Comments on: Interview with a dead Orson Welles Fri, 31 Jan 2014 19:08:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: laughing Fri, 31 Jan 2014 19:08:24 +0000 No question imagination is the ultimate vehicle. Ever have a dream about riding a bike as a child ? Next morning, you borrow a bike, mount it and ride away, though you’d never ridden one before. I completely disagree story is unimportant, though I believe there are no new stories, just rearrangements. To say story is trivial is to blaspheme the struggles of the just against the assholes. Burroughs said there are two kinds of people, the Johnsons and the shits. The contest between the two determines how many children will have some chance to use their imaginations. Burroughs and I share admiration for Jack Black’s ” You Can’t Win”, a great story.

By: Julian Lev Thu, 30 Jan 2014 20:18:34 +0000 BTW, your silence speaks volumes. Does this mean that, when you’re dead, you’re really dead or are you just hiding out in reruns and revivals? Sorry to intrude on your personal life. Good luck in the next. Your fan. Julian Lev

By: kozandaishi Thu, 30 Jan 2014 01:22:37 +0000 I do think this is one of the best things that you’ve ever written.

By: Julian Lev Wed, 29 Jan 2014 23:52:48 +0000 Would you comment please on what you were trying to accomplish with the Other Side of the Wind? Why did it take so long not to finish before it finished you and are you still making it behind the scenes as it were? Is it intended to be a more detailed elaboration of Sunset Boulevard? Finally, is the Other Side your final statement or a restatement of Andalousian Dog with you simply dragging the piano around? Let me know. BTW, Mr. Welles, I miss you.
