decline, as I couldn’t stand to follow what has gone before. If the trustees of Harvard asked me to be the President of the Harvard Law Review, I’d laugh and say, “Do you think I’m as stupid as Obama? Even if I were, I’m a man, not a wannabe woman.”

By: BE Wed, 29 Jan 2014 20:25:10 +0000 Conrad,
International banks that fleece the nation are not permitted under fascism.
NOTHING INTERNATIONAL is permitted in fascism.
The Fundamental difference between fascism and marxism/socialism, is that one is nationalist and the other is INTERNATIONALIST.

Fascism supports religion and recognizes God, Marxism is atheistic and de facto worships the state/ J E Ws.
Further, fascism also doesn’t guarantee equal results from unequal labor Marxism like the USSR… I might mention that just the murder rates of the nation’s citizens is another good indicator (66 million Christians killed by Bolshevik Jews in USSR from 1917-1949).

Fascism is about A nation and A people; and it is not communistic or internationalist. Fascism is geared to serve the host people and their traditional culture ie Spain, Italy, Germany.

USA is copying the march towards Marxism/Socialism and not fascism. We are clearly being extorted for international banker goals and Marxist initiatives and dreams of a global totalitarian atheistic agenda of Marxist multiculturalism.

By: Obama and the State of the Onion Address | Question It All Wed, 29 Jan 2014 19:48:11 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport on January 28, […]

By: Conrad Wed, 29 Jan 2014 16:54:48 +0000 Yes, Obama’s an insider, but not a Socialist. A socialist doesn’t give the peoples’ assets to the rich and powerful, he spreads them out among the people. Fascists, on the other hand, trickle the wealth created by people back to them on a subsistence basis, and keep the majority for themselves.

On MLK – FBI and the Memphis police killed him. The sad part is that the so-called Left has abdicated its responsability to bring out the truth and be a countervailing force.

Sociopaths have always run the world. Go ahead and push so-called “individualism”. The people divided are easily squashed by these Attilas. Socialism is not happening. Fascism is happening.

By: Obama and the State of the Onion Address | Wed, 29 Jan 2014 16:40:25 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport January 28, […]
