Comments on: “Big government isn’t a problem, it’s those damn corporations” Wed, 05 Feb 2014 18:21:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: frank millette Wed, 05 Feb 2014 18:21:35 +0000 we have no alternative we have to impeach the president and put a new party in as soon as possible a new party altogether that will stand up for the people and save the world or we will pay a price that will be catastrophic and ending life as we know it listen to jesse ventura people or you will be Sorry anyone that cant see the writing on the wall are compete idiots the government wont save you why did they buy one point five billion rounds of hollow point ammo its to be used on the people once the bubble bursts its fucking true

By: roberta4949 Sun, 02 Feb 2014 14:58:34 +0000 big business and big politics and false religion all are pillars of the same control structure satan put in place, this is why this world is fictional in it’s thinking and actions, (tho the effects are very real)they have rejected lawful truth (from the bible no less) and replaced it with a fictional world that can be molded and changed anyway they want simply by a stroke of a pen. there words and actions are fraudenlent through and through and will lead to nothing but devine retribution, armegeddon,which is not man’s war at all but Jehovahs war against satans visible and invisible organizations. that is why true Christians are neutral in poltical and social issues as paul wrote we are ambassodors for Christ, ambassodors do not get involved in reforming governments but simply represent a different gov altogether and advocate to those who want it, God’s kingdom which is not from this world, it is heavenly and rules from there it will replace these human gov. Daniel 2:44 and there is something called community or group guilt if 100 people do something together the guilt is spread out and one individual doesn’t feel as guilty, as if one person does it by themselves. so when gov go to war the blame is spread out over all concerned and the load of guilt is spread out as well (in their minds, it is a fictional anyway)and they can shift the blame to someone else who shifts it to someone else, someone told someone else who told someone else. you get the picture, the blame is equal as far as Jehovah is concerned, ever hear of guilt by reason of association? you drive the getaway vehicle is just as guilty as the guy who pulled the trigger that killed the bank teller.

By: “Big government isn’t a problem, it’s those damn corporations”Not Exactly The News | Not Exactly The News Sat, 01 Feb 2014 08:05:19 +0000 […] Jon Rappoport’s Blog […]

By: gwencat1 Sat, 01 Feb 2014 03:33:17 +0000 Reblogged this on N.S. Alternate News.

By: OzzieThinker Sat, 01 Feb 2014 01:17:57 +0000 Jon, I have always maintained it will be when all the people cease to vote, that they, the “group consciousness”, have finally WOKEN UP!

On the subject of uncomfortable truths, I have tackled the higher level in my latest post.

By: C. Burkey Sat, 01 Feb 2014 01:14:35 +0000 Thanks a lot Jon. I’m totally depressed now.

By: activistposter Fri, 31 Jan 2014 21:49:18 +0000 Reblogged this on ActivistPoster.

By: morris kaplan Fri, 31 Jan 2014 20:22:22 +0000 dear jon,
government is corporate. individuals are classed as fictitious corporate entities designated by their all capital letter name, as are all corporations. the freeman/woman on the land was enslaved when he/she took the social security number and the all capital letter name. not knowing the difference in law, the free individual became subject to administrative law which operates on the principle; guilty until proven innocent. unable to defend themselves with the constitution and bill of rights, they were easy prey for the lywers, judges and sheriffs who work for the corporations. they are taxed, tazed and herded like sheep to the slaughter when the time is right. this is the ponzi scheme at the heart of every nation; the rich drink the milk of the poor! put flouride in the water to kill us slowly and spray us with aluminium etc. to kill us softly. the corporate death machine is tearing up the planet, what can we ant-humans do?
